He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2802 The quarterfinals are over!

After three consecutive quarter-finals, it’s finally the last game of this session!

On one side is the handsome green-haired trainer Lin Dou, who wears the smart clothing style of an elite trainer, which makes him very popular in this Miare conference.

It's a pity that his strength is a little bit lower, otherwise he could have become the second "Ai Lan"!

On the other side, Erping from the Ninja Village appeared.

Wearing a blue ninja uniform, even his hair and neck are wrapped, and he carries a katana on his back.

The very unusual appearance also made Erping gain a lot of attention.

"Speaking of it, this person is also very strange."

Xiaozhi touched his chin and thought to himself.

After all, his eldest brother and his third brother's ace partners are all Koga ninja frogs, while Erping's ninja partner is a Bulbasaur.

Ninja Frog on one side and Garlic Toad on the other, as long as they are amphibian Pokémon?

"Please, Yeib!"

"Strike first, agile insect!"

The final battle of the quarter-finals began, and both of them sent out their starting Pokémon at the same time.

Their respective configurations also interested Xiaozhi and his party.

Rinto's team seems to be all cutting and slashing Pokémon, such as the ace Elledo and Yeev who can perform powerful Leaf Slash.

And Erping's Pokémon are naturally Pokémon with some ninja elements.

For example, the agile insect whose whole body is wrapped in a gray-blue cocoon looks like a mysterious masked ninja.

"Agility bug, flying water shuriken!"

Even the agility bug, the Ninja, is the only two Pokémon that can master the flying water shuriken. With one move of its small hands on both sides of the agility bug, it can throw out countless dense and sharp water shurikens!

"Ye Yibu, flying leaf sharp knife!"

Ye Yibu on the other side showed no sign of weakness, flicking his head on the spot, and countless dense flying leaves of sharp blades also flew out.

Bang bang bang! !

The water darts collided with the sharp blades continuously, and crisp sounds were heard frequently in the center of the arena. After a while, the ground was covered with water stains and traces of residual leaves.

"It's a sunny day now!"

As soon as the dueling moves ended, Lin Dou aimed his target at the sky.

Ye Yibu raised his head and shouted loudly, and the hot sunlight suddenly shone on the playing field. His body seemed to be responding to the sunlight. The top of his head, ears, tail and some green leaves on his body all shone with a faint green light.


This made Yeyibu's running movements become particularly smooth and light.

Feature, chlorophyll, doubles speed on sunny days!

"Speed ​​is useless against ninjas. Use Bugsong!"

However, Erping raised the corner of his mouth and commanded, and the agile bug in front of him emitted a sharp insect chirp in an instant. No matter how fast you move, you cannot avoid the sound-based moves!

Buzz! !

The high-frequency chirping of insects also made Ye Yibu's face darken, and his light movements froze in place, making it difficult to move.

Outstanding effect!

"If you can't move, then don't move and use the weather ball!!"

Lin Dou immediately changed his fighting strategy.

Just like Y spray, after being immobilized by strong mental thoughts, he can still condense the sunlight and flames above his head.

Gritting his teeth, Yeyibu also condensed a milky white ball of light above his head, and then threw it violently towards the agility bug.

Boom! !

Under the sunlight, it even turned directly into a high-power flame ball!

With no time to dodge, the Agile Bug was hit in the front by the flame weather ball. In an instant, flames flew everywhere, and the effect was outstanding!

"Deal it, Sunblade!"

The insect chirping finally disappeared, and the leafy Eevee immediately jumped up. Under the sunlight, its leaf-like tail instantly turned into a bunch of huge golden-white machetes!

After twisting and turning in the air several times, Yeyibu pressed down on the tail of the sword and struck it down hard.

Under a sunny day, the solar blade does not need to store energy at all, but it still has extremely strong power. It is the physical attack version of "Sunshine Flame"!

Phew! !

The sunlight blade struck the Agility Bug hard on the ground, causing a burst of explosive smoke!

By the time Ye Yibu landed lightly, the agile bug had already fallen to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

Rinto came out on top first!

However, the next game was not smooth sailing for Rin Dou, but fell into a fierce stalemate.

The second Arbo monster sent by Erping successfully took away the Yeyibu, which had fast movements and cruel moves.

However, against the Fossil Pokémon and Ancient Armor sent by Rinto next, Arbor lost its advantage again.

Lin Dou even sent out a speaker cricket later, which made the whole audience sigh.

Does anyone still carry this Pokémon these days?

Liangping also sent a Paraster to engage in a wonderful civil war between insect-type Pokémon.

"The strength of these two people is comparable."

In the stands, the current leader of the Ninja Village, Yiping, crossed his arms and said solemnly.

It won't be like the last game between Guzma and Jimmy, where one side is pressing the other and there is no way to change hands.

However, for most of the quarter-finals, Rinto on the opposite side was stronger.

"Ah, the second brother only has the last Pokémon left!"

Sanping beside him exclaimed, as Lin Dou's Lizard King defeated Erping's turtle-footed giant armor, and the latter used his last Bulbasaur.

On Rinto's side, there were also two Pokémon, the Lizard King and Elledor, who had not yet taken action, giving them an advantage.

Even this new lizard king has not been exhausted yet.

"Damn it, I still have to rely on you, my last partner!"

Erping gritted his teeth and sent his ninja partner Bulbasaur!

"Is it really Bulbasaur?"

Rinto had already observed the battle of the ninja in front of him before and was well prepared.

Then he took back the Lizard King, who was almost at full strength, and sent out his trump card with his backhand.

"Get ready to fight, Elledo!"

The heroic Eluredo made a handsome appearance, and even made a knife-wielding gesture, which attracted a burst of applause from the audience.

In comparison, Bulbasaur's appearance is a bit worrying, and not many people applauded.

"Damn it, ninjas can't judge a book by its cover!"

Erping was a little annoyed, so he immediately took out the key stone and prepared to carry out mega evolution.

"Then I'll come too~! Elledo!"

Lin Dou did not give in and also raised his keystone bracelet.

In an instant, two brilliant beams of light rose from both ends of the field at the same time, and both Elledo and Bulbasaur completed their mega evolution.

But in terms of attributes, Alureduo can already wield a powerful spiritual blade, and at the same time he can also perform a swift and sharp Swallow Return Slash. Both of these attributes have an outstanding impact on Bulbasaur!

"End it, all-powerful spiritual blade!!"

After a fierce battle, in the end, mega Allredo struck with a zero-distance spiritual blade, hitting Bulbasaur's face door, completely ending the six-on-six game.

This also means that all the battles in the quarterfinals have officially come to an end!

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