He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 277 Xiaozhi Magic Wall Doll

As time went by, the big tent of the circus began to receive an endless stream of spectators. In less than an hour, the seats for hundreds of people were completely filled. Of course, most of the spectators were from other places in the Kanto region. Those who came to join in the show, with the consumption level of the folks in Zhenxin Town, naturally couldn't do it.


A bunch of fireworks exploded on the stage, which also represented the official start of the circus performance!

At the beginning, a few little fire horses jumped through the fire hoop, igniting the atmosphere of the scene, followed by the little sea lion clapping the ball, and the mountain rat spinning around in place, etc. It was not particularly amazing, but it was barely watchable, but this is not the point.


After a fancy meal, the circus performance was half completed. At this time, when the lights of the tent were turned off, everyone was shocked, knowing that the main event was coming.

As the lights turned on again, this time only a bunch of spotlights lit up on the stage, and at the focus of the lights, a pink-white humanoid Pokémon appeared on the stage, with two palms spread out in front of him , wiped it gently, and greeted the audience with the action of wiping the glass.


"Mobao, Dad loves you!"

"Mobao's performance is really good! It's so exciting!!"

As soon as the magic wall puppet appeared, the entire auditorium exploded in an instant, and the cheers and applause almost toppled the entire tent. Even before the performance started, many audience members were already in tears.

"Turtle... is it so popular..."

The three Xiaogang and an electric mouse mixed in the auditorium looked around in confusion, looking a little out of place.

Half of the circus' income comes from the magic wall doll. It's not just talk. Because of this, the magic wall doll is served like an emperor, but the other members don't think there is any problem.

"Is Xiaozhi okay?"

"It's okay, he's an old Dou Zong powerhouse."

So the three of them also set their sights on the stage.

On the stage, under the cover of the doll's headgear, the magic wall doll disguised by Xiaozhi has no emotion at all on his face, and he just moves silently.

"Let's go~"

After cleaning the glass, the Xiaozhi magic wall puppet stretched out two arms, one in the shape of a grip, as if holding a teacup, and the other palm made a gesture of pouring coffee, and poured himself a cup of cappuccino , and then maintain this movement, drink up in one gulp, all in one go.

Suddenly, there was an explosion of cheers from the auditorium.

"Whoa, a stunt show!"

"It's appeared, it's the trick of the magic wall puppet, drink a cup of coffee in the void!!"

"It's so exciting!! My lord is so hot!!"

Several spectators even started punching in the air to vent their emotions due to over-excitement.

Xiaogang three people and one mouse: "?"

The three of them really can't understand where are the G-spots around them who can explode even drinking coffee...

That's it?


Suddenly, as soon as the light went out, it was turned on again after a few seconds, and Xiaozhi's magic wall puppet was already standing on a high platform nearly five meters high. There was nothing in front of the high platform, and the light fell on him, while the surrounding It was pitch black, which made the auditorium instantly quiet, and they stared at the target with their throats raised.

"He moved!"

Xiaozhi's magic wall puppet started to walk, the first step was in the void, twisted as if it touched the ground, and then it took another leg.

In this way, he walked continuously in the void five meters high, as if he was walking on flat ground. This miraculous free walking in the high air gave people a great visual impact.

Due to the surrounding lights, the audience couldn't see the steel wire wrapped around Xiaozhi's waist at all.

"It's so beautiful!!"

"Be careful not to drop Mobao, mom is scared!!"

"Turtle is too good!!"

"Where is the duck with scallions, I really want to buy one!!"

With the cheers and applause from the auditorium off the field, Xiao Zhi, who was still walking in the void, let go completely. He was the type who got more and more excited when the audience around shouted 666, and immediately turned somersault in mid-air .


"I can't do it anymore!!"

Even the three of Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi in disbelief, and then gave a wry smile, secretly thinking that only Xiaozhi could do this.

Although there is a steel wire camouflage to support it, it is extremely difficult. It only takes one night to reach this level. It can only be said that Xiaozhi's motor nerves and sense of balance are so strong that they are outrageous.

"Is this the person who can freeze a bird with a hard butt? I'm convinced..."

Archer, who was new to the team, was also completely dumbfounded, and murmured.

Although there may still be some flaws in the movement, but at the moment, there are fanatical fans around, and the eyes don't exist, let alone the flaws are not obvious.


All the lights in the tent were turned on, and the Xiaozhi magic wall puppet fell back on the stage, which also meant that the circus performance was officially over.

Seeing the audience standing up and applauding and cheering, Ajin secretly clenched his fists behind him. It seemed that their circus had successfully delayed for two months.

In these two months, there is enough time, whether it is to catch a new magic wall doll, or to train this fat magic wall doll to lose weight.

"Magic wall puppet, come on, you will definitely be able to stand on the stage again!"

She looked at the fat magic wall puppet next to her, and encouraged her.


The latter looked at Xiao Zhi who was on the stage to greet the applause of the audience, and then at the blue-haired woman in front of him, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and his fat body gasping for breath.


Just as they were about to leave, the lights of the tent suddenly went out again, and they fell into complete darkness.


Before the audience rioted, the lights were turned on again in the next second, this time only two beams were turned on, shooting towards the height of the stage, and two figures stood in the spotlight.


Some viewers subconsciously asked.

"Huh? I think I heard someone asking 'who'?"

"Since you have posted it sincerely!"

"Then we will tell you mercifully!"

"..." "..."

"..." "..."



"Meow meow meow meow!"

The three members of the Rockets appeared on the stage, and their words appeared like "da da da" like a machine gun. While reading their lines, they also made cool moves again and again, which shocked hundreds of people just watching in a daze, with a look of shock.

At present, since Boss Sakagi has left the Kanto area, Matori, the secretary who likes to backstab them with small reports, also went to the Johto area.

"Is it a new show?"

"It's kind of cool."

"Can cats talk now?"

Hundreds of spectators were dumbfounded at first, and then applauded violently. They were shocked and applauded by the performance art of the Rockets trio.

They don't have the same G-spot as normal people, who think the threesome moves are stupid, but they think they are very cool.

Seeing this, Musashi Kojiro didn't hesitate, he waved his hand immediately, with a smile in the corner of his eyes, thanking everyone for their support.

Then his expression changed suddenly, and he waved his thumb, pointing at the magic wall puppet on the stage.

"But our target today is you!"

"The unhappy Boss Sakagi will definitely laugh out loud after watching your performance! Then we will be able to be core cadres next year meow!"

"At other times, we can also perform circuses to raise funds for our Rockets!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

With a dazed expression on his face, he subconsciously drank a cup of coffee.

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