He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2807 Z move wins!

The soaring Z move, the super whirlpool of water flow, swept mega Elledo into the air, and the violent water flow stirred it exaggeratedly.

The audience at the venue was basically stunned by this scene. It was the first time for everyone to see the Z move.


Finally, the water flow suddenly burst and dispersed, and Elleduo's figure suddenly fell from the air and hit the ground heavily.

Not only is his physical strength exhausted, but his brain is dizzy from the constant spinning.

Elleduo's eyes have turned into vortex eyes, and his body also emits a burst of light, exiting the mega evolved posture.

In this battle between mega evolution and z-movement, the latter won in the end.

"Since the Rinto player has no Pokémon that can continue to play, this semi-final is won by the Guzma player from the Alola region!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately said loudly, bringing the game to an end.

"Alureduo. Come back."

Completely defeated, Rin Dou lowered his head and looked a little disappointed after taking back Elledo.

He is no match at all. He still has to go through a new round of training with Elle Duo!

Damn it, so the guy opposite is going to start trash talking and taunting him, right?

This is what makes Rinto even more annoyed.

But to his surprise, there was no unpleasant sound coming from his ears.

Looking up, he saw Guzma standing at the other end of the arena, his head also lowered, his cheeks seemed a little...


The expression doesn't look like loss, but more like shame?

"Tsk, it's really a disgusting move."

Guzma couldn't help but curse.

When activating the Z-move, the trainer must dance behind and perform specific movements to activate it.

The embarrassing action made Guzma somewhat stunned.

"Fortunately, this is not Alola."

When he fought against outsiders in the Alola region, he never used Z-moves. Even if he was forced to a corner, he would rather lose than perform those embarrassing moves.

But no one in the Kalos area knows him now, so I’ll make an exception and use it once.

Mainly, seeing that the entire Miare Conference was touting the so-called mega evolution, the rebellious Guzma just wanted to do the opposite and destroy the mega evolution that everyone was proud of!

As for winning glory for his hometown's Z-movement, he didn't think so much about it.

"Huh, you're still far from it."

Because of his embarrassing gesture, Guzma did not taunt loudly today. He said something coldly and then turned around and left.

Next, it’s the finals!

Even he needs to watch the other semi-finals carefully to know for sure.

Rinto's strength is already quite good, and he can't even achieve an overwhelming victory.

If the opponent in the final improves to another level, the championship will also be in suspense.

"Must win the trophy!"

Guzma left the scene with clenched palms and a serious face.

He didn't want to sneak into the Carlos area alone, collapse on his second child, and go back in despair.

In the audience, after witnessing the Z move, Ash and his friends were shocked!

"It's so powerful, it's already more powerful than the ultimate water-type move, the Water Cannon!"

"After all, it's about unleashing all your strength. It's the trump card that can determine the outcome."

"By the way, what does the seaweed dance that Guzma performed earlier mean?"

Citron and the others were busy discussing. As locals from Carlos, they were quite unfamiliar and curious about the Z-moves from other places.

"Is this the water-type Z move?"

Xiaozhi also watched it with great interest. This move looked like the combined effect of "Tidal Swirl" + "Waterfall Climbing"?

Of course, the power is also enhanced, giving people an unstoppable feeling.

It is estimated that even if Elleduo fires to defend the barrier, he will be forcibly overturned, right?


Xiaozhi's eyes shone, this Alola region was becoming more and more interesting.

It seems like there is a Z-move for each attribute?

Then my Pikachu has mastered a lot of attributes, so I will try to master all 18 sets of Z moves by then!

Faintly, Xiaozhi even wants to travel to the Alola region right away!

Seeing the nervous look on the face of the girl next to him, Xiaozhi turned his head again and smiled:

"How about it? Can your Demonic Fire Red Fox block this Z move of climbing the waterfall?"

Serena naturally shook her head. The demon fire red fox was hit by this attack. Even if it was full of blood, it would probably fall on the spot, right?

Z move is so scary!

"It's not a big problem. After all, the Z move can only be used once."

Tierno quickly comforted his goddess. At worst, he would just find a lowly person to eat her right away.

"It doesn't work that easily. Others are not fools. If you switch to an inferior horse, others will use ordinary moves to directly solve it."

Korni retorted directly.

Since it can only be used once, the opponent must have carefully considered the timing of using the Z move, and there is a high probability that it will only be used against the opponent's trump card.

Unfortunately, Serena's trump card is a fire-type Pokémon.

"It's a pity that this Guzma player is obviously an expert in the insect attribute, but he didn't use the insect-type Z move. Otherwise, the Demon Fire Red Fox might have been able to withstand it."

Citron sighed next to him.

Serena, on the other hand, lowered her head and fell into deep thought while listening to the discussion of suggestions from her friends.

After realizing it, she suddenly raised her head.

"Wait a minute, everyone! I haven't won the semifinals yet, so why are we talking about how to deal with Z-moves?"

But the few people around me take it for granted:

"After all, my opponent only has one Squid King."

"In a wheel battle, I can win no matter what."

"I have already skipped three days of plot. The final is Serena vs. Guzma. Hey, why did I say three days?"

Although she did seem to have the upper hand, as the competition approached, Serena felt inexplicably panicked.

A Pokémon that can control humans to challenge the Alliance Tournament. There should be backup plans, right?

Maybe there is some Squid King's trump card hidden behind it?

Finally, Xiaozhi waved his hand and gave a firm and powerful conclusion:

"Don't be afraid Serena, as long as you display your current strength normally, winning the tournament won't be a problem!"

The affirmation from the powerful trainer senior gave Serena an instant confidence and calmed her heart.

"Well everyone, let's watch my performance next!"

So Serena took a deep breath, stood up from her seat, and walked slowly towards the arena stage.

Although the competition officially started in the afternoon, she now needed to find a place to warm up her Pokémon so that they could be in their best condition to face the enemy in the afternoon! (End of chapter)

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