He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2808 The battle begins, Serena’s semifinals!

Soon, it was time for the afternoon game.

The Miare venue was still packed with people, and there were noisy conversations and discussions from all directions.

Xiaozhi and his team also sat down one after another, waiting for the official start of the game.

"Hello everyone~ For today's second semi-final, we specially invited Carlos Queen Elle~ as our guest commentator!!"

The commentator's voice came from the loudspeakers around the venue, which instantly made the audience agitated.

In the Kalos region, apart from Kaluni, the most popular one is Elle.

Especially since she recently defended her throne as Queen of Carlos, her popularity is almost equal to that of Kaluni!

The screen above lit up, and the scene in the studio appeared. On the left was a yellow-haired commentator, and on the right was a very beautiful pink-haired woman, about 18 years old.

"Ahhh! It's Miss Aier, she is really beautiful~~!!"

As soon as he saw this most beautiful woman in Carlos, Tierno was the first to stand up and shout with love in his eyes.

The rest of the people also showed a look of surprise.

"It's actually Elhis!"

Shana's expression was different from the others. She took in a breath of cold air involuntarily and turned pale.

She recalled the scene where she was crushed by Aier in the previous high-level exhibition match.

Elle gave her the feeling of being a beautiful monster!


Looking at the pink-haired girl on the screen, with a beautiful big blue bow tied on her head, Xiaozhi squinted his eyes, thoughtfully.

Why does she look so similar to the woman I met on the outskirts of Lianli Town before?

Could it be that they are sisters?

"Haha, it's rare that Miss Ai'er is a guest in our commentary hall today~ I heard that you still volunteered, but I remember that as a performer, you didn't seem to care much about the affairs of the alliance conference in the past, right?"

After Huang Mao made an opening statement, he asked curiously.

Generally, the commentary hall of alliance conferences will invite some popular celebrities, such as celebrities, Internet celebrities, and even king champions.

This most famous performer has been invited in previous years, but was declined by the latter.

This year, the other party actually offered to be a guest?

"Well~ after all, I just finished all the matters related to this year's exhibition matches, and I want to see more exciting events in other fields~"

With a smile on her face, Ai'er replied calmly and generously:

"And I heard that in this league conference, there is a young girl whose ace is also a demon fire red fox. Many of my fans have been @me and let me comment, so I will just come to watch the game. Already~"

It’s not just because they are both trainers who use the Demon Fire Red Fox.

Many of her fans have left messages saying that Serena's temperament is quite similar to hers.

as if

A younger version of Elle?

But he set foot on a completely opposite field and even became famous in a battle at the league conference.

So Elle was also interested, and immediately sent a request to the alliance organizer, wanting to meet this trainer named Serena on the spot.

"Oh~ I see, so in this game, is Miss Elle here to cheer for Serena?"


Aier covered her mouth and chuckled, but did not deny it.

Both are trainers of the Demonic Fire Red Fox, so she naturally prefers Serena.

And she also heard that her opponent's trump card was a sinister and dangerous squid king.

This kind of Pokémon doesn't have a good impression on the people of Kalos.

Just like some vulgar and illegal comics from other places, they like to use the dream-inducing tapir as the villain who does whatever he wants.

In the local pulp comics of Carlos, this villain became the Squid King.

"Okay, then the game is about to start. Let's see what outstanding performance Serena can do today?"

Huang Mao explained with a smile and concluded, not forgetting to add at the end:

"The Madam X player on the other side must also show her best strength~!"

There have been scenes before where players were criticized by the audience for taking sides with the commentators.

Now that he has learned his lesson, he will never express his own preferences in game commentary, and he will be neutral.

Amidst the burst of laughter in the studio, two people slowly walked up from both ends of the central arena.

On one side is Serena, of course, wearing her usual outfit, a black dress with short sleeves and a high-waisted red pleated skirt. Although she is young, her body proportions are perfectly accentuated.

Black over-the-knee socks paired with sports short boots of the same color make Serena's legs extra slender and straight.

Coupled with her pretty face, she has begun to put on light makeup, making her facial features more three-dimensional and delicate.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he attracted cheers from the surrounding venues.

During the alliance conference, Serena attracted a large number of fans regardless of her strength or appearance.

"This level of popularity, even in an exhibition match, is incredible."

In the studio, Ai'er couldn't help but secretly praise him. He was a player who was born to be popular with the audience.

On the other side, there is Miss Junsha dressed as a hot girl with heavy makeup. She is equally good-looking, and her appearance also attracted a burst of wolf howling applause.

"I'm coming!!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi and his group sat up straight and looked towards the center of the field.

But at the same time, there seemed to be a lot of noise in the direction behind them, which was more than ten meters apart.?

Xiaozhi turned his head and found that there were two large squids sitting there? !

Two sinister and dangerous-looking squid kings were sitting next to each other, surrounded by normal audience members. This scene couldn't be more weird!


"Drink it!"

The two squid kings were looking at the arena, making strange noises from time to time, and the tentacles above their heads were still shaking unconsciously.

This immediately left a lot of empty seats around, and no one dared to sit next to the two squid kings.

Xiaozhi: "."

Um, these two squid kings are relatives of the squid king in the arena, and they came here specifically to cheer?

Isn't it too humanoid?

Moreover, when he saw the expressions and facial features of the two Squid Kings, they were indeed different from those of ordinary Pokémon. They looked exactly like humans expressing emotional changes.

With these two Pokémon sitting behind him, even Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

These two squid kings are naturally the brothers who control Miss Junsha's squid kings!

He was originally very popular in his hometown, creating special radio waves in an attempt to rule all mankind.

As a result, he suddenly received a message from his old cousin, saying that he had met a real boss here, who could rule all mankind with his pure strength.

There was even an offer for two squid kings.

No, two squid kings came running over, ready to follow the new boss to do something big! (End of chapter)

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