He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2796 Carlos will be reincarnated next year

"Ah, isn't this Serena?!"

Karumu's mother naturally knew Serena, whose home was almost next to theirs.

But the room next door is naturally empty now.

I heard that Serena seemed to have shown the same fighting talent as Karumu before, and now Saki next door went to Miare City to cheer her daughter on.

"Uh... do you know Serena?"

Karumu's mother asked tentatively.

Although the two families are close to each other, she and Sachi are the only ones who are familiar with each other. Karumu, who has always sealed himself in the room, must have never seen Serena, right?

The screen on the TV changed, and it was already the introduction of the second quarter-finals. There was also an uncle dressed strangely, who should be the next contestant, so Karumu also withdrew his eyes.

Immediately, his eyes settled down, and his pupils had regained their former look:

"Anyway...you don't need to worry about me anymore, mom."

His voice was a little hoarse, and he could almost count on one hand the words Karumu had said in the past few years.

But after hearing the words, the eyes of the woman next to him were already moist. It seemed that her son was finally back!

And looking at the look in Karumu's eyes at this moment, is it possible that he wants to embark on the path of a trainer again?

She is still a little resistant to this. The experience of becoming famous at a young age has made her son like this, so he might as well not be that trainer!

However, Karumu just shook his head and stretched:

"I will still become a trainer, but... not now."

Karumu looked at the Miare Conference where the battle was about to start again on the screen. He already had his own plans in mind, and even his tone became much firmer:

"But I have to stay at home for another year, and next year will be the day of re-enactment. That is also the best day for me to leave Chaoxiang Town again!"

It's only 2024 now, and Carlos' reappearance will be in 2025...

There is still one year left, so there is no need to rush!


What about this year, next year, the date of re-engraving... I don’t understand it at all!

It's over. My son won't be autistic for a long time, and his brain will be damaged, right? !

Karumu didn't explain much, turned around and went upstairs to his room.

Through the staggered door, he saw Karumu taking off his pajamas and putting on a dark blue dress. His mother was relieved.

"Then, I'm going out first!"

Karumu turned around and headed to the Pokémon Center first, preparing to take out all his old partners and start training again.

When he walked out of the room for the first time in five years, the gentle sunlight falling on his face was even a bit dazzling, and Karumu was stunned in place.

"Well, there is no need to worry about those things all the time...!"

He clenched his fists and whispered, with a hearty smile that was quite similar to Serena's on his face.

As for replicas or something...

This was what a voice suddenly told him in Karumu's mind.

Tell me what kind of system you are, which can train a trainer to be the strongest...

Even the Serena on the screen just now was cultivated by it!

Only halfway through training, the other person's growth rate has exceeded the system's imagination, and it seems that he can't help him much... the system simply starts to shut down and become silent.

People who don’t know it think that there is no such system at all!

So the system decided to directly change the host and prepare to train a new trainer.

"Haha, forget about training and all that. You just need to talk to me more~!"

Karumu just smiled and didn't care.

You even sweated it out to train a girl who won the championship...but she won the championship trophy at the age of 7!

"But you can talk about the city of Miare, which will be re-enacted next year. I'm more interested in that one...?"

The perspective returns to the Miare Conference, and now the second half of the quarterfinals has entered the second half.

The two sides fighting against each other were Miss Junsha who controlled the weird Squid King on one side, and Uncle Louis who was very exaggerated in appearance and tone and had quite a Kanto style on the other side.

"Emperor Blue, use the most powerful playful trick!!"

Uncle Louis, still holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand, shouted loudly.

The Fairy-attributed Blue King is quite advantageous against the Evil-attributed Squid King.

The big pink dog clenched its paws tightly, concentrated the power of the playful moves into its fist, and punched out with all its strength.

"Jie Jie~"

However, the squid king just showed a cruel sneer, and floated into the air, avoiding this powerful goblin punch.

By the time King Blue looked up, the Squid King had half-closed his eyes, and the sinister expression on his face made people have goosebumps.

Boo hoo hoo…!

It's just that the hypnotic beams of light emanating from his eyes covered Emperor Blue's body from top to bottom.

The latter happened to raise his head and was hit by the hypnosis!


The ferocious Blue King fell asleep on the spot and became unconscious.

The next step will naturally be completely under the control of the Squid King.

The two squid tentacles were crisscrossed and slashed out fiercely, filled with dangerous poisonous purple light!

Poison attack!


The extremely effective poisonous attack left two terrible red marks on Emperor Bru's body.

Snapped! Snapped!

What followed was a series of poisonous attacks. The Squid King's two tentacles were like two steel whips, beating the target continuously.

Outstanding effect!

By the time this Blue Emperor woke up, it had completely lost its ability to fight.

"Damn it, why does this guy look like a monster!!"

Even Louis, who had always been bold and unrestrained, was frightened by the Squid King staring at him.

The situation is not good for him at this moment!


And on his side, including King Bru who fell to the ground just now, 4 of them have been defeated.

Only the last two Pokémon are left to battle!

"This squid king's hypnosis... is so powerful!"

In the stands, even Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Judging from this alliance conference, it seems that the squid king’s hypnosis has never failed?

Basically, you stare at whoever you want to make them fall asleep, and then you enter the script of doing whatever you want...

"Well, its hypnosis is stronger than my demon fire red fox..."

Next to him was Serena, who had retreated to rest and watch the battle. She also said with a serious face.

She, Mrs.

At present, it seems that Mrs.

"Anyway, let's see if there are any weaknesses first!"

Serena cheered up, Uncle Louis still had two left, maybe he could defeat this squid king?

"Please, Bao Nosuke!!"

Louis sent in a fifth Pokémon, and even its nickname was quite Japanese-style.

But the Pokémon that came out looked very familiar to Serena...

It's a super-armored rhinoceros!

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