He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2789: Infighting between male and female, Gardevoir vs Elledor!

"Big brother and third brother, how are you? How are Bulbasaur and I doing?!"

After successfully winning and entering the quarterfinals, Erping happily returned to the spectator seats and said quite proudly.

"Second brother! It's amazing! Especially Bulbasaur's fairy mode!"

Sanping gave a thumbs up, full of admiration.

Although he also has a lot of envy in his heart, he also wants to participate in the alliance conference where there are strong players everywhere.

"Second brother, don't be impatient. Now we just beat the top 16..."

Yiping, on the other hand, crossed his arms, straightened his back, and reminded with a serious face.

If this kind of alliance conference were held in their ninja village, a chuunin level would be enough to participate.

But to reach the top eight, you have to be almost at the level of a jounin...

If you want to continue to gain rankings, or even win the championship, you have to reach the level of an elite jounin.

Yi Ping had watched a lot of other people's games before, but now Er Ping's strength, reaching the quarterfinals is almost the limit... If he wants to reach the first round, it depends on his luck.

Of course, as the new leader of the village, also known as "Shadow"... it would not be a big problem if he wins this kind of competition.

It's just that as the strongest shadow in the village, in the outside world, he seems to be only the king of the alliance?

"I wonder how far I can go in the next game...and Ash."

Yiping touched his chin, lost in thought.

As for Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja, who can only restrain the transformed Koga Ninja, he has absolutely no confidence that he can win.

"Don't worry, brother...Brother, you are the only shadow-level strongman in the village, you can definitely kill!"

Erping said carelessly.

But then I thought about it, isn't it my own competition now? Why was it suddenly led to my elder brother?

"Big brother and second brother, anyway, we just need to knock out the momentum of our ninja village. In the end, the outcome is not important~"

Sanping comforted him from the side.

Yiping nodded and agreed:

"Well, second brother and third brother, in short, this is an opportunity for us to connect the ninja village with the outside world. All interests are focused on the village."

After saying that, Yiping raised his eyebrows, as if there was something wrong?

The audience sitting near the three brothers in the Ninja Village stared at these three people with puzzled expressions.

Not only are the costumes of the three of them quite weird, but each of them even carries a strange ninja sword on their back... They shouldn't suddenly pull it out and kill people, right?

And the relationship between the three of them, why is it so messy?

Who among you is the brother and who is the younger brother? You will be confused!

In the sixth round of 16, it was the turn of Rinto whose ace was Eluredo.

Opposite him was a girl named Maria, about the same age, with long purple hair, wearing a long skirt, beautiful and generous.

Ye Yibu, whose strength is not considered weak, killed Rin Dou.

However, Rinto still had two Pokémon left, but Maria had reached her end.


Her last Pokémon was Gardevoir, the same model as champion Karuni.

There is even a beautiful mega stone pendant on Gardevoir's neck, which is the same accessory as Karuni's.

"Interesting, is it Gardevoir...?"

Rin Dou rolled his eyes and originally planned to send out his second Pokémon, Lizard King, but he changed Pokémon midway.


The red light fell, and it was also a humanoid Pokémon similar to Gardevoir.

It's just that unlike Gardevoir's gentleness and femininity, Eluredo's aura is more fierce, like a swordsman holding a sword.


With a thought in Elureduo's mind, the elbow knife at the joint of his arm stretched out out of thin air, with a dangerous cold light emitting from the edge.

Both Pokémon evolved from Kirulian.

The difference is that a male must be a male, but a female is not necessarily a female.

"Mega evolution, Gardevoir (Aluredor)!"

The two of them were not polite, and both used their trump card, mega evolution.

The dazzling light fell, and at both ends of the field, Mega Gardevoir seemed to be wearing a long white lady's skirt with huge bustles. Her appearance suddenly increased her age by 10 years, and she became more noble.

Mega Elledor's elbow knife is integrated with the arm, becoming more slender and sharp, with dangerous blood lines on the edge.

Behind his back, there was also a coquettish warrior cloak, dancing in the wind.

"Gardevoir, the power of the moon!!"

Since she was currently at a disadvantage, Maria used her full strength as soon as she came up.

In terms of attributes alone, the fairy-type Gardevoir can even restrain Aluredor.

Mega Gardevoir raised his arms high, condensed a pink energy bomb, and threw it from the air.

"Spiritual Blade!"

However, Mega Elledo rushed directly towards the moonburst, and the blade on his arm was covered with a burst of sharp pink-purple luster...

Other people's spiritual blades were slashed from a distance, but Elleduo always kept the blade in his hand, jumped up, and slashed towards the moonburst falling in the air.

Boom! !

The power of the moon was split in half from the middle, and then sparked a violent energy explosion in the air.

In the pink smoke, Eluredo's figure suddenly jumped out. This time, black light attached to his palms, in the shape of sharp claws, and he went straight towards Gardevoir's face.


Maria shouted quickly, startled by her opponent's swift attack.

Fortunately, Mega Gardevoir dodged this shadow claw under extreme circumstances.

call out! call out! call out!

Immediately, the figure flashed and jumped continuously in various positions on the field, making it difficult to grasp the specific position, waiting for an opportunity to hit the astonishing power of the moon again...

"Calm down and use your mental power to sense the target!"

Rinto was obviously not a new trainer, and he quickly came up with a strategy.

His Alluredo's normal characteristic is sharpness, which can increase the power of various cutting moves.

After Mega evolved, its characteristics were transformed into spiritual power.

In addition to the characteristics of outsiders such as being immune to intimidation...literally, the vast and superb mental power can make Eluredo's perception stronger.


Mega Alureduo opened his eyes, then jumped back and headed towards an open space.

The next moment, Gardevoir's teleportation figure actually appeared there.

What greeted her was a dangerous shadow claw...

Whoops! !

Elureduo's shadow claw struck Gardevoir's face with such force that it left three long blood marks.

Mega Gardevoir suddenly felt burning pain on his face, covering his face and retreating violently.

Outstanding effect!

"Ah! Gardevoir!!"

Maria's face changed suddenly when she saw it, she exclaimed, and even had difficulty breathing for a while...

What's more important than winning or losing is that her Gardevoir doesn't get disfigured!

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