He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2798 Squid King: The black juice almost spurted out!

"Achie, start the sandstorm!!"

Louis' last Pokémon is naturally the Biting Land Shark. As soon as it appears, it waves its claw-like arms and sets off a majestic sandstorm around it.

Whisper, rustle...!

In an instant, a dusky sandstorm engulfed everything on the field, making a roaring sound with the sand.

Louis even opened his big umbrella completely, and the keystone on the top lit up!


Then the dazzling light unique to mega evolution also lit up in the sandstorm.

However, due to the gray dust, the audience could not see the reduced-looking Mega biting the land shark immediately.

"Jie Jie..."

After successfully forcing his opponent into a desperate situation, the squid king smiled coldly, narrowed his eyes, and was looking for the figure biting the land shark in the sandstorm.

However, the next moment, the ground beneath him was the first to move.


The Mega Biting Land Shark suddenly burst out of the ground, and its sickle-shaped bloody arm went straight for the Squid King's vital parts!

Even its characteristic is the power of sand. In sandstorm weather, the power of rock, earth, and steel attribute moves can be increased...


The Squid King just sneered slyly, how dare you play sneak attack in front of a super-powered Pokémon?

As long as Pokémon is proficient in superpowers, they all have extremely strong perception capabilities, which are like the perception capabilities with the power of waveguides. Even if they are sneak attacks launched from the ground, there is still no way to escape!

The land shark's burrowing claws struck hard, but the Squid King's figure swam strangely in mid-air, his body as flexible as water dodging the blow.

Then he swam directly behind Liebite Land Shark, and pressed his flexible body against it. The tentacles on the left and right sides quickly stretched out, binding Liebite Land Shark in place!

Coupled with the sinister and terrifying expression of the Squid King, if it were Gardevoir and his ilk, the situation would be completely out of control now.

"A tightening move? Don't try to tie up my Ajie with this move!"

Louis thought it was a general low-power restraint, and quickly commanded the biting land shark to break free from the restraints.

"Bite fiercely..."

But as soon as Mega bit Lu Shark with force, he immediately realized something was wrong.

The harder I push, the restraint of the Squid King behind me seems to increase...

Its body limbs were tightened and crushed by the Squid King's tentacles, making it almost difficult to breathe and its face turned purple.

"Jie Jie~"

Behind the scenes, the Squid King was still sneering into Liebite Lu Shark's ear and blowing warm breath, which was another level of torture for the latter.

Chu Gu's unique move is different from Tightening, this is a fighting attribute move.

It uses the tentacles of its body to restrain its opponent, and uses wrestling techniques that target key joints in its fighting attributes. Its restraint ability far exceeds ordinary tightening moves.

Even the objects bound by the octopus will have their double defenses reduced each round...

This move is exclusive to a Pokémon called the Octopus Warrior in the Galar region, but in fact, any Pokémon with flexible tentacles has a chance to master this unique move.

"Damn it...bite the land shark and exit the mega evolution state!"

Louis also knew that he could no longer hesitate and shouted immediately.

Lie Jie Lu Shark understood, and his whole body lit up with a burst of light. His body became slightly smaller and returned to its original shape.

Of course, the most critical thing is that the characteristic of the biting land shark has changed from the power of sand back to rough skin.

The rough shark skin characteristics are the nemesis of melee combat.


The Squid King, who was still clenched tightly, suddenly found that every time he exerted force to contract his tentacles, the area of ​​contact was in burning pain.

It quickly retracted its tentacles, looked away from the Biting Land Shark with a look of disgust, and interrupted the Octopus Gu move.


Although he temporarily cracked the Chu Gu move, after a few rounds, Lie Jie Lu Shark's physical strength was also consumed a lot, and he even fell to his knees without any strength, and his knees hit the ground hard.

And without the mega evolution, the power of Biting Land Shark also decreases...

"Bite fiercely!"

Liebite Lu Shark roared at Louis, his eyes were determined, and he did not give up the fight.

And it seems that after exiting the state of mega evolution, its speed actually increased?

"In that case, Ajie, use all your strength, Dragon Dive!!"

Louis was also completely desperate and shouted loudly.

Originally, he thought that with the strength of himself and Lie Jie Lu Shark, even if he could not win the championship, he should be able to easily reach the finals...

I didn’t expect that I would be tortured like this just after reaching the quarterfinals.

"Bite fiercely!!"

The biting land shark roared with excitement, jumped up in the air, and then crossed its arms and raised its dorsal fin, like a perfectly streamlined jet.

His whole body is covered with a dark blue energy coat, turning himself into a blue dragon, roaring towards the enemy!

Dragon's Dive! !

The squid king just sneered disdainfully at this. Mega evolution could not defeat him, let alone this normal state.

Then it also fell to the ground, its lower limbs stood firmly on the ground, and the two thickest tentacles on both sides of its face were raised. The squid tentacles in the middle section could even see muscle bulges visible to the naked eye.

White smoke was rising all over his body, and he planned to use his brute strength to catch this dragon's dive!

Bang Bang Bang! !

As the dragon swooped down, the powerful impact immediately pushed the Squid King's body backwards for more than ten meters.

However, the Squid King's defensive figure has not been destroyed and is still standing there firmly.

"Bite fiercely..."

Until all the force of the dragon's dive was unleashed, Liebite Land Shark gasped for breath. When he raised his head, he found that the Squid King was still close at hand, showing a cold smile in front of it.

Your power has run out, now it's my turn!

The Squid King's tentacles flew out quickly, and after using brute force to block the opponent's dragon dive, its power increased again, and finally the tentacles were violently drawn on the chest of the biting land shark.


The quasi-god of the Sinnoh region was immediately thrown out like a kite with its string broken, and finally fell in front of Louis in an awkward manner.

The Ghost Sword referee immediately lowered his figure, leaned over for inspection, and within a moment he suddenly raised a hand:

"You can't fight with a land shark... so in this competition, Madam X from Haruka City will advance!"

This is probably the unlucky Miss Junsha from Haruka City.

"Jie Jie~"

Easily winning, feeling the warm applause from the surrounding spectator seats, the squid king could not help but look at Louis in front of him triumphantly.

What kind of Sinnoh quasi-god, mega evolution.

Humph, humans are nothing more than that~!


Suddenly, the Squid King felt as if he was being targeted by some terrifying entity, and his expression suddenly changed.

Just a sight from behind made the squid tentacles all over his body stretch straight and make him sweat profusely.

The black juice in the body almost spurted out!

Looking back at this extremely coercive sight, the Squid King discovered that the source was a small room built in the spectator seats, which should be a VIP box.

A hundred meters away, through the glass in front of the box, it could vaguely see a human being wearing a gray-green cloak...

No, is that human? !

Just a simple look in his eyes made him want to kneel down on the spot!


(There are actually 3,000 chapters! 】

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