He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2809 Semifinals, vs. Dog Team! (superior)

Soon, Serena's semi-finals officially started, and both sides threw out their Pokémon at the same time.

Miss Junsha, who was hypnotized by the spirit, looked dull, and the sinister Squid King was standing behind her.

It looks a little strange, but it is reasonable.

Although the Squid King looks a little scary, it is essentially the same as Xiaozhi carrying a Pikachu on his shoulder.

The first Pokémon Miss Junsha sent out was her police dog partner Thundermon.

"Come out!!"

Serena cheered to encourage herself. Her first Pokémon was a thick and huge rock beast, Super Armored Rhinoceros!

"Wow~! Super Armored Rhinoceros!! Even in the alliance conference, I have to run first!!"

As soon as the super-armored rhinoceros appeared on the stage, a woman's heroic cheers came from somewhere in the audience.

Sachi had already stood up from his position, his eyes were shining, and he nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that his daughter was still very obedient.

"Uh, mom."

It seemed that there was a connection between mother and daughter. Serena also immediately discovered the location of her mother among thousands of viewers and couldn't help but scold her.

Of course, she didn't listen to her mother's words

After knowing that the opponent may only have one Squid King that can be defeated, the first five naturally cannot spend too much effort and must be cleared out as quickly as possible.

As for the super-armored rhinoceros, as its name suggests, it can raid homes!


As soon as it appeared, the Thunder Beast bared its teeth and roared.

Although it is not an intimidating characteristic, as a police dog, it actually has a certain intimidating ability. When encountering some weak Pokémon, it will really reduce its attack power.

Of course, it has no effect on the ferocious Super Armored Rhinoceros.

"Spiritual Fang!"

Miss Junsha was the first to shout out the attack command. The Squid King could also control her to speak and command.

The thunder beast nodded and quickly launched an attack. After a while, it swooped out and bit it hard.

The bulky super-armored rhinoceros was difficult to dodge, or in other words, he didn't even think about dodge, he just raised his arm sideways.

The sharp teeth bit hard on its rock arm, and along with the pink telepathy energy beside the teeth, it carried out a second-stage bite attack.


On the field, there seemed to be the sound of teeth breaking?

The level gap between the two is not small. The Thunder Beast's Mental Fang move did not even break the defense. Instead, the Super Armored Rhino's hard rock arm shattered its teeth.

Serena was not polite and shouted immediately:

"Now, arm thump!"

The super-armored rhinoceros understood, and his other arm was already covered in dangerous and outrageous white light, and then he swung it out and hit the thunder beast that was close at hand.

Boom! !

There was a powerful and heavy muffled sound, and the Thunder Beast's entire body was severely knocked away by this arm strike, and fell heavily to the ground.


After landing, his eyes were already spinning, and he could only let out a puppy whine.

Kill instantly with one hit!

It was this violent scene at the beginning that caused the surrounding venue to fall into silence for a while, as they were all shocked by the fierce blow of the Super Armored Rhinoceros.

"In good condition~!"

Serena also rolled her eyes and praised.

It's a pity that Super Armored Rhino doesn't have the characteristic of overconfidence like Gyarados, otherwise after killing five Pokémon in a row, its ability value will be increased to the extreme!

But on the opposite side, Miss Junsha's face showed no emotion at all, as if the one who fell was not her police dog partner who had fought with her for many years.


She raised her hand dumbly and took back the defeated thunder beast.

Such a scene actually appeared in front of Serena, and her eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled.

This scene of manipulating humans and completely stripping away the bond between humans and Pokémon is really uncomfortable!

But for the Squid King, there is no psychological burden at all.

"Jie Jie~!"

There was Miss Junsha in the middle, who was still sneering at Serena from a distance.

The tentacle-like hair on the head is still squirming randomly, as if a strange hand is controlling a puppet in front of it.

It never believed in the bond between humans and Pokémon, and only regarded it as a one-sided slavery.

Now it is used to enslave mankind, what can you do?


Squidward's second Pokémon is Dorimia, a native of Kalos.

As a public official, this Dolemia is not like Princess Ali, who has a messy look on her body like that of a noble lady. She just has the original skin with thick white hair.

"Water Wave!"

The battle started again. As a Pokémon with normal attributes, Doremia can naturally master many moves with other attributes.

Open your mouth, and a water energy bomb will be thrown!

However, Serena gave no chance:

"Dragon Tail!"

The body of the super-armored rhinoceros spins sideways, and the rocky tail like a meteor hammer behind it is attached with a layer of dragon attribute, and it is swung out brazenly!

Boom! !

The dragon's tail swept across, completely smashing the water fluctuations into splashing water in an instant, which was extremely powerful.

"And then there's the rock cannon!!"

Serena chose all high-power moves, hoping for a quick victory.

A week after the dragon's tail swept across, the Super-Armored Rhino took advantage of the situation and realigned his body forward. He raised one of his arms, and the holes in his palms had already accumulated high-hardness rocks.

The ultimate move of Rock Cannon, Super Armored Rhino either stuffs a small wild fist stone into the hole in the palm of his hand, or it compresses it by continuously absorbing gravel from the ground like a vacuum cleaner.

In other words, if you fill your holes with rocks before the game, you will be able to release a terrifyingly powerful rock cannon as soon as you appear on the stage!

Boom! !

With a deafening explosion, the rock grenade blasted out from the palm of the Super Armored Rhinoceros, carrying unparalleled destructive power.

"Cotton defense!"

On the other side, under the command of Miss Junsha, Dolemia immediately retracted her limbs, and the white hair all over her body suddenly fluffed out, making her body seem to turn into a large ball of cotton.

Defense has been greatly improved!

A body like a blue bird on the Chinese Valentine's Day, trying to block this move forcefully!

But as the rock cannon accurately hit the target, Serena shook her head regretfully.

If Dolymiya dodges forcefully, there may be a chance of survival.

The super-armored rhino's rock cannon was not something that the Dolymia in front of him could block head-on!

Boom! !

The rock cannon passed through the outer cotton, and after contacting the internal entity, it immediately made a roar and explosion. At the same time, a violent explosion occurred on the spot, and countless gravel debris flew around!


As the smoke and dust dissipated, the Dolymia's body fell tragically on the spot, completely losing consciousness, and still letting out a faint whine.

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