He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2794 Civil War in Chaoxiang Town, Serena vs. Doropa! (end

"Primal power!"

As soon as it came up, the fossil pterosaur condensed several rocks and threw them out.

However, Serena's command shocked Doroba.

She even made a fist-pumping gesture on the platform:

"Crash with all your strength and risk your life!"

The mega Tanabata Blue Bird's wings trembled and it rushed straight towards the fossil pterosaur.

In the process, the whole body is covered with dazzling pink light, and the offensive continues to rise...

The self-sacrifice collision with the addition of the fairy skin makes this attack as powerful as the ultimate impact!

Bang Bang Bang! !

It was even more unstoppable along the way, and the boulders thrown by the primitive force were easily smashed into powder by the collision.

"Use high-speed movement to avoid it!"

Doropa was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and quickly ordered to dodge.

Such an unreasonable attack, even if the fossil pterosaur's characteristic is a rock head, the skull will probably be broken!

Fortunately, the Fossil Pteranodon was a high-speed Pokémon and quickly took to the air to dodge.

And it flew continuously at high speed, constantly adjusting the attack angle around the Qixi Bluebird...

"Sharp stone attack!"

This time, the fossil pterosaur condensed countless sharp stone blades and attacked again. The power was several levels stronger than the previous primitive power.

Serena's words were even more shocking and she shouted directly:

"Use Ultimate Impact!!"

With the characteristics of fairy skin, Qixi Bluebird itself is also a highly durable type... In this case, just use the big move to bomb without thinking!

"Well, it suits me very well!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi nodded with great satisfaction.

Serena now has an infinite advantage in the situation. It can be said that she has already secured victory in this quarter-final match, but there is no need to play so cautiously.

If you are stronger than the opponent, then you can simply crush them and be done with it.

Mega Tanabata Blue Bird understood and rushed out again. This time, it was covered with a layer of spiral shock wave energy coat.


And with the addition of the fairy skin, the spiral coat turns into a gorgeous pink color, and its power is even greater!

The elf skin's sacrificial attack is as powerful as the ultimate impact.

So what about the ultimate impact of the Fairy Skin?

Boom boom boom…! !

The terrifying power turned the oncoming sharp stone attacks into powerless pebbles, which were easily crushed.

The astonishing deterrence even shocked the sky overlord, and he was stunned for a while.

Until, the Fairy Skin·Ultimate Impact comes before us...

Boom boom! !

The Mega Tanabata Bluebird's offensive hit the fossil pterosaur, causing a majestic explosion in mid-air!


Many viewers even heard the sound of bones cracking, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

In the air, the fossil pterosaur's figure quickly fell vertically and fell unconscious.

On the other side, the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird still spreads its wings in the sky, showing its majestic and majestic appearance!

"Only the last one left..."

At this point, Doropa's extremely tense face suddenly relaxed a lot.

Before, he was still thinking about a desperate counterattack... but now his hope has been completely cut off. Even if his Charizard comes out with a special attack +6, it will be difficult to defeat all of Serena's remaining four Pokémon.

"Then finally, just do your best, Charizard!"

Doroba threw the last elf ball. Without the constraints of victory or defeat, he could concentrate on enjoying the fun of the alliance meeting.


Watching the change in her opponent's expression from a distance, Serena couldn't help but curl her lips slightly and feel relieved.

The look on Doropa's face just now made her really afraid that she would be stunned...

"But I won't leave the final victory to you!"

Serena responded with high morale, and then took back the Qixi Blue Bird with her backhand.

Seeing that her opponent's ace Charizard had already appeared, she did not hesitate and also sent in her ace Demon Fire Red Fox.

Although the fire-breathing dragon has fire + flying, if you send out the super-armored rhinoceros, you should be able to easily deal with the enemy.

A single rock cannon can probably determine the winner...

"Please, Demon Fire Red Fox, don't leave any regrets!"

"We too, Charizard, fight with all our strength!!"

Doropa also entered the fighting state. The demon fire red fox has no mega evolution ability.

Even if you can't win the game today... then defeating this demonic red fox will be considered a success!


The dazzling light lit up over the arena again, and Doropa's Charizard entered the Mega Charizard Y form!

In fact, the scorching sunlight enveloped the entire venue, and the characteristics of sunlight automatically caused a sunny day.

However, for the two Fire Pokémon, they are both strengthened, which does not mean much.

No, it can torture the audience who chose seats closer to them. Before the beating started, their faces were already feeling the burning heat...

"Charizard (demon fire red fox), big characters Explosive Flame!!"

At the beginning of the battle, both sides were blasting each other with big fire moves. Especially with the bonus of the sunny weather, today's big characters "Flame" were particularly eye-catching and huge.

Boom! !

The collision of moves not only scattered flames and debris, but also blew hot wind around!

But after all, Charizard has been upgraded through mega evolution, and its power is even greater. The center of the explosion of the flame is shifted to the position of the demon fire red fox...

"Wall of light!"

However, Serena directly used her best wall-opening tactic, the transparent wall of light propped up by the demon fire red fox with her backhand, which suddenly reduced the intensity of the special attack's vaginal spray by more than half.

"In that case, let's use Shadow Claw!!"

With the cover of the hot wind, Doroba actually gave up the special attack move that Y spray is good at. The latter turned his wings and launched a melee offensive towards the demon fire red fox.

Even intelligent matching, it also masters ghost moves with outstanding effects!


However, Serena's response was light, leaving Doroba with strength but nowhere to use it.


The figure of the demon fire red fox disappeared instantly, and mega Charizard Y's shadow claw flew into the air.

"Psychic shock!"

Even with his backhand, the Demon Fire Red Fox waved his wooden staff and threw out countless energy gravels, which exploded behind the fire-breathing dragon accurately and continuously!

Mega Charizard Y was about to react and release a bunch of dragon waves, but was directly thrown by the demon fire red fox with a strange light that blinded his face and entered a dizzy state...

It’s a completely one-sided situation!

"Has Serena's strength begun to awaken... Suddenly suppressing Doropa like this?"

In the spectator seats, Korni couldn't help but exclaimed.

I feel that if my mega Lucario goes up, it will be suspended.

"Serena's Demon Fire Red Fox has always been very powerful, much better than her other Pokémon."

Beside him, Xiaozhi nodded and commented sharply.

It's just that the opponent I usually compare myself to is my Koga Ninja, so naturally he seems mediocre...

In addition, in the last game, the demon fire red fox was too restrained by the opponent's mega Absolu and could not exert much power at all.

But now that the attributes are not restrained, the power of Serena and the Demon Fire Red Fox can be fully demonstrated!

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