He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2795 About Karumu’s past

This quarterfinal match has come to an end.

"Charizard, big words bursting with flames!"

"Demon Fire Red Fox, so are we, with big characters bursting into flames!"

The two flame Pokémon once again unleashed each other's ultimate moves, and the two flaming giants simultaneously headed towards the center of the arena.

Boom! !

A huge flame explosion rose. At the beginning of the game, the frontal power of the Y spray still had a clear advantage. However, now the two large-character explosions are completely evenly matched.

Mega Charizard Y's power is actually declining!

"Charizard, use Storm!!"

Doropa hasn't given up yet. The power of using the storm in the Y spray state at this moment is also quite terrifying.

Serena responded lightly:

"I won't let you use it...the mental force, seize it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon fire red fox waved his wooden staff towards the void ahead. In an instant, the body of the fire-breathing dragon was attached to the blue light and was restrained in mid-air.

To unleash a storm, you need to flap your wings vigorously...

At this moment, even the waving of the wings is locked, and the moves cannot be released at all.

Doropa wiped away his sweat and felt his heart beating wildly. He immediately changed his strategy.

"In that case, Sunshine Flame!!"

When Y spray casts the sun's blazing flames, he doesn't need to open his mouth or flap his wings.


Even though the fire-breathing dragon was restrained in the air, with a charged roar, a ball of white-green light still condensed out of thin air above its head.


As if there was an extra sun on top of the Y nozzle, a blazing laser beam suddenly shot towards the target. The attack was extremely fast, triggering a violent energy explosion near the demon fire red fox, and succeeded.

Serena also wiped her sweat, she was indeed not an easy opponent.

"You haven't given up at this point...? Use mental power!!"

The sun's blazing flames did not do much harm to the Demon Fire Red Fox. The latter's wooden staff poked out from the smoke and dust, and then its superb and profound telekinesis bound the Charizard to death again.

boom! boom! boom!

Not giving Charizard a chance to launch another offensive, the Demon Fire Red Fox waved his wooden staff up and down, and the figure of Charizard in front of him also continued to hit the ground, was picked up again, and continued to hit the ground...

"End the battle, big words burst into flames!!"

The final finishing move still uses the big character explosion as the finishing skill. The blazing flame condenses into the shape of characters in front of the wooden staff, and rushes out with billowing hot wind!

The fire-breathing dragon was dizzy due to the strong mental force. He fell to the ground and had no time to defend himself.

When Doroba saw this scene, his expression also froze.


A majestic explosion of flames arose from the Charizard's body, and the entire arena was blown by the scalding hot wind.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, in the ruins of the arena, Charizard Y still had his eyes turned white, his body lit up with light, he exited his mega-evolved posture, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Charizard has lost the ability to fight! Since all six Pokémon of Doroba player have lost the ability to fight, Serena from Asaka Town will advance to the first quarterfinals!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately shouted loudly, bringing an end to the civil war in Chaoxiang Town.

With the sound of cheers like a torrent and tsunami in the venue, Doropa seemed to be completely unable to hear it. He walked to his Charizard with a wry smile and rubbed the latter's head.

"Already performed very well, Charizard...this is our current limit."

Being able to reach the quarterfinals in the first league conference should be considered a good achievement, right?

"What a great fight!"

Beside him, Serena had already walked over, with a bright smile on her pretty face, and stretched out her palm towards Doroba.

Doropa couldn't help but be infected by the smile in front of him, and his cheeks turned slightly red.

Perhaps in the future, the person who regards Serena as a goddess will not only mention Yerno.

So he smiled and shook his hands, and then solemnly said:

"Then keep going, Serena, and win the championship! I know you can do it!"

In this league conference, Serena's strength is gradually awakening in each battle... maybe she can win the first championship trophy for Chaoxiang Town! ?

Wait a minute, it doesn’t seem to be the first one?

Doropa couldn't help but lower his head and think about it. He vaguely remembered that Chaoxiang Town had a conference winning trophy a few years ago...?

Doropa was not the only one who was moved by Serena's hearty and bright smile.

At this moment, we are far away in Chaoxiang Town, in a two-story private house.

The TV in the living room was turned on, and a brown-haired boy in blue pajamas was staring at the screen.

Especially the match of the Miare Conference was being broadcast live above, and it was fixed on the scene of Serena smiling lightly.


This young man of the same age seemed to be infected by this smile, staring closely at the screen, with a bit more brilliance in his gloomy eyes.


At this time, the door opened and a woman with blond perm walked in.

After seeing her son watching TV in the living room, she was so frightened that her eyes widened, and she hugged her face as if she had seen a ghost and exclaimed:

"Ah, Karumu! Why did you come out?!"

Then I was overjoyed that my son finally walked out of the room!

Her genius son made his debut as a trainer when he was 6 years old. He is extremely talented and even won the Miare Tournament's winning trophy when he was 7 years old.

At that time, he was the most popular fighting genius in the entire Kalos region!

Let anyone guess his subsequent growth trajectory. Basically, he will be the king of the league at the age of 8, the regional champion at the age of 9, and break out of the earth at the age of 10...

It's just that Karumu's terrifying talent does not have a corresponding mature mentality.

Holding the championship trophy that was almost the same height as himself and being interviewed by countless media reporters, the 7-year-old Karumu was completely panicked.

Especially some reporters who just want to attract attention, forcibly capture his ace marsupial, the little marsupial in the belly bag and take pictures...

You must know that the baby marsupial only has the courage to leave its mother and take action after accepting the power of mega evolution.

The dazzling flash not only frightened the baby marsupial, but also created a huge psychological shadow on the 7-year-old Karumu.

From then on, he became depressed and completely autistic. He locked himself in his room and never touched anything related to the battle again.

Even the team that won the championship at that time has been frozen in a computer box for five years.

Karumu's mother subconsciously looked at the screen. At this moment, the screen showed a close-up of Serena's victory. There were also many reporters surrounding her after the game, vying for interviews.

And Serena is like a performer born in front of the spotlight. She accepted the interview gracefully, with a natural expression and no panic at all.

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