He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2787 The victory or defeat of Carlos’ three little ones!

Easily hypnotizing the Water Arrow Turtle, the next situation was completely controlled by this Squid King.

"Jie Jie~!"

The Squid King smiled sadly while slowly walking towards the target.

It is not suspended. Although the body of the Squid King is in an inverted shape, the original squid tentacles look like dancing hair when they reach it.

But it has bipedal-like fins underneath, allowing it to walk on the ground.

Until he came to the water arrow turtle, his tentacle arms slapped him like a slap in the face.

Snapped! Snapped! !

Not just two slaps, but two energy slashes flew out at the same time, leaving two clear white marks on the water arrow turtle's shell.

Spiritual blade! !

Immediately, starting from the Squid King's body, it spread outwards and exploded with an astonishing spiritual energy impact...

Boom boom! !

This time it was a wide-area battle force that blew the Water Arrow Turtle away.

After being hit with several powerful superpower moves, the water arrow turtle had completely lost its ability to fight before it even woke up from the hypnotic state.

"The Water Arrow Turtle has lost its ability to fight... In the second round of the top 16, Mrs.

The victory was successful, but there was almost no emotion on the face of Miss Junsha, the hot girl opposite.

"Jie Jie~"

The Squid King in front of him still narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly.

This made Tierno, who was defeated, not have time to be defeated. He only felt that he was being stared at and his whole body was chilling, so he quickly left the scene tremblingly.

"Tierono...it's okay, you've already performed very well!"

Returning to the viewing area, Shana and Doroba looked at each other and could only comfort each other softly.

However, Doropa also looked a little nervous, and his next game may follow the footsteps of Yeerno.

As for Tierno himself, he looked away after the failure, sat down on his chair, and sighed:

"Hey, it seems like I don't have any talent as a trainer... Why don't I just concentrate on singing and dancing from now on?"

His dance tactics are good for conquering the first eight gyms.

But on the stage of the alliance conference, I was frustrated at every turn!

Perhaps, arrange a weight loss package for Water Arrow Turtle and Raichu first? !

Seeing Doropa's nervous expression, Tierno laughed and patted him on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, my old friend. Anyway, I'm here to help you. You're better than me no matter what~"

Shana next to her also quickly encouraged Doropa:

"Yeah, my results in the exhibition match are just like that...there's nothing to be afraid of, just go all out!"

What was originally meant to comfort Tierno, unexpectedly turned into cheering him up.

Looking at the sincere and fiery eyes of his two childhood sweethearts, Doropa was deeply moved, and his nervousness suddenly became much less intense.

After ending that exaggerated Uncle Louis and defeating his opponent with Mega Biting Land Shark, and successfully advancing to the top 16, it was his turn in the fourth game.

Taking a deep breath, Doroba walked towards the arena with firm steps.

Soon, the fourth round of 16 came to match point.

"Mega evolve, Charizard!!"

Doropa raised a keystone and shouted.

Unlike other people who make keys into various bracelet accessories, Doroba is just original beads.


A dazzling light flashed, and his Charizard successfully completed its mega evolution. Three sharp horns protruded from the top of its head, its skin color became redder, and its body became more slender.

The wings became wider, and a pair of small fleshy wings appeared on the back of the slender arms.

"Interesting, is it the Y form of Mega Charizard?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi straightened his back quickly, Charizard was already familiar to him.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky, and sure enough, Charizard Y's new feature, sunshine, which was good at special attacks, made the arena automatically enter a sunny state.

As for Doropa's opponent, there was only one Pokémon left.

This is a trainer dressed as an insect-catching boy, also wearing a straw hat. This kind of appearance is rare in the fashionable Kalos area.

"Show them our insect will and mega evolve, Kairos!!"

Kairos, the Pokémon also known as Dajia in Xiaozhi's hometown, also glowed with dazzling light.

The next moment, mega Kairos showed a brand new attitude——

The pair of pincer horns on the top of the head became more dangerous and ferocious, and the thorn spikes on it became denser and sharper.

The carapace on the back can even be opened, revealing thin and wide yellow insect wings, allowing Kairos to fly quickly.

After mega evolution, Kairos has extra flying attributes!

"Kairos, lightning flashed!!"

Mega Kairos even spread his wings, turned into a sharp bolt of lightning and rushed out, hitting the belly of the fire-breathing dragon and knocking it back several meters.

The new feature, flying skin, allows all general attribute moves performed by mega Kairos to be converted into flying attributes, and their power is increased!

Doropa narrowed his eyes and cautiously attacked:

"Fly up and breathe fire, then a whirlpool of flames!!"

Mega Charizard Y spreads its wings and its wide wings allow it to fly much higher than Kairos.

Although his claws were still holding his tail, which had become more slender, Charizard Y opened his mouth, and the blazing flames turned into a whirlpool tornado, surrounding Mega Kairos from the air.

In terms of attributes, Charizard is obviously still dominant.

"Take out our perseverance! Kairos, use your strange power!!"

The bug-catching boy opposite was also a passionate young man, shouting loudly, and mgea Kairos in front of him had muscles all over his body bulging, and his strength was unparalleled.


A punch with strange power instantly shattered the surrounding flame vortex.

But as the flames dissipated, a powerful golden-white flame shot straight in front of him!

The big move, Overheat, is even more powerful than the Big Character Explosive Flame!

Coupled with the current mega Charizard Y form, the special attack ability is greatly improved...

Boom! !

The overheating move hit Kairos in the face, causing a huge explosion of flames!

Outstanding effect!

This scene also made the insect catching boy instantly confused, with a surprised expression fixed on his face.

As the flames and smoke dissipated, Mega Kairos' whole body was charred black, as if it was roasted, and his body was still exuding an alluring aroma of roasted insect pupae.


Kairos fell forward and exited his mega evolution state.

"Kairos has lost the ability to fight... In the fourth round of 16, Doroba player from Chaoxiang Town advances!"

The referee immediately landed on the Shield Sword Monster and announced loudly.

Hearing this, Doropa breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Charizard, who returned to normal and landed from the sky, to celebrate the victory.

"This kid... really has some skills!"

Seeing this scene, Tierno, who was in the audience, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes without leaving a trace, with mixed feelings in his heart...

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