He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2786 The Creepy Squid King!

"Actually, the principle is very simple... This demon fire red fox should have mastered a rather special power trick."

Pachira's voice came from the loudspeaker at the venue. As a guest in the studio, she was also obliged to explain some of the reasons for the competition to the audience.

Power Trick, which is to exchange the ability value of one's own strength and defense...

This move is quite common on the Pokémon in Johto, Tsubaki.

"But the power trick mastered by this demon fire red fox shouldn't be an exchange of attack and defense...but an exchange of physical power and special attack?"

Although Pachira is not the king of super powers, she still knows that there are some super power experts who can use some super power moves in new ways.

However, this is basically an operation that only alliance king-level experts would try. I didn't expect to see it on a young girl.

After the power trick, the special attack of the demon fire red fox became more stretched, and the physical attack became stronger.

So he directly turned into a melee mage, wielding a stick and hitting people, which caught Absolu off guard.

Listening to the explanation over the loudspeaker at the venue, Xiaozhi nodded, which was pretty much what he thought.

"As for that surprise move... it should have been copied temporarily using imitation moves."

he added.

Unknowingly, Serena has become an expert in superpower attributes that is difficult to deal with!

He doesn't like fighting with such an opponent the most!

"In short, we're off to a great start! We've successfully reached the quarterfinals!!"

Beside, a group of friends have already begun to celebrate.

When Serena returned to the audience, the stage location had been changed, and the contestants for the second round were already standing at both ends.

On one side is an old acquaintance, Tierno, whose every move is very dangerous...

Maybe I still have enough luck this time to try again.

Opposite was the contestant that had made Xiaozhi feel a little strange before, the hot girl Miss Junsha dressed in heavy makeup.

Wearing fishnet short-sleeves and super shorts, with long cyan hair hanging down... she is completely different from the usually solemn and serious police officer Junsha.

Looking at the beautiful woman on the field, a figure of a resolute man appeared in Xiaozhi's mind:

"If Teacher Gang were here, he would have rushed up and started crying like a wolf, right?"

When the battle began, the first one Tiereno sent was the chubby Raichu, while Miss Junsha... no, it should be called "Player X", sent the Thunder Beast, a common police dog in Kalos.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the police dog naturally exuded the intimidating power, which frightened Raichu and took a few steps back.

And you said you are not Junsha? !

Although it is an electric civil war, the characteristic of this thunder beast is that of a lightning rod.

"Leichu, one hundred thousand volts!!"

The hundred thousand volts unleashed by Raichu were completely absorbed by the Thunder Beast, and his own special attack ability actually increased.


Next, it was the Thunder Beast's turn to unleash a large-scale electric shock. The power was beyond what Raichu could withstand. After barely withstanding it for a few seconds, his body was blown away like a ball.

"Crazy Volt!"

Miss Junsha's command tone was strong and decisive.

This thunder and lightning beast was even covered with violent currents, and then it rushed out and slammed into Lei Qiu's belly, deciding the winner.


The latter fell backwards and simply lost the ability to fight.


The pulled Raichu once again made Pikachu in the audience shake their heads.

The second Lotte Kappa sent by Tierno also did not get much benefit.

It didn't dare to use the rain-seeking moves it was good at.

Even if Lotte Kappa can trigger the leisurely swimming characteristic in rainy weather, the speed will double...

But the thunder beast in front of him obviously mastered the "thunder" move. It would definitely hit in rainy weather, and the rain request was almost always for the other party.

With elbows on the abdomen and back, Lotte Kappa's dance tactics were not as smooth as before, and instead gave the opponent opportunities to seize.

"Crazy Volt!!"

The Thunder Beast sprinted again, with sparks and lightning all the way, and hit Lotte Kappa's chest hard, knocking the latter's bulky body away.

All of a sudden, Tierno came to a desperate situation, with only the last Pokémon left.

He had a premonition that he might be defeated today, and the look in the woman's eyes always gave him a feeling of fear.

"Damn it, Blastoise, please!!"

Gritting his teeth, Tierno sent out the last Pokémon.

Fortunately, this thunder beast continued to use Crazy Voltage, and the counter-injury it suffered has already caused huge damage to itself.

"Blastoise, water jet!!"

As soon as he took the stage, Tierno called out this preemptive move.

The water arrow turtle understood, closed its limbs, and the water flow suddenly shot out from its body!

The thick body also gives Blastoise a water jet that is more powerful than other Pokémon.

Boom! !

The jet of water hit the thunder beast head-on, sending the latter's entire body flying and falling to the ground, completely losing its ability to fight.

"Okay! Finally won a round!"

Tierno breathed a sigh of relief.

He no longer has any intention of winning this game...if he doesn't get penetrated three times, it will be considered a success!

Rounding it all off, he's already won this game.


On the opposite side, Miss Junsha silently took back the Thunder Beast and threw another Poke Ball with her backhand.


The red light fell, and this time it was the squid king who looked very sinister and dangerous.

"This Pokémon..."

Tierno came closer, and as soon as his eyes met the squid king, a shiver ran down his spine.

It's so weird. After looking at the latter for a long time, I even feel like I'm going to be hypnotized and dizzy...

During the entire game, Miss Junsha stood silently behind like a puppet, not even speaking her mind to give directions throughout the game.

Whoops! Whoops!

The Squid King in front of him has already waved his tentacles, throwing out two dangerous spiritual blades.

"Blastoise, cheer up and use your best dance to dodge!"

Tierno could only force himself to focus on the game and shouted excitedly.

The Water Arrow Turtle understood. Although his body was huge and heavy, he jumped up nimbly with his lower limbs and dodged the mental blade.


Even before landing, he slapped the ground with his arm, and the water arrow turtle did a somersault forward, the movement was unusually smooth.

"Spin at high speed!!"

Then his limbs were retracted into the turtle shell, and his body turned at high speed, rushing towards the Squid King.

In response, the Squid King just flashed and disappeared instantly.


Losing its target, the Blastoise stretches out its limbs and head again, searching for its enemy.

However, the Squid King appeared in front of it less than one meter away in an instant.

The two half-closed eyes flickered with an extremely strange light, spreading outward!


Hit by hypnosis at close range, the Water Arrow Turtle simply fell to the ground and fell asleep...

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