He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2816 The semi-finals ended, Serena advanced!

Boom! !

The final battle began, and the Squid King opened his mouth and shot out a dangerous wave of evil.

"Use the wall of light to block it!"

Serena naturally used her best wall-opening tactic, sacrificing some physical strength in exchange for weakening the opponent's attack.


Immediately afterwards, the Squid King quickly approached again, and its two tentacles were shaped like sharp blades and attached to the black light.

Secret attack on key points!

The Squid King, who has evil attributes, now has his turn to have the upper hand.

"Reflective wall!"

With a wave of the demon fire red fox wooden staff, he once again opened a wall that weakened physical attacks, weakening the power of secret attacks on vital points.


But he was also hit by the secret attack tentacles that passed through the reflecting wall and was knocked back several meters.

Serena looked solemn, and at this moment, only the thought of winning was left in her mind:

"Magic flame!"

The demon fire red fox wooden staff waved horizontally, and countless erratic flames flew out, attacking the Squid King from all directions.

Whoops! !

However, under the control of Chaomeng, the Squid King suddenly waved his tentacles in a slashing manner, and the strong wind pressure caused by it blew away all the magic flames!

At this moment, the Squid King still maintains a strong state.

But just as the magical flames dissipated, a few smaller fireballs secretly followed behind, flying towards them in an eerie manner.

It's a will-o'-the-wisp!

Chaomeng was shocked that this human trainer was so scheming and hid the will-o'-the-wisp move in the magical flames!

He almost got caught, and subconsciously wanted to use his mental strength remotely to control these will-o'-the-wisps.


However, Chaomeng's mental power was at the level of an ancient god. He calmed down at the critical moment and simply used the power of the Squid King to release a move of phantom light.

Suddenly, all the incoming will-o'-wisps were frozen in the air and had no effect.

"Damn it, it was just a little bit close!"

This scene also made Serena secretly discouraged.

Mewtwo became more and more interested in fighting against human trainers. The Squid King would never have thought of this strategy of nesting skills within skills.

"Interesting. Then I will give defeat as a gift to you!"

Chaomeng's pupils shrank, and he controlled the Squid King to release phantom light, crushing all the will-o'-the-wisps in front of him.

Then there is the mental power!

As soon as the Squid King opened his eyes, he spread out a burst of invisible but dangerous mental power, and was about to catch his opponent.

"Don't lose to it, we also use mental strength!"

Serena quickly said, everyone is a Pokémon with super powers.

The next moment, the Pokémon at both ends of the arena widened their eyes and raised their wooden staffs, each projecting light blue telekinesis towards the center of the arena.

Thump thump thump.!

Although it is difficult to observe the mental strength, the atmosphere of the entire arena has become oppressive and solemn, and some gravel in the center of the arena has been crushed into powder due to the collision of telepathy skills.

Seeing that the situation was evenly matched, Chaomeng in the distance could not help but frown.

So in the next second, the Squid King's mental power was increased, and the power of mental strong thoughts instantly overwhelmed the opponent!

The demon fire red fox looked shocked. In the next moment, she was caught in mid-air by the overwhelming mental force, and was also forcibly dragged in the direction of the Squid King.

On the opposite side, the Squid King had already shown a sinister smile, and his tentacles were constantly squirming, preparing to use the octopus move to directly "hug the beauty into his arms."


The demon fire red fox was startled. As a mysophobic person, she didn't want to be held in the arms of such an ugly thing.

Immediately, he was shocked, and a green light barrier arose all over his body.


The guarding barrier suddenly opened, blocking the Squid King's tentacles.


The Squid King in the world inside his head suddenly felt very sorry.

However, you can only defend if you don't defend. The two are close at hand, and the next round is its opportunity to attack!

Chaomeng naturally knew this truth. At the moment when he finished guarding the barrier, he had already controlled the Squid King's tentacles to turn into spikes, attached with energy black light, and stabbed them at the same time.

Hell thrust!

Melee combat is not what Demon Fire Red Fox is good at.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, use Imitation!"

At the critical moment, Serena suddenly shouted.

The demon fire red fox understood, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he completely memorized the move of Hell Thrust in an instant.

Then he raised his wooden stick and stabbed it continuously with the same posture.

Hell thrust!

Ta-da-bang! !

The two were at close range, and the hell thrusts collided back and forth, causing crisp bayonet sounds.

You must know that the demon fire red fox's wooden stick also has evil attributes, and the power of the hell thrust is not inferior to that of the opponent.

Instead, the high-frequency collision of moves slowed down the Squid King's movements.

No, was Chaomeng controlling the latter's mental connection, which was suddenly interrupted? !


Chaomeng frowned. He should be able to control the Squid King for at least a whole day, right? Why was the connection interrupted so quickly?

Is it because of the continuous battles, or because today I have enhanced the Squid King's Blood Skin and the Wind Speed ​​Dog's power.

Although Mewtwo often uses hypnosis to hypnotize targets.

But there is still very little direct body control, and this ability is actually not familiar to him.

As Mewtwo's will left the Squid King's body, the latter took over his body again.

The first thing I felt was the extreme fatigue of my body.

The physical strength of the mythical beasts is indeed very high, but they are also matched with a will that can consume physical strength at high intensity without fatigue.

He was continuously knocked out, which was equivalent to four or five tubes of health bars of ordinary Pokémon. This process was also very torturous.

"So tired."

The Squid King, who had taken over his body, seemed to have been sprayed with squid juice seven times in a row. For a while, even his tentacles were unable to stand up.

Although she didn't know what happened, Serena noticed the changes in the other party at a glance.

This is an excellent opportunity!

"Now, the demon fire red fox, use the most powerful big character explosion flames!!"

Serena immediately roared loudly.

The demon fire red fox also retracted the warrior's bayonet mode, and instead raised the wooden staff in his hand high, and the blazing flames continued to compress and wrap around the front end.

Boom! !

Finally, with the pressure of the wooden stick, a huge fire bomb roared out, and the hot wind pressure aroused blew away all the gravel and dust along the way, and the momentum was overwhelming!

Big characters explode! !


With no time to dodge, the Squid King could only widen his eyes and stare blankly at the flames, which kept approaching him.

at last.

Boom! !

A massive flame explosion arose from the Squid King's body.

Even the entire venue could clearly smell the strong smell of sizzling squid.


When the smoke and dust dissipated, the Squid King fell to the ground completely charred and black, completely unable to fight!

"The Squid King has lost the ability to fight, so in this semi-final, Serena from Chaoxiang Town will win and advance!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately said loudly. After shouting this sentence, even he himself breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn it, it was obviously just a semi-final that lasted less than an hour, so why did it seem like I had been watching it for a week? (End of chapter)

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