He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2801 Is the period of rebellion coming?

On the field, the spiky-haired Pikachu cast its shadow clone, and in an instant, more than ten Pikachu surrounded the armored warrior.


This made Xiaozhi straighten his back and watch carefully.

It's just that he originally thought that Pikachu was going to hit a beautiful hundred thousand volts. After all, in terms of attributes, Pikachu still had the advantage.

"Spiky Hairy Boy, use Thunder Fist!!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

The next moment, this spiky-haired Pikachu rushed from a tricky position towards the blind spot of the armored warrior's perspective. Its clenched fist was covered with dense electric current, and it finally hit it without mercy!

"Give me a drink!"

However, the two purple tentacles on the top of the armored warrior's head suddenly stood up, as if he sensed something.

Generally speaking, insect-type Pokémon are born with a certain degree of danger perception, allowing armored warriors to immediately feel the lightning punch coming from behind.

It quickly turned around and put its two arm-guard-like arms together to block it in front of it.

Zizz bang! !

All the force of the lightning fist hit the hard arm guard, and the current and force immediately dispersed in all directions, without causing any good effects.


He even spread his arms and hands horizontally, and the armored warrior kicked the spiky-haired Pikachu in the face, and kicked him away.

"Sure enough, the power of the thunder fist is not enough to break through the opponent's defense."

In the stands, Xiaozhi shook his head repeatedly, and Pikachu in his arms had a dark look on his face.

This is why he never let Pikachu learn Thunder Fist.

First of all, it is due to the physical hardware. Pikachu's hands are too short. If someone else can throw a lightning punch by raising his hand, Pikachu would almost have to touch someone's face to hit it.


The ears of Pikachu in his arms perked up, feeling a hint of malice?

Xiaozhi quickly pressed its ears and continued to analyze.

Secondly, Pikachu's fists don't have much strength to begin with, and his four legs are mostly used for running. They can burst out with considerable power, making moves like high-voltage electric shocks particularly powerful.

But the fist was thrown out directly

The power is too soft!

Even his Pikachu's Shadow Punch was a shadow energy-like fist punched from afar, rather than hitting people head-on.

"Damn it. In that case, pointy boy, electromagnetic waves!!"

Jimmy quickly changed tactics, and the spiky-haired Pikachu also quickly stopped, and a faint arc beam burst out from its cheeks and shot towards the target.

"Hmph, it's a boring trick, use the missile needle to destroy it!!"

Guzma curled his lips and didn't even look at this Pikachu.

The armored warrior raised his arms, and the sharp claws at the front were like rocket cannons, firing out spiked shells continuously!

call out! call out! !

The dense and powerful missile needles easily dispersed all the electromagnetic waves and continued to attack Pikachu's position.


The spiky-haired Pikachu's eyes widened with fright, and he could only use his shadow clone again to dodge in panic.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

On the playing field, violent explosions were made one after another due to the falling missile needles, and smoke and dust were flying everywhere.

Jimmy gritted his teeth and launched another fierce attack:

"Spiky Boy, use the strongest Crazy Volt!!!"

Xiaozhi: "."

Hearing this, his and Pikachu's faces darkened again, and they even wanted to slap the table, stand up, and use some foul language.

Obviously Pikachu can learn his own race-specific skill, high-voltage electric shock.

Why do you have to learn the electric Pokémon’s universal move, Crazy Volt!

Is this rock n’ roll kid at his rebellious stage?

In terms of power, the power of high-voltage electric shock is definitely greater than that of Crazy Volt.

Although the former's retaliation damage is also higher.

But how durable is your Pikachu?

It's nice to be able to deliver a high-voltage electric shock, but you still want to continue fighting?

“Pika pika pika!!!”

The spiky-haired Pikachu has entered a sprinting state, and its whole body is covered with violent electricity, turning into a stream of lightning and hitting the target.

In terms of special effects, Crazy Voltage and High Voltage Electric Shock are quite similar.

"Then let them feel the difference in strength! Armored warriors, block them all, Iron Wall!!"

Guzma shouted immediately.

The armored warrior understood, and performed a similar action as before, closing his two armored arms in front of him, and this time there was a hard metallic luster on the surface of the arms.

Zizz bang! !

Crazy Volt hit the iron wall arm guard with all his strength, and in an instant, there was an explosion of electricity in the arena!

However, as the smoke and dust dissipated, the armored warrior only left a retreat trace about one meter long on the ground, but the defensive posture of the iron wall was not destroyed.


Instead, this spiky-haired Pikachu seemed to have hit its head against a thick wall, and was a little dizzy on the spot.

The defense has not been broken!

"This kind of childish competition should be over!"

Guzma had completely lost his patience and waved and shouted:

"The water breaks!"

The armored warrior raised his hand, and his sharp claws turned into a water-like sharp blade. He slashed out violently, sending the Pikachu that was still staggering on the spot flying.


The spiky-haired Pikachu fell heavily in front of Jimmy like a sandbag, losing consciousness on the spot.

"Spiky boy!!"

Jimmy shouted in worry and threw his electric guitar aside, and ran up to hug his Pikachu with excitement.

"The Pikachu battle can't, uh this game, be won by the Guzma player from the Alola region!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately shouted and couldn't help but pause while speaking.

Because when he was halfway through speaking, Jimmy had already picked up his Pikachu and turned around and ran away.

"Well, the injury is a bit serious, and I have to go to the ICU for rescue again."

The referee wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. This trainer from Alola was not very friendly. After several battles, he had suffered several fatal injuries.

If you don't send him to the elf center for emergency treatment immediately, your life will be in danger at any time.

Guzma didn't care about this and even took it for granted:

"Hmph, don't come to fight Cai."

After saying that, he took back the armored warrior, waved lazily to the referee, put his hands in his pockets, and left the central arena with the steps of a gangster who doesn't recognize his relatives.

"Well, this guy is still so ruthless."

In the stands, Xiaozhi sweated for Jimmy's Pikachu, and then looked at Guzma who was leaving the field with a bit of annoyance.

It's a good idea to abuse vegetables and fry fish, but it's not a good thing to send the general to the emergency room!


Even the Pikachu in his arms was a little annoyed, wishing he could jump up now and give the armored warrior and the arrogant trainer behind him a personality-correcting electrotherapy!

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