He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2793 Civil War in Chaoxiang Town, Serena vs. Doropa! (Down

"Please, Mount Goat!"

Doropa's third Pokémon is a mount goat, which is quite common among the Carlos trainers.

The area of ​​Carlos is full of rugged mountains and hills, and traveling on a goat is more convenient.

"Use wooden horns!"

Facing the menacing bully panda, the mount goat lowered its head and charged, with a sharp green light attached to the corner of its head, and it hit the former's chest hard.

The slender wooden horns even pierced the hair on the surface, causing the bully panda to scream in pain and take a few steps back.

Boo hoo hoo…!

The wooden horn also has the effect of sucking blood, and the mount goat's body lights up with a burst of healing green light.

But then the bully panda grinned, showing an arrogant look, and forced himself to hold on.

"Catch it!"

Following Serena's command, Bully Panda stretched out both palms and hugged the side of the goat's mount.

Taking advantage of the situation, he used his strength to lift it directly into the air.


With its four legs dangling in the air, the goat could only flutter and shake in the air, causing the originally calm animal to become instantly confused.

The Bully Panda suddenly exerted force, raised it above his head, and then smashed it to the ground with all his strength!

Boom! !

The force was so fierce that the ground was shaking violently.

At this moment, Serena's eyes were sharp and her tone became much more tyrannical:

"End the battle in one go, use Flame Fist!!"

The bully panda understood, and raised the two bear paws again, this time igniting flames with a "boom".

Immediately, his two fists and flame fists hit the goat in front of him!

You must know that Bully Panda's characteristic is still an iron fist. The power of this flaming fist is no joke.

Boom! !

A violent explosion of flames instantly rose from the spot, and the effect was outstanding!

When the smoke dissipated, the mount goat had fallen there, and its body was as black as a roasted whole lamb, exuding a faint fragrance.

Even the bully panda, who usually eats bamboo, couldn't help but lick his lips, feeling a little hungry.

"Come back quickly!"

Doropa quickly took back the roasted mount goat, and then sent his fourth Pokémon backhand.

This time it was a petite, upright cat with a rather cool temperament.

A super-powered Mew, and a female that is better at attacking. The hair on her face and belly is white.

Although its attributes are at a disadvantage compared to the Bully Panda, its small size and nimbleness give it an advantage in terms of speed.

"Hell Thrust!"

Serena's attack was merciless. The black light thrust from the Bully Panda's fist was almost bigger than Super Miaomiao's entire body!


Naturally, this female super-powerful meow disappeared nimbly and suddenly appeared behind the bully panda.

"Zhenqi bomb!"

Raising his little hand above his head, he quickly condensed an orange energy bomb and threw it up.

Boom boom!

However, the bully panda turned around and punched him violently, smashing him in the air. The power of the iron fist was so terrifying.

But before the surrounding smoke and dust completely dissipated, a dazzling pink ball suddenly rushed out, broke through the smoke, and hit the bully panda head-on in the chest!

Outstanding effect!

The impact of Super Miaomiao's playful impact was not weak at all. It hit the bully panda's head so hard that it jumped back several meters. The last knee fell to the ground, obviously suffering a lot of damage!

Doropa, the super-powerful cat, is surprisingly powerful.

"Good opportunity, Super Miaomiao, use the Chi Bomb!"

Super Miaomiao raised his two little hands, and the deep energy quickly condensed into a ball shape again, ready to completely defeat the opponent...

At the critical moment, Serena still did not choose to give up the attack:

"It's not that simple, bullet punch!"

The bully panda struggled to stand up, clenching its paws tightly, and its black and white body surface was faintly covered with a layer of silver metallic light!

Despite its bulky body, its speed still surged several times in an instant. The bullet punch's offensive turned into a stream of silver light, and it successfully got ahead of the opponent's attack and punched it hard.


The bullet punch hit Super Miaomiao's face, and his body was almost dented.

The blessing of the iron fist's characteristics makes this bullet punch far more powerful than ordinary preemptive moves!


But even though his body was smashed and flew out, Super Miaomiao still smashed out the formed Qi bomb!

The Bully Panda, who threw out his fist with all his strength, also lost the ability to dodge, and his head was also hit head-on by the Qi Bomb, and the effect was outstanding!

Although it has a fighting attribute, Bully Panda can also be restrained by fighting attribute moves.

The two moves hit each other one after another, and the two figures, one large and one small, flew backwards towards the two ends of the field, and did not stop until they fell in front of their respective trainers.

"Meow..." "Uh-ba..."

Super Miaomiao and Bully Panda lost their ability to fight at the same time.

In the electronic version of the player information above, it can be said that Doroba's disadvantage is quite obvious.

There are a total of six Pokémon, four of which have been dimmed. On the other hand, Serena only extinguished two...

"We can only fight to the death, fossil pterosaur!!"

Doropa's face was extremely stern. His fifth Pokémon was a gray-purple, fierce-looking pterosaur.

Fossil Pterosaur, the only Pokémon in the world called a Fossil Pterosaur.

When Xiaozhi first started traveling, the version was still an ultra-rare Pokémon, but now with the popularization of fossil resurrection technology around the world, fossil Pokémon such as Fossil Helm and Ammonite have long been on the streets.

Even the fossil pterosaurs are just a little rarer than ordinary Pokémon, so there's nothing to make a fuss about.

And this fossil pterosaur is the Pokémon that was resurrected from the mysterious amber excavated in the Shining Cave early in Doropa's travels. He joined the team very early, so it is also the highest level in his team except Charizard. The strongest existence.

"Fossil pterosaur... In that case, prepare to fight, Tanabata Blue Bird!"

Serena also sent out her flying Pokémon with a backhand, and as soon as she appeared, she raised her arm and tapped on the Keystone bracelet.

In the gorgeous brilliance, the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird spread its wings and spread its wings. In the air, there are more cotton feathers on its body, and its momentum becomes more awe-inspiring and inviolable!

"Mega Tanabata Bluebird..."

Doropa and even his fossil pterosaur were shocked by the momentum of the Tanabata Blue Bird.

Although Fossil Pteranodon is also a Pokémon that can undergo mega evolution, you can only choose one in a game. Doropa decided to leave this ability to the ace Charizard.

But he also knew that this Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird was not Serena's trump card...

His fossil pterosaur might be able to win!

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