He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2799 Mewtwo and the Squid King!

At the Miare venue, the third quarter-final match has officially begun.

The two sides fighting against each other were Guzma from the Alola region and Jimmy, a punk boy dressed in rock and roll. They did not forget to hold the electric guitar in front of themselves when they came on the stage.

"The spirited boy is a good target for destruction!"

Guzma showed a ferocious smile and had an extra elf ball in his hand.


The red light fell, revealing a majestic and heroic mantis with giant pincers. Its back was straight and its dark red metal skin looked particularly hard.

The ferocious Guzma did not make Jimmy retreat even a moment. Instead, he became more and more excited. He even strummed the guitar violently and the electronic music exploded:

"Light up the whole place with your voice, sonic boom monster!!"

His first Pokémon was a Boomstick from the Fangyuan region. It was a lavender monster with the same sinister face and many strange holes on its body.


As soon as it appeared, the sonic boom monster raised its arms and roared. Its bloody mouth and dense holes all over its body made its voice sound as low as thunder.

"Does the sonic boom monster match the electric guitar guy?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi covered his ears and sighed.

He remembered that this trainer named Jimmy also had a Pikachu, and he seemed to use it as his trump card. He could pay more attention to it later.

"Pika pika~!"

The Pikachu in his arms also nodded seriously.

Tieruno's Raichu is too crotch-stretching, so let's see if there are any other outstanding juniors.

On the other side of the spectator seats, Mrs.

This manipulated version of Ms. Junsha with heavy makeup walked in front, and the Squid King walked behind, like a trainer with his Pokémon.

But in fact, the Squid King is the current trainer, directing Miss Junsha in front of her to move forward.

When he arrived at the small house, the Squid King carefully put away his gloomy expression, took the initiative to step forward, and knocked on the door with his tentacles.

It's still polite.


No footsteps were heard, but the door opened automatically.

The Squid King quickly walked in seriously and shut Miss Junsha out with a "snap".

This is a noble Pokémon communication zone, and low-level humans are not allowed to enter!

The inside of the room is a huge floor-to-ceiling window. From the inside, you can see the battle scene between the Giant Pincer Mantis and the Boom Monster on the field, but the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Next to the window, the figure that the Squid King saw just now was still standing.

No, it was a Pokémon. The Squid King could tell at a glance that it was not a human!

And he is a terrifying existence whose mental power far exceeds his own by several dimensions!

Is it a legendary Pokémon?

It feels even more powerful than the legendary Pokémon.

Mewtwo, who was wearing a gray-green cloak, slowly turned around. His figure was not as tall as the Squid King, but the gaze in his eyes was extremely sharp!


Without hesitating for a moment, the squid king knelt down on the spot!

His face also changed into a flattering expression, and there was no longer the dark and dangerous look before.

The opponent can definitely kill him with just a thought, and he clearly knows the difference in strength. The Squid King immediately surrendered!

However, Chaomeng was also somewhat interested in the big squid in front of him.

There are very few Pokémon that can control human consciousness in this way.

"Tell me, who are you and what is your purpose?"

Mewtwo's telepathic voice sounded in the Squid King's mind, a deep manly voice.

This was a tone that could not be refused and looked down on everything, causing the Squid King to quickly answer seriously:

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie"

Naturally, it cannot use telepathy as freely as Mewtwo, it is still just a pure Pokémon language.

After listening, Chaomeng nodded.

It probably means that Pokémon like Squid King have extremely high IQ and deep scheming.

So one day, he awakened and wanted to enslave mankind in turn.

Just as he said, the Squid King immediately hypnotized Miss Junsha, who was patrolling alone in the wild in the surrounding towns.

Of course, it does not hypnotize women and do whatever they want like those Pokémon called Dream Tapir.

"Jie Jie Jie!! (I want to participate in mankind's grandest competition and win, to prove that our Pokémon can also fight independently of humans!)"

The Squid King's purpose is quite righteous and awe-inspiring, not as ruthless as it appears.

Chaomeng raised his eyebrows, and he could feel that there was no lie in the Squid King's words.

"So, do you think the current relationship is that humans are enslaving Pokémon?"

Chaomeng pointed to the window. Through the window, the Giant Pincer Mantis and the Boom Monster were still fighting fiercely.

However, the giant pincer mantis is faster, and the steel attribute can also greatly resist attacks with general attributes. The violent sonic waves released by the sonic boom monster did not cause much damage to the former.


With his backhand, Giant Pincer Mantis struck the Sonic Boom Monster hard with a high-speed tile-cleaving hand knife.

The latter was immediately beaten until his eyes turned white and he fainted backwards to determine the winner.

Seeing this scene, the Squid King seemed to have finally found someone to talk to. He immediately pointed angrily at the window and yelled:

"Jie Jie Jie!! (Humph, let us Pokémon beat you to death forever, isn't this slavery!?)"

Chaomeng did not answer this immediately, but looked at the field quietly.

In fact, he has been thinking about this issue during this time.

On the surface, it seems that humans are indeed enslaving Pokémon and engaging in endless battles.

But through the window, the giant mantis in the center of the arena seemed to be quite happy about his victory.

On the other side, the weirdly dressed rock boy was also looking at his sonic boom monster with a worried face.

Is it really the unilateral enslavement of human beings?

Even Chaomeng himself cannot answer this question for the time being.

However, he still fully approved of the Squid King's behavior.

Especially this kind of Pokémon with awakened independent thoughts gave him the idea of ​​​​taking it for his own use.

And this squid king is also a mature man, and he can penetrate Chaomeng's mind at a glance.

"It's really strange. This lord obviously possesses supreme power. Why does he always give me the feeling of being just born?"

But absolute power is enough.

"I am willing to be your most loyal slave!"

The squid king knelt down with his tentacles on the spot, showing his loyalty.

Chaomeng nodded, quite satisfied. He didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise today.

Then he raised his hand and a light blue light fell on the Squid King.

Rub rub rub rub!

The latter suddenly seemed to have several power amplification effects. Red light lit up frequently, and his ability was suddenly increased several times!

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