He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2792 Civil War in Chaoxiang Town, Serena vs. Doropa! (middle

"Fortunately, the turtle-footed giant armor..."

It was a bad start, but Serena's face didn't change much. She raised her hand to put back the giant turtle-footed armor.

She had a vague feeling...

It seems that every time his turtle-footed giant armor loses first, then the next game will go particularly smoothly?

Some strange rules similar to sacrificing cannon fodder?

Serena quickly shook her head to dispel this weird thought. She didn't mean to give it away.

Then he looked at the orange-haired boy in front of him... During this period of travel in the Kalos region, not only did he improve, Doropa also became stronger.

"In that case...the Ice and Snow Dragon, the decision is yours!!"

Serena sent in her own fossil Pokémon backhand.

Moreover, this ice and snow dragon quickly rose through the levels with Xiao Zhi, and she subconsciously used Xiao Zhi's mantra.

As soon as the ice and snow dragon appeared, the snowfall characteristic was activated, and snowflakes began to fall all around.

"Mrs. Hua Jie, energy ball!!"

Ignoring the changes in the surrounding weather, Doropa took the initiative to attack. In terms of attributes, his wife Huajie was still in an advantage.

Or maybe...it's because the ice and snow dragon's attributes are too extreme.

It is restrained by a total of six attributes: earth, rock, water, grass, grid, and steel, and even the fighting and steel attributes are four times restrained!

"Ice and Snow Dragon, use freezing light!!"

However, the giant ice and snow dragon opened its mouth, and a sharp beam of ice light suddenly shot out, directly piercing and destroying the energy ball from the middle, and attacked Mrs. Hua Jie with endless stamina.

"Hua Jie..."

The latter quickly levitated up and could barely avoid it.

Mrs. Hua Jie turned her head and saw that on a rock behind her, the freezing light directly froze it into ice rock, which showed how powerful it was.

"In that case... blizzard!!"

Serena launched attacks continuously, this time it was a simple and crude ultimate move.

The pink and yellow fan-shaped fins on the head and neck of the giant ice and snow dragon fluttered, blowing forward a violent storm, mixed with endless wind and snow.

Coupled with the snowy weather surrounding it, most of the stadium was covered by a blizzard for a while.

"Hua Jie..."

Mrs. Hua Jie was also hit by the large-scale blizzard, her body kept falling backwards, and many parts were frozen and covered with ice chips.

The blizzard even affected the trainers behind. Doropa was so cold that his teeth were chattering, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Don't lose to it, the power of the moon!!"

Mrs. Hua Jie tried to cheer herself up in the wind and snow, raised her hands, and the moonlight energy condensed into a pink energy bomb above her head, and hit the huge dinosaur in the wind and snow.

The ice and snow dragon does not have the ability to hide in the snow. Its huge size makes it almost invisible in the wind and snow, making it easy to aim.

It was just that the moonbursts were flowing unimpeded along the way, and the ice and snow dragon didn't seem to want to dodge, which made Doropa frown.

The next moment, after hearing Serena's voice, his expression suddenly changed:

"Now, mirror reflection!"

The power of the moon hit the ice and snow dragon hard, but the latter's high durability meant that it was hardly injured.

Instead, the body glowed with a strange light, and finally turned into a violent pink beam of light, which was suddenly reflected!

It can easily withstand the power of the moon...

But can Mrs. Hua Jie's durability withstand an attack twice as powerful?

Boom! !

The mirror-reflected beam was so fast that Mrs. Hua Jie had no time to dodge, and her body was penetrated by the pink beam!

As the light beam dissipated, its body became like a piece of white paper, falling lightly from the sky...

"Even the game back!"

Serena clapped her arms and shouted happily.

"Excellent performance, Mrs. Hua Jie..."

Doropa took back Mrs. Huajie and looked a little ugly.

The ice and snow dragon in front of me is very powerful, has high durability, and has a super-fast mirror reflection trick...

"In that case, Wrestling Eagle Man, prepare to fight!!"

Doropa sent back an eagle-headed Pokémon standing on the ground with two feet. It was not that big, and its body was covered with feathers of several colors. It stood like a coquettish wrestler.

Although the flying attribute of the Wrestling Eagle is restrained by the opponent...but the powerful fighting attribute moves can restrain the opponent four times!

Take a gamble!

"Wrestling Eagle Man, fly and press hard!"

At first glance, it is a classic move of the wrestling eagle, which has the dual attributes of fighting and flying.


The wrestling eagle spread its wings, then stepped on the ground and leaped into the sky more than ten meters high.

Although the Wrestling Eagle Man still has wings, he has actually lost the ability to fly normally and can only use his feathered wings to glide quickly.

call out…!

Its body was moving at high speed in the air, covered with a layer of agile and fierce green light energy. It was so small and so big that it was about to crush the giant ice and snow dragon under it!

Serena's response was very concise:

"Now, use electromagnetic waves!"

Taking advantage of the opponent's swooping attack, the ice and snow dragon raised its head and threw out a grid-like electromagnetic wave with its backhand.

Hit on the spot!


The originally handsome movements of the wrestling hawk were instantly thrown into chaos, and a violent numbness spread throughout his body, making him unable to even control the direction of his dive under the weight of his flying body, and he crashed into the open ground.

Serena raised the corner of her mouth, raised her finger and shouted:

"It's our turn, use Taishan to push the top!!"

The ice and snow dragon's attacks are not that flashy.

He just used his high weight to step on it!

Boom boom! !

The giant ice and snow dragon stepped forward on all four legs and stepped on the paralyzed Wrestling Eagle Man who was lying on the ground. The ground was shaking violently...

By the time the giant ice and snow dragon lifted its feet and left, a small pit had broken out in that area.


The Wrestling Eagle was even hit by the dimensionality reduction, turning into a two-dimensional piece of paper and lying there, completely losing consciousness.

After successive successes, the situation instantly became unfavorable to Doropa.

Serena, on the other hand, became more and more comfortable in fighting, and the expression on her face became more and more confident.

"As expected of a specially trained ice and snow dragon...Thank you, Xiaozhi!"

After secretly thanking Xiaozhi in her heart, Serena suddenly took back the ice and snow dragon with her backhand.

Let's put the ice and snow dragon behind first, then the next one...

"Please, Bully Panda!!"

Serena has sent another warrior!

A cute and pretty little girl is paired with a turtle-footed giant armor and a huge and vicious Pokémon like Bully Panda. The contrast amazed many viewers.

"Evil roar!!"

Faced with the ferocious aura of the bully panda, he even roared violently at himself as soon as he appeared on the stage, which made Doropa couldn't help but take a step back.

"It's over. This guy Doropa has been completely suppressed in terms of momentum..."

In the stands, Tierno was sweating for his good friend.

It would probably be even worse if he faced off against the goddess.

For a moment, Tierno felt a little lucky that he was eliminated first...?

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