"Hey, you dare to drink coffee in front of us, you really don't take our Rockets seriously, meow!"

Miaomiao, who was standing on the high platform, became angry on the spot, took out a button and pressed it vigorously, and a large net fell out of nowhere in mid-air, trapping the Xiaozhi Demon Wall puppet tightly. The harder the force, the tighter the binding contracted. Bundle it into a meat dumpling.

"Ahaha, Team Rocket will accept this magic wall doll, meow! 886!!"

Miaomiao pressed another button, and soon a big hole burst open in the sky above the tent, and a hot air balloon in the version of Miaomiao’s head appeared. The three jumped up and landed on the wooden frame of the hot air balloon, and the hot air balloon flew away From the beginning, there was still a Xiaozhi Demon Wall puppet dragging below, and within a few seconds, the person and the hot air balloon had completely disappeared into the sky.

Everyone: "?"

Is this also acting?

Xiao Gang and the other three also looked at them in bewilderment. Usually when the Rockets came out to make trouble, it was Xiao Zhi who rushed up immediately. This time Xiao Zhi himself was captured directly, and he was at a loss for a while.

It's as if everyone said in the past, "Eldest brother, the master was captured by a monster!"

Now it becomes "Master, the eldest brother was captured by a monster."

The master did the same thing, so he had to recite scriptures on the spot, hoping that the monster would be fine.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Soon, the three of them smiled easily.

It's really not their superficial brothers, there is really nothing to worry about, let alone that the Rockets don't need Xiaozhi at all, they just want to do something to Xiaozhi, but Xiaozhi will definitely not be the one who gets hurt in the end.

Under the signal of the three, the head of the group, A Jin, said that it was all part of the performance, and signaled that the audience left the stage in an orderly manner without any mistakes...


"Just now... is that Xiaozhi?"

After all the audience had left, the staff began to finish the work. A middle-aged woman came up and asked Xiaogang and his party.

The woman was in her early 30s, with a generous and beautiful appearance, her long brown hair was tied up and fell behind her head, and she was wearing a housewife's clothes.

"You are...Xiaozhi's mother, right?"

Xiaogang Xiaoxia met him several times on the phone, and soon recognized that it was Xiaozhi's mother, Hanako.

This circus is just outside the town of Zhenxin, and naturally there are many newcomers who love to join in the fun. Originally, Xiaozhi was going home yesterday, but Hanako waited all night but didn't see her for a long time, so he came out for a walk today After a few laps, just in time for the circus to start, I temporarily left my son aside and planned to come in to have a look.

Although the magic wall puppet's performance just now was wonderful, it gave Hanako an inexplicable metaphysical feeling, as if watching...

Silly son?

Everyone quickly explained the reason, and the head of the group, Ajin, also apologized to Hanako, but the latter just smiled and waved his hands casually.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter."

The so-called knowing son is like mother, Huazi naturally knows that Xiaozhi will not have any serious problems.

"Since you've come to Zhenxin Town, come to our house to rest for a while. Xiaozhi is usually taken care of by you. Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, let me treat you well today."

Huazi invited with a smile, Xiaogang Xiaoxia naturally agreed, and Archer and Ajin also went to Zhenxin Town together.

As for Xiaozhi, he was temporarily forgotten by the fire...


Somewhere on the outskirts of Zhenxin Town, Team Rocket's hot air balloon stopped next to a small wooden house.

In the wooden house, two people and a cat are happily drinking champagne, and a magic wall doll is tied to the wall.

"Today is a big victory for our Rockets!"

"It's so comfortable not to see the little devil's head!"

"Meow finally found a pattern meow!"

Kojiro Musashi looked at Meow Meow curiously.

I saw Miao Miao kissing a sip of champagne with a polite expression on her face.

"Meow found that no matter what the cats do, as long as the little devil is not there, we can succeed. Once the little devil is on the scene, we will fail!"

After the words fell, a thunderstorm fell from the sky, and Miaomiao seemed to have revealed the ultimate rules of this world.


"It seems to understand a little bit...?"

Musashi Kojiro lowered his head and thought for a while, as if it was true.

Before meeting the little ghosts, they were the super villain Team Rocket that made Miss Junsha frightened, but since the first time they met the little ghosts in Tokiwa City, they have completely become funny comedians.

No matter what you do, as long as you act in advance before the little ghost head, or act later, you can succeed.

And once they collide head-on with the little devil's head, they will lose.

Expressed as an inequality: World\u003cRocket\u003cXiaozhi.

"Turtle...we seem to have discovered the great mystery of this world..."

The three of them stared wide-eyed, all shocked and delighted by their conjectures.

But there is also a great sense of fear following it, as if the world has strong malice towards them...

"I'm so fucked up, meow..."



In Xiaozhi's soul space, Chi was also shocked by the words of the three Rockets, and couldn't help but type three points of silence.

He has already faintly felt the bad taste of the world's will. There are two rules that he can know so far, both of which are iron-like true propositions that can be written into textbooks.

First, the world revolves around Xiaozhi.

It's "Speaking of Wisdom".

Second, give the Rockets a lever, they can move the entire earth, but there is one and only a little intelligence that can discount this lever.

It's "Rocket's Law of Leverage"


Chi, who was in the soul space, was still thinking that the third rule might be the third law of gravity, which would make it impossible for a huge Pokémon to fly. Suddenly, there was a sound of a rope breaking in reality.

I saw that Xiaozhi's sucker puppet had forcibly broken free from the rope, and took off the headgear in front of the three Rockets, revealing the face of a super real newcomer.

"Idiot Team Rocket, you caught the wrong guy, look who I am!?"

"Little devil head!?"

The three of them were shocked. They had just discussed the success of the operation, but they didn't expect that when the little ghost appeared, their target disappeared, and the plan was instantly declared a failure.


The three of them took a breath at the same time, the rules of the dark road were indeed terrifying, and this was fulfilled too quickly, right?

"Hmph, Team Rocket!"

Xiaozhi gestured to the three of them with the middle finger, and immediately ran out of the cabin, but the three of them didn't realize it until they were a few seconds behind, and quickly chased after them.

But he saw that Xiaozhi had already piloted their hot air balloon and flew into the air.

"Hey, brat, you fucking!"

"Stole our hot air balloon!!"

"You thief meow!!"

Xiaozhi immediately pointed his middle finger down in the hot air balloon, and then retorted loudly:

"You are the thieves! It's not a big problem if I steal from the thief!"

Soon, Xiaozhi, who was driving the Meow Meow hot air balloon, disappeared without a trace in the sky.

This posture is very similar to Zeng Jin's Rockets.

Three people: "..."

(seeking subscription, ball tickets)

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