He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2810 Semifinals, vs. Dog Team! (Down)

After the speed of light killed two of the opponent's Pokémon, the entire venue burst into cheers and cheers for Serena.

Most of the audience is actually just watching it for fun.

Seeing the overwhelming power, it was natural to assume that Serena and the Super Armored Rhinoceros were strong enough!

"It's not that Serena is too strong. It's that her opponent is too weak."

However, some discerning viewers have already seen it.

The level of this Mrs.

At this moment, being able to reach the semi-final stage depends on the powerful and shadowy Squid King.

The first five Pokémon were probably given for free.

Some critical viewers even frowned impatiently:

"Damn it, can you just skip the battle with the first five animals?"

No matter what the audience thinks, the process of this semi-final is still the same.

After losing two dogs in a row, Miss Junsha's third Pokémon is still a dog Pokémon.

This time it was Kuruga, a famous vicious dog from the Johto area.

The short black hair on the whole body contrasts with the pale skeletal shell, and has a pair of weird horns, like a hellish demon dog.


Somewhere in the auditorium, Fire King Pachi pushed up his orange sunglasses and became slightly interested.

Her mega evolution partner is a black ruga.

"Fire Vortex!"

On the field, this Black Luga opened its mouth and spit out a beam of blazing flames, surrounding the Super Armored Rhinoceros.

Boom! !

However, the Super Armored Rhino just waved his arms violently, and the strong wind driven by the powerful force swept away the flame vortex in an instant.

"Well, my strength is a bit stretched."

This scene also made Pachira suddenly lose all interest in this Black Luga.

Under her sunglasses, her gaze fell on the position behind "Mrs.

"So this one is the real trainer?"

Pachira saw through the Squid King's disguise at a glance. Didn't she expect that Pokémon these days also want to replace humans?

Vladari would be very interested in taking such a Pokémon talent under his wing, right?

But it doesn't matter now. With the finals over, everything between these humans and Pokémon will probably cease to exist, right?

All of Heiluga's moves failed to break through the Super Armored Rhino's defense. The Squid King immediately commanded Miss Junsha to shout out the ultimate move:


Heiluga opened his mouth, and the surging flames kept churning in his mouth.

Boom! !

Finally, it turned into a powerful beam of golden-white flames and shot out suddenly!

Serena did not dare to be careless about the opponent's ultimate move, and immediately commanded:

"Rock Cannon!!"

At this moment, the rock cannon on one arm of the Super Armored Rhinoceros has been exhausted, but the other side is still filled with compressed hard rock.

The latter raised his hand and fired another rock heavy cannon amidst the roar!

Boom boom! !

The rock cannon hit the superheated beam head-on, and its power was naturally superior. It actually broke through the flames with an overwhelming momentum and shot in the direction of Heiluga despite the overheated attack.

Boom! !

Finally, the rock cannon exploded again half a meter in front of Heiluga. The unknown amount of compressed gravel inside expanded and exploded at once.

Heiluga was immediately blown away several meters by the aftermath of this terrifying rock cannon.


Just like the previous dog, he fell to the ground again, sticking out his tongue and whining.


Serena clenched her fists and smiled.

If her system was still there at this moment, the achievement "You have killed three dogs in a row" would probably pop up.

Miss Junsha was still a dull puppet on the strings, just mechanically retracting Heiluga and releasing the fourth Pokémon.


Before I saw him, I heard his voice first, and there was another familiar barking sound.

This time it was a large brown-haired dog, its whole body covered with thick hair, and its face looked a bit old. Its face was also covered with long light yellow hair and long whiskers, which were dragged all the way back to the tail.

This is a long-haired dog from the Unova area!

"Uh, so are all five of them really dogs?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Is this the standard team of Miss Junsha or is it just because this unlucky Miss Junsha is a dog lover?

But these are not the key. Miss Junsha has launched the first attack again:


This long-haired dog also mastered the unique skill of surfing. He roared to the sky, and countless water surged under his feet, forming waves about two meters high, roaring and covering the other half of the arena.

"It's not that simple. Use Earthquake!"

Serena responded calmly.

After four consecutive battles, the Super-armored Rhinoceros was still vigorous and energetic, and its two rock arms smashed into the ground.


Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently.

Moreover, this is a rock arena. After encountering an earthquake, the hard rocks spread and cracked into countless cracks.

This also makes the water flow start to seep halfway through the fierce surfing moves.

When the long-haired dog rushed in front of him, the surf that was originally more than 2 meters high was already less than half a meter high.


The super-armored rhinoceros turned around and swept its tail, and the tail of the meteor hammer hit the long-haired dog hard in the face, knocking the heavy dog ​​back.

The Squid King himself has good combat power, but when it comes to directing battles as a trainer, he is inevitably much inferior.

"Ultimate impact!!"

He shouts out big moves like this at every turn, without any other fancy tactics.

The long-haired dog shook its head on the spot, regrouped, and then was covered with a layer of pink and yellow energy-like coat, and rushed forward without fear of death.

"That's a good thing, in that case, let's use a sacrificial collision!!"

Serena was not polite and chose to fight head-on.

The super-armored rhinoceros roared with excitement, and then rushed forward with heavy steps.

The whole body is covered with dazzling golden light, like an unstoppable heavy tank. It drags out a long ravine on the rocky ground along the way, and collides head-on with the ultimate impact in front of it.

Bang! !

The two big moves collided head-on, and a loud explosion suddenly arose in the center of the arena. The fierce clash of blows turned into violent airflow and blew in all directions.

Just to compare the strength, the Super Armored Rhinoceros is already superior.

Coupled with its characteristic of sacrificing oneself, it can not only avoid the retaliation damage of moves, but also increase the power of moves.

boom! !

The golden light of the self-sacrifice collision dispersed the energy coat of the ultimate impact, and knocked the bulky long-haired dog away at once!


As the latter fell to the ground and let out a whine, the long-haired dog also declared that it could not fight.

This also means that Miss Junsha is the last dog left.

At the same time, some picky spectators in the audience just felt that their days were like years:

"Damn it, you just beat some losers, and you haven't finished beating them yet?!"

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