He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2791 Civil War in Chaoxiang Town, Serena vs. Doropa! (superior

The last game of the round of 16 was not a big deal.

The winning team was a trainer dressed as a rock singer. He was young, dressed in punk style, with exaggerated makeup on his face, and even his hair was permed into a ponytail.

As for his Pokémon, Xiaozhi couldn't help but take a few more glances...

It’s also a Pikachu!

However, this Pikachu seemed to have hyperthyroidism. It was extremely excited the whole time and couldn't stop jumping up and down.

There are also rare spiky hairs on the head.

"Well done, spiky boy~!"

The trainer named Jimmy grabbed the electric guitar in his hand and strummed it hard, causing the electric sound to explode.

"Pip Pika!!"

The spiky-haired Pikachu seemed to be shocked by electricity, and his whole body twitched and screamed.

The rather funny scene made the venue burst into laughter.



This scene made Ash and Pikachu in the audience shake their heads.

Then Xiaozhi couldn't help but look down at the top of Pikachu's head in his arms. The hair at this location was quite sparse...

Strictly speaking, should my Pikachu be bald?

The top 16 rounds are all over, and the contestants who successfully reached the top eight are Serena, Doroba, and the funny punk musician Jimmy.

Use Luigi who bites the land shark, "Mrs.

"Looking at it this way... Serena really might win the championship!"

Xiaozhi sat in the audience seat and analyzed secretly.

It is true that the players in this year's Miare Conference are all very good...but none of them are particularly outstanding.

It's the violent Guzma. Although his attack style is fierce and he often knocks people into the ICU, Xiaozhi doesn't find it difficult to deal with him.

As long as a flaw is found, the armored warrior will not be unable to defeat it.

It’s almost half-step to the king.

"Maybe Serena can really win the championship with one blow!"

In another part of the venue, Dr. Buratano's eyes gradually brightened.

He also chose to put his treasure on Serena...

Their institute has won two conferences in a row. This is a great event for our ancestors!

"Serena? This little girl's strength is indeed good, and her adaptability is also outstanding..."

Next to her, the champion Karuni nodded. She displayed both beauty and strength perfectly on the field, and even the ace was a red fox.

Serena reminded her of the Kalos Queen, Elle.

"By the way, Buratano, Fradali seems to be acting weird lately. Why don't you find some time to help him guide...?"

Kaluni suddenly changed the topic and said with half-lidded eyes.

One is a domineering and cold CEO, and the other is a gentle and melancholy doctor.

If the picture of these two people standing together...

Buratano: “…”

Why was there something weird about the way Kaluni looked at him?

After the top 16 matches, the quarterfinals followed, with little downtime in between.

"The first quarter-finals match is between player Serena from Chaoxiang Town and player Doroba from Chaoxiang Town!"

The first scene was the internal fighting in Chaoxiang Town, which cheered up many spectators at the venue.

Both are new trainers who have just started traveling this year, but they are both very capable and interesting.

"Ah! Are you so unlucky? We bumped into Serena-chan in the first game!"

Shana, who was sitting in the spectator seats, clapped her eyes and lamented.

"Uh, I don't know which side to cheer for..."

Tierno beside him was also very distressed.

On one side is his childhood sweetheart, on the other side is the goddess of his dreams...

Forget it, let’s just watch the show this time!

"Is the opponent Doropa... Serena should have no problem."

On the other side of the spectator seats, Xiaozhi had full confidence in Serena.

Soon, the two of them were standing on both ends of the field, and the ground in the middle was switched to a rocky environment, with a river flowing in the middle as a dividing line.

Serena and Doropa stared at each other closely, obviously both of them had been looking forward to this game before.


On the display electronic screen high up, under the heads of the two people, the patterns of six elf balls lit up at the same time.

In the quarter-finals, the number of Pokémon used by the players suddenly reached six!

"Please, turtle-footed giant armor!!"

"Come on, Mrs. Hua Jie!!"

Serena's starter is the powerful but ugly turtle-footed giant armor.

As for Doropa's Lady Hua Jie, she was like a noble queen, floating in the sky, looking down at the turtle-footed giant armor.

"Turtle-footed giant armor, poisonous attack!!"

Serena was still very familiar with Pokémon like Mrs. Huajie, and immediately launched an attack with outstanding results.

"It's useless, Mrs. Hua Jie, magic leaf!!"

However, Mrs. Hua Jie rose into the air, raised her hand and condensed countless green leaves, all of which flew out.

Facing the dense magic leaves, the turtle-footed giant armor could only continuously wave its barnacle claws to split the flying leaves.

call out…!

However, some magic leaves still bypassed the sharp claws, leaving clear scratches on the giant turtle-footed armor.

The effect is remarkable!

The turtle-footed giant armor with water + rock attributes is restrained four times by grass-attribute moves.

"No, is your strength still a bit lacking?"

Serena frowned, and immediately took out the Poke Ball to take back the giant turtle-footed armor.

"It's not that simple, use the charming voice!"

Doropa raised his hand and spoke first.

Mrs. Hua Jie raised her hands and sang softly, her beautiful singing voice still carrying the power of enchantment.

Charming Voice was originally just a low-power move with the fairy attribute, which is roughly equivalent to a water gun with a water attribute, a flame with a fire attribute...

At this moment, Mrs. Hua Jie was forced to act like a black gaze.


The red light of the elf ball shot by Serena landed on the turtle-footed giant armor, and was actually bounced away.

Retrieval failed!

Even the huge body of the turtle-footed giant armor began to stagger on the spot and dance.

Doropa was not polite about this and immediately shouted:

"Now, energy ball!!"

After finishing her words, Mrs. Hua Jie raised her hands to gather energy, and an emerald green energy ball quickly took shape and was thrown straight towards the target.

Boom boom! !

The turtle-footed giant armor had no time to dodge, and the energy ball hit his chest, causing an energy explosion.

The effect is remarkable!

The four times restrained move directly blew the giant turtle-footed armor away and fell heavily in front of Serena.

"Turtle feet..."

As the smoke and dust dissipated, the eyes on the head of the giant turtle-footed armor and the sharp-clawed palms had turned into circles, completely losing its ability to fight.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of this game, Serena's side lost a general first.

Xiaozhi: "..."

He finally figured out that the frequency of this giant turtle-footed armored cannon fodder was quite high recently.

Is it because the name also contains the word "turtle"...?

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