He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2790 Return, the legendary mega boss!

Although Gardevoir, who was captured and disfigured, did not lose his ability to fight, he directly lost his will to fight.


She cried and covered the scratches on her face. After letting out a scream, she ran directly back into Maria's poke ball and began to shut herself up.

"The outcome has been decided! In the 6th round of the top 16, the Rinto player will win!"

The referee immediately shouted that taking the initiative to escape back to the Poké Ball meant that he had given up.

The game ended suddenly in such a ridiculous manner, which caused a lot of discussion in the venue.

"Yeah, I can understand this feeling..."

However, the champion Karuni, who was also paying attention to the game, nodded with deep understanding.

If her Gardevoir's face was scratched, she would probably give up the fight!

So during normal battles, her Gardevoir would consciously protect her head and try not to get her face hurt...

However, when Lin Dou left the stage, he passed by Guzma from the Alola region.

He once again used the voice that the former could hear and said unceremoniously:

"Humph, this is really child's play! Do you like playing house so much?"

After saying that, he walked towards the contestant platform with steps that he did not recognize his relatives.

Lin Dou: "..."

Is this foreign friend really not seriously ill, so aggressive?

Game 7 of the top 16 was naturally Guzma's game, and his opponent was a dark-skinned, bald man.

In recent years, the number of black people in the Carlos area has increased.

By the top 16, every player was no longer weak, and the black man named Kebi was equally strong. He used a marsupial to defeat Guzma's Giant Claw Mantis.

"Tsk, you still have some strength..."

Guzma frowned. The bald black man opposite him looked more like a basketball player than a trainer.

"In that case...then destroy him completely! Armored Warrior!!"

Guzma sent his ace armored warrior.

Although it cannot use mega evolution, its majestic figure gives people a sense of oppression.

On the other side, Kebi kissed his wristband and muttered deeply:

"It's time to return, my old friend...mega evolve!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the marsupial in front of him lit up with dazzling light, and then a smaller bright light separated from its abdomen and condensed into shape.



Two screams sounded at the same time, but they saw the mega-evolved marsupial. The little marsupial in its belly jumped out and acted independently, able to fight with its mother.

The characteristic, parent-child love, allows the mega marsupial mother and child to attack together without committing a foul.

"Hey! Isn't that person the legendary trainer Kirby?!"

"Didn't you say that he has died? I accidentally fell down when I was using the flying technique..."


"That's his ace marsupial, right? Mega marsupial, I haven't seen it for a long time, I didn't expect it to finally return today!!"

Intense discussions broke out in several places around the venue.

Obviously, this black trainer named Kerby is still very famous.

Especially trainers from the older generation like Karuni and Dr. Bratano also watched in awe.

"Hmph! You're just an old guy, let's see how I destroy you!"

As a foreigner, Guzma naturally did not understand these feelings and launched the attack nonchalantly:

"A head-on blow!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the armored warrior rushed out and punched the mega marsupial in the abdomen at an extremely fast speed.

The strength was impressive, and it immediately knocked the marsupial back several meters.

However, only the big marsupial was beaten, and the small marsupial was unharmed.


After Ning Sheng let out an angry cry, the little marsupial also punched him.


A sucking fist knocked the armored warrior back, and then the mother's body flashed with a healing green light...

The characteristics of parent-child love, each attack can be hit twice, and the amplification effect and recovery effect obtained by the moves can be shared by both big and small marsupials.

But after all, it was just a young marsupial, and the strength of the second attack was not very strong, and it could not even break through the armored warrior's hard carapace.



Two marsupials, one large and one small, opened their bows from left to right, and their fists flashed with light, surrounding the armored warrior.

"Enhancement punch!!"

Kebi shouted, the enhancement punch with the parent-child love characteristic can get double boost!

Rounding it all off, it’s equivalent to one enhanced punch, which can produce the terrifying effect of a sword dance!

"Hey, I know..."

However, Guzma smiled coldly and had already found a way to crack the love between parents and children.

He noticed that the little marsupial was always eager to attack, but the eyes of the marsupial mother always fell on the little marsupial, always caring about the comfort of her children.

Although it is a mega evolution, if the child that has been in the belly bag suddenly runs out, no matter what, you will be worried.

"In this case, armored warrior, use Hell Thrust... aim at the small marsupial!!"

Guzma shouted fiercely.

The armored warrior understood, and his arms formed a spike shape, with a dangerous black light attached to them.

Then he rushed directly in the direction of the small marsupial!


Naturally, the little marsupial dodges nimbly, but the mother and son of the marsupial are already in a state of confusion, and the enhanced fist in their hands can no longer hold up their luster.

She would even take the initiative to block moves that the little marsupial could dodge.

Boom! !

This also allowed the armored warrior to stab the marsupial's throat with his Hell Thrust move, causing a critical hit!

"Damn it, you're so mean!"

Kebi couldn't help but yelled angrily.

It was a rare occasion for him to come back and meet such a despicable opponent. The fury of hell in his chest was about to burst out!

"Hey, the water breaks!"

However, Guzma still sneered again and again, completely finding the flaw of the mega marsupial.

The water flow broke and hit the small marsupial again, but the mother marsupial took the initiative to meet it, her movements were chaotic.


The powerful water blade struck the big marsupial on the chest again. Water splashed everywhere, knocking it back several meters.

Without the strong attack of the big marsupial in front, the supplementary attack of the small marsupial is completely useless.

The latter rushed forward with a milky voice and waved his fists.


But he was kicked by the armored warrior and kicked away like a ball!

This scene made the big marsupial extremely distressed, but the armored warrior once again found an opportunity, and the second water burst hit it in the face again.

After several critical strikes in a row, the mega marsupial finally couldn't withstand it anymore.


Its figure collapsed suddenly, and the little marsupial was suddenly disoriented. It ran back to its mother with a howl and got into the belly bag.

It's probably because of the shadow of childhood.

"The marsupial lost its ability to fight...so the game was won by the Guzma player from the Alola region!"

The referee immediately shouted, bringing the game to an end.

(I heard that xy is going to be remastered? Or is it an expansion pack or something... Anyway, congratulations!)

If you are interested, you can read the book written by a group of friends. The title of the book is "Elf: With the strength of a champion, I just want to teach and educate people"

Introduction: After defeating Mikri in the PWT World Championship, the Arceus mobile phone in his hand finally released the first task.

From "encountering various Pokémon" to "making more and more people like Pokémon"

As a champion gatekeeper, Li Yunyi said that he only wants to be a teacher who teaches and educates people.

But why do all my students look so familiar?

Not only that, but they usually have to help with their respective affairs after class.

Why did the Rockets appear in Yuejian Mountain and the Manjin City radio station was occupied?

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