He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2815 Desperate situation! Demon Fire Red Fox vs Squid King!

Mega Tanabata Bluebird hugged the Squid King's body and fell down heavily. The latter's body was further down and touched the ground first.

Boom! !

With a burst of pink light, the Squid King was pressed hard to the ground by Mount Tai, causing a big hole in the ground!

The powerful force also caused the surrounding gravel to scatter and smoke to rise everywhere.

And when the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird spread its wings and took off again, the Squid King also stood up again from the gravel pit, his facial expression remained as dull as Miss Junsha behind him.

But there were already scars on his body.

"Have the opportunity!"

Seeing this, Serena was overjoyed. These scars could prove that the opponent's physical strength was gradually being depleted.

As long as the health bar appears, it means it can be defeated!

This undoubtedly strengthened her confidence in defeating her opponents.

Although the Squid King looks vicious, his fruitful performance also won the applause of many spectators around him.

"So it turns out that a Pokémon like Squid King is so powerful? It can actually defeat so many Pokémon of that little girl in a row!"

"I've always had a weird feeling before. I thought the trainer was being manipulated, haha~"

"Yes, look at it now. The expressions of Squid King and Mrs.

"It's not a mega evolution, it's better than a mega evolution! What a perfect trainer and Pokémon pair!"

At this moment, the semi-finals have reached the second half, and the temperature of the entire venue seems to have risen due to the anxious battle, making people feel hot.

Da da da.!

On the field, the Squid King suddenly stabbed his body with his tentacles, dancing like an airtight man.

The trick of tapping acupuncture points and then turning the body upside down can reverse the negative effects of being a naysayer.

This makes the Squid King's speed and attack power visibly improve to a new level, and the enhanced momentum is almost comparable to the Mega Evolution!

There is quite a sense of immediate vision when the golden needle pricks the acupoint and stimulates the potential.

"Qixi Blue Bird, the power of the moon!!"

Serena made up her mind to completely stop the Squid King here and immediately attacked.

The mega Tanabata bluebird hovered high in the sky, quickly condensed a pink energy bomb in its mouth, and fell down with its wings!

Boom! !

However, the Squid King backhanded a spiritual blade, detonating the power of the moon halfway ahead of time.

The smoke and dust haven't dispersed yet, the figure of the Squid King has already approached, and the spiritual blade condensed on the other tentacle is slashed out!

Whoops! !

Even though Mega Tanabata Bluebird relied on the thick cotton to resist, he was still knocked backwards by the blow.

"Qixi Blue Bird, use ultimate impact!!"

Seeing that her opponent was slashing in mid-air with all his strength, it would be difficult to dodge for a while, Serena simply shouted out the big move!

The mega Tanabata Blue Bird chirped loudly, flew out with its wings, wrapped in a pink spiral energy coat, and crashed straight into the target!

Fairy Skin·Ultimate Impact, the power of this move is particularly amazing!


The Squid King in the intracranial world was also frightened by this move. If it were to control the body, it would be really difficult to avoid it.

But the person controlling it at this moment is Chaomeng.


Chaomeng remained silent, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised, quite satisfied with Serena's command.

Then with a thought, the Squid King's body suddenly moved out of thin air.

It was as if the sky had turned into an ocean, and the air had turned into water flow. Like a fish in water, the Squid King's movements became silky and smooth.

call out.!

The squid's tentacles flicked, and its body suddenly jumped two meters upward, just in time to avoid the menacing final impact.

But the offensive was not over yet. The Squid King flexibly reversed his body and pressed down, and actually hugged the Qixi Blue Bird's back.

clatter! clatter!

The flexible and powerful squid tentacles naturally attached themselves to it immediately. All the suction cups opened and were firmly adhered to the sides of Qixi Bluebird's body.

The tentacles continued to tighten, restricting all the force-producing joints. Even the wings of the latter were stuck and closed, unable to continue to maintain flying movements.


The mega Tanabata Blue Bird fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

And its own double defense is also constantly decreasing.

The unique skill of Chugu makes it difficult for the target to break free, and even the defense power will continue to decrease!

Until the Tanabata Blue Bird suddenly felt a looseness in its back, thinking that the opponent's power was exhausted. When it subconsciously raised its head and spread its wings, it found that two spiked tentacles were already hovering behind its back, and the front end was covered with dangerous purple light.

Poison attack!

At zero distance, the poisonous thrust hit Qixi Blue Bird hard!

Outstanding effect!


As the latter whined, the light of mega evolution around him faded, and Qixi Blue Bird completely fell to the ground, unable to fight.

The whole venue suddenly burst into cheers.

This means that in this semi-final, both sides have only one Pokémon left, and they are both in desperate situations!

"This squid king is really weird?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi touched his chin with the same puzzled expression.

Just now, the action of using one hand to avoid the ultimate impact, and then using the backhand to get in touch with him was completely unlike what a Pokémon could do!

Moreover, the Squid King's aura became very strange at this moment.

"Serena, come on!"

But sitting in the spectator seats, Xiaozhi could only cheer for Serena with solemn eyes.

What was originally a great situation suddenly turned into a very evenly matched situation.

But there is still a chance!

Although the Squid King has a dull expression, the scars on his body cannot be deceived. He must have reached the state of being like a candle in the wind?

Of course, the legendary Pokémon level Wind Candle is almost like a normal Pokémon with full physical strength.

"Come back, Tanabata Bluebird, you behaved well."

On the field, Serena took back the Qixi Blue Bird.

Then she took a deep breath and straightened her eyes. Now she had no way out.

"Please, Demon Fire Red Fox!"

She sent her last general!


The demon fire red fox appeared in front of her. As soon as he appeared, he raised his charcoal-black wooden staff, and the front end ignited with a black-red flame.

This is somewhat similar to the Galarian flame bird. The flames also carry some evil energy.

On the opposite side, the Squid King's body was quite miserable on the surface, and the injuries from several consecutive fierce battles were revealed.

However, the Squid King in his mind immediately became excited after seeing the noble and elegant Demon Fire Red Fox appear, and his tone became perverted:

"Master, it's this demonic fire red fox. You must let me use the unique trick of Gu Gu. I want to ravage her body~!"


This request seems a bit perverted.

But since it’s a request from a subordinate, let’s help fulfill it as a greeting gift! (End of chapter)

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