He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2800 Pokémon’s independent revolution!

"Master, what is this?!"

The Squid King looked down at his tentacles, feeling a little weird about his body.

My strength doesn't seem to have increased, but there is an indescribable feeling of rising and rising, as if there is endless power in my body?

Chaomeng grinned and said casually:

"I gave you durability and physical strength comparable to legendary Pokémon. You can continue to compete in the next semi-finals."

Chaomeng has no intention of stopping the Squid King from manipulating humans, and is even curious about how far the latter can go.

But after all, the strength of the human woman and the Pokémon she brought with her were too high. In the semi-finals, it was basically like the Squid King had to face a round-robin battle with six of his opponent's Pokémon.

Mewtwo did not increase the Squid King's power, but only increased the latter's physical strength by nearly three times.

Rounding up, it equals that there are three Squid Kings next, and it is naturally much fairer to face the opponent's six Pokémon.

"Jie Jie!! (Thank you, Master!!)"

The squid king immediately kowtowed and was overjoyed. Did he not expect Chaomeng to have such an ability? !

In other words, it is now a second-level god.?

"I think too much. This increase in ability is only temporary and lasts about a week."

Chaomeng has turned his back again and looked at the battle on the field:

"Of course, this is just my casual display. If I really do it, it may not be a permanent increase."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Squid King's loyalty to Mewtwo reached its peak!

Following such a master means that I will have the opportunity to become a second-level god in the future? !

The difference between level two gods and ordinary Pokémon is that they are powerful. But the strength of ordinary Pokémon can always be improved through training.

The biggest reliance of the second-level gods is their thick blood skin and durability, which allows them to continue high-intensity battles without losing!

After gaining divine power, the Squid King lowered his head and sneered repeatedly.

My opponent in the semi-finals must be that beautiful human girl, and the opponent also has an elegant and beautiful demon fire red fox.

"Jie Jie~! (I really want to tie up that demonic fire red fox~!)"

Just as he was about to stand up and say goodbye, the Squid King suddenly thought of something, knelt down again and begged:

"Jie Jie Jie (By the way, Master, I have two companions. They have also awakened the independent consciousness of Pokémon. I wonder if they can join your army together?)"

Those were also two Squid Kings, who also hated humans enslaving Pokémon for a long time.

It's just that the two squid kings' actions were even more extreme.

It only controls humans to complete the alliance conference.

But the two companions of the Squid King secretly occupied a signal base, preparing to study special signal waves, spread them out, and directly hypnotize the entire nearby town, and even the entire human race in Carlos, and enslave all humans!

"Bring them all here."

Mewtwo is welcome to come, and the more independent-thinking Pokémon there are, the better.

On a certain level, he is also a lonely Pokémon, always looking for the value of his existence.

Maybe these eccentric squid kings can help him find the answer to this question?

At this moment, the tens of thousands of spectators in the entire Miare Convention did not know that in a small box among them, there was already a Pokémon quietly raising the flag of independent revolution.

Their focus is more on the playing field.

There is still a big gap in strength between the two sides facing each other.

Guzma's Giant Claw Mantis has defeated Jimmy's Boomstick, Naughty Thunderbolt, and Thunder Zebra in succession.

Jimmy's Pokémon are basically very noisy Pokémon, whether it's the direct roar of a Boomstick, or the crackling and rioting sound of an Electric Pokémon releasing an electric shock.

Fortunately, Jimmy's fourth Pokémon, Nighthawk, finally managed to get rid of the remaining health of Mantis.


Guzma was quite annoyed and took back the Giant Pincer Mantis that the two had defeated.

He also plans to let his giant claw mantis penetrate six.

I just always feel that there is a wall in front of me, and I can never get over it, and my strength can't continue to improve.

The image of a masked wrestler emerged in Guzma's mind.

It seems that the current self cannot be his opponent no matter what.

"Tsk, how could I suddenly think about all these things?"

Guzma quickly moved his white hair to calm himself down.

Let’s start from this Miare tournament, win the championship, then challenge the king here, and then go back and kill all the guys in the Alola region who stand in the way!

This is his script!

"Come out, armored warrior!!"

Guzma's second Pokémon is his ace Armored Warrior.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, his tall and strong body had a sense of intimidation, which made Jimmy's expression tighten.

"A head-on blow!!"

It is still the best move of the armored warrior. It can only be used when he first appears. A layer of green light is attached to the armored warrior's body and he rushes out. The sharp claws hit the owl's face hard.

Although the insect-type moves had little effect on the owl, the armored warrior's strong strength still forcibly pulled the owl out of the air, and the latter even had a lot of feathers ripped out of it.

"The water breaks!"

Taking advantage of the chaos on his opponent's face, the armored warrior also used his best move. The sharp claw on one side attached to the sharp blade-shaped water flow, and then he slashed forward with great force!

Boom! !

The owl was knocked straight away, its feathers all soaked by the water, and it looked very miserable.

"Damn it, is this one a loser?!"

Jimmy's heart was trembling, and he couldn't even play the electric guitar in his hand.

The next fifth Pokémon, Toad King, was also defeated by the armored warrior after a fierce battle.

"Damn it, I can only rely on you! Sharp-haired boy!!"

Jimmy had no choice but to send in his ace Pikachu, who also had a tuft of spiked hair on his head.


This hyperthyroid Pikachu was so energetic that he even knelt on the ground as soon as he appeared on the stage. He held his two little hands in front of him as if playing a guitar, and let out a burst of excitement.

"Electric rat? What kind of bad street Pokémon?"

However, the appearance of Pikachu made Guzma couldn't help but sneer.

Wow, people still use Pikachu in battle these days, or even as an ace? !

"The water flow breaks! Send this electric mouse directly into the ICU!!"

Guzma immediately launched a fierce attack without mercy.

"Don't underestimate my spiky boy! Use the shadow clone to avoid it!"

Jimmy shouted immediately, and the hyperthyroid Pikachu in front of him also instantly transformed into dozens of clones to temporarily avoid this dangerous water rupture.

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