He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2818 Guzma, the undefeated emperor!

Among the people leaving the venue, on one side was his cheerful laughter, while on the other side was Guzma, who was completely alone, with a rather bleak back.

Although he recruited a large number of ambitious people from various islands in the Alola region to form an organization called the Skeleton Team.

Of course, in terms of scale and influence, Team Skeleton is far from comparable to large foreign organizations such as Team Rocket, Team Galaxy, or Team Flare.

They were even regarded as a group of unlearned and unskilled gangsters by the locals.

"Humph, a bunch of ignorant people!"

Guzma cursed lowly and walked out with his pockets in his hands.

This time he came to the Kalos area secretly, and he only revealed a few details to his confidants among the entire Skeleton Team.

It was already dinner time, and restaurants all over Miare City were almost full. Most of the relatives and friends watching the game sat at the same table in groups of three, and happy laughter could be heard from time to time.

The semi-finals have just ended in the afternoon, and now is the busiest time in the city!

This made Guzma, who was monopolizing a table in the restaurant, feel very harsh.

"Damn it. You have to get together with a group of people just to have a meal. Can't you live without others by your side?!"

Guzma glared fiercely at the table next to him. Several people across from him were even startled by Guzma's ferocious expression, and their laughter suddenly dropped a lot.

After thinking for a while, Guzma finally took out his phone and checked the group chat of his Skeleton Team.

Well, I've been gone for too long. I just checked to see if Team Skeleton had collapsed. I didn't want to find anyone to chat with!

As soon as Guzma's online notification came out, the group immediately responded with all kinds of comments:

"Ah! Boss, you are finally online!"

"We are all watching the live broadcast! Congratulations to the boss for reaching the finals!"

"Hehe, that kid Ilima, he only reached the top four before and was defeated in despair~ He can't compare with the boss at all!"

"If we want to have a final, all of our skeleton team will go there to support the boss!"

"Well, Team Skeleton has been having trouble getting food recently, and Carlos' plane ticket seems a bit expensive."

Looking at the constantly beating dialogue, which reached 99+ in a short time, Guzma's face gradually darkened, and his eyebrows kept beating.

He obviously only told a few confidants like Dapa and Jip, and also specifically reminded not to tell the rest of the Skeleton Team.

Guzma's nickname is "The Undefeated Emperor". The reason why he can never lose is because he is indeed strong enough.

on the other hand

As long as it is a game where he is not sure he can win the championship, Guzma will never participate!

This time the Miare Conference is an out-of-town competition, and the Alola region, which has always had little information, is not interested in the out-of-town alliance conference. Even if he loses, it will not affect his title and status in Alola.

But now it has been spread among the Skeleton Team by those idiots.

"Damn it. There is only one way left now, to win the championship!"

Guzma gritted his teeth. He must not lose in front of his subordinates!

"Wait a moment!"

His expression suddenly changed and he realized something.

This group of people said they had been watching the live broadcast. In other words, they were seen dancing awkwardly when using Water Z in the semi-finals! ?

You know, he threatened in the Skeleton Team that only naive local dogs can use Z-moves!

"Fortunately, no one mentioned it"

However, looking at the constant 99+ conversations in the group chat, no one mentioned the Z move, which made Guzma relieved.

But in the next finals, do you want to use the Z move?

There was no psychological burden at first, but now I think of those subordinates who admire me watching the live broadcast of my game.


Even Guzma couldn't help but blush, feeling ashamed.

But if he didn't use Z-moves, could he defeat that Carlos chick?

Guzma also watched the entire Miare Conference.

He could clearly feel that Carlos girl's strength was increasing bit by bit, and the stage of the finals would be the stage where the opponent's true strength matured.

Even Guzma, who was extremely confident in his own strength, was a little shaken for a while.

"Damn it! I should have known better than to look at my phone!"

Guzma banged the table, his irritable and sullen look startled the people sitting next to him, thinking they had offended this outsider again.

They naturally know that Guzma is a contestant who has reached the finals and has a great reputation. He especially likes to use dangerous and merciless moves to send his opponents into the ICU for emergency treatment.

Can't afford it!

In the end, Guzma put away his phone with a sinister and profound expression.

"Now we have to bite the bullet!"

Victory is the first priority. If Z moves have to be used, they can only use their power without reservation!

Compared with the lonely outsiders who have changeable moods, the atmosphere here at Serena's side is very harmonious.

Officially reaching the finals, Serena no longer had any psychological burden. She happily gathered around a big table with her friends and had a celebration banquet.

Even Saliman and Princess Sara from Desert City also came. As wealthy people, they directly raised the level of luxury of the banquet by several levels.

"It's so powerful, Serena~!"

Although Princess Sarah is 3 or 4 years older than Serena, she has become the latter's little fan girl at this moment, with eyes full of admiration.

I wonder if her Miare conference next year will go so smoothly.

"Ah~The Alliance Conference is really interesting~!"

Prince Saliman also nodded with satisfaction. In the past, he always watched live broadcasts of the Miare Conference, but this year’s event was a special one!

However, a disdainful voice came from the side, which somewhat ruined the atmosphere of the banquet:

"The battle was so boring if I had known I would have stayed in the desert and slept~"

The person who spoke was the demon god Hupa. At this moment, he flew out of the wishing pot. He sat alone where three people sat and feasted. From time to time, he complained about the boring and childish nature of the competition.

Demon God Hupa can adjust the size of his body as he wishes. Of course, the upper limit is the six-meter height of his Demon God body.

Now it has been adjusted to the size of a 2.5-meter little giant, and it can also eat with everyone.

Others at the table did not dare to question Hupa's rather abrupt words.

Although Tieruno and Doropa have never seen the demon god Hupa, just looking at the body of this pink-grey giant, they can feel a heart-stopping feeling. It is definitely a terrifying thing. exist!

"Well~ it's actually not a big problem~"

Xiaozhi did not refute this and smiled to lighten the atmosphere.

For the ancient god-level combat power of the demon god Hupana, he could easily engage in immortal fights with other first-level gods. The competition in the alliance conference was indeed a bit childish. (End of chapter)

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