He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2819 Information about Z moves!

The day after the celebratory dinner, it was rare that there was no game today.

The interior of the Miare venue was empty. The flow of people was now scattered throughout the streets and alleys of Miare city, and there was a lot of traffic.

Doropa, Shana, and Tierno have already teamed up to go hang out. The Saliman brothers and sisters are also engaged in business, dealing with diplomatic issues with Desert City with local officials.

They plan to establish a direct airport connecting the two places, instead of only private planes being able to come over.

With the Aladdin's Pot signboard featuring the demon god Hupa, Desert City may become the most popular city in the entire Kalos region.

"Hmph! Try to have the Carlos Alliance Conference held in our desert city within three years!"

Saliman went to apply for United with confidence!

Serena's mother, Saki, went to a gathering of local armored rhino riders.

Living in Chaoxiang Town all year round, I can only get together with some friends during the Iron-Armored Rhino Competition.

Now that everyone is gathered in Miare City, her daughter no longer needs to worry about herself, and Sachi can move around without worries.

For a time, only Carlos's classic four-person team was left, plus Korni.

The latter came alone from Salo City this time and had no worries, so he was temporarily tied to Xiaozhi and his party.

But the focus now is of course Serena who will compete in the finals tomorrow.

At this moment, everyone was sitting around the round table outside the Pokémon Center with sun umbrellas on it, chatting casually.

"What do you mean Serena, what do you want to do today?"

"We can all help~!"

Xiaozhi, Kerni and the others said enthusiastically.

If you need a warm-up sparring session, all of them can do the job.

"I also found some information about the Z-moves in the Alola region. Considering the attributes that Guzma is good at, the only focus is to understand the water and insect attributes in the Z-moves."

Citron, on the other hand, has used his expertise as an intelligence officer and has collected a lot of information about Z moves.

Not only Serena, but also Xiaozhi became curious and urged the former to talk quickly.

"Actually, we have all seen the Z move once. It is when the trainer performs the corresponding move from behind, and the Pokémon can perform an unparalleled ultimate move at once, which is enough to determine the outcome of the game. But with the physical strength of the Pokémon , can only be used once per game."

Citron spoke slowly.

Logically speaking, the Legendary Pokémon should be able to fire two Z-moves in a row, right?

However, Z-moves are very rare to begin with. He has not yet collected any precise information on the Z-moves of legendary Pokémon.

"The Z move is essentially the effect of increasing the power of a move that the Pokémon has already mastered."

Citron explained that, for example, the super vortex of water flow used by the armored warrior at that time was the effect of increasing the power of its "water flow rupture".

"Is it somewhat similar to the ultimate move?"

Xiaozhi nodded seriously.

However, comparing the two, although the Z move is very strong, the move of the armored warrior obviously does not reach the ultimate level.

"So the original move is the key!"

Citron took out his phone and brought up the skill power panel.

"If the power of moves is divided by numerical values, the official now generally sets the power of the destructive death ray as 150, while the power of Serena's demon fire red fox's large-character explosive flames is 120."

Of course, the power of the moves performed by each Pokémon is different, and these values ​​​​are obtained on average.

Serena nodded and listened carefully. This information might be a powerful helper for her to defeat Guzma tomorrow!

"The Z-move has an improvement range. Different original moves will produce different Z-moves with different powers."

"For example, the power of the armored warrior's 85-power water flow burst reaches 160, which is already more powerful than the ultimate move of destroying the death ray!"

"But if it's just a wave of water with a power of 60, the Z move will only have a level of 120, which is the same as the big character explosion."

Speaking of this, Citron is quite strange.

Because in other regions, it is not popular to quantify the power of moves.

But in the Alola region, is there even a complete set of Z-move power comparison tables? !

The power of the Z-move for "0 \u003c original power \u003c 60" is 100, and the power of the Z-move for "60≤original power \u003c 70" is 120

Even more specific, the Z-move power of "fixed damage moves (such as Dragon's Fury)" is 100, and the Z-move power of "moves with changing power (such as grass knotting)" is 160, these data are all there!

It seems that there should be an expert doctor in the Alola region who is very knowledgeable about Z moves and is conducting detailed research on the power of the moves to obtain such a complete panel comparison table!

"Is there such a thing?"

Several people nodded in a daze as if they had read the book from heaven.

Xiaozhi even shivered, as if he was in class.

The Alola region isn't full of schools that teach numerical concepts, right?

Xiaozhi quickly shook his head. What he disliked the most was paper-based teaching of Pokémon battles.

If he were to be a teacher, then actual Pokémon battles would be the best course!

"We have already seen Water Z. It is a move called Super Water Vortex. Its attack form is probably a combination of waterfall climbing + tidal whirlpool."

When Citron was collecting information, he even saw the special effects of various attribute Z moves.

The Pokémon Doctor over there is really serious and responsible.

"As for the insect attribute that Guzma is good at, the Z move is called Absolute Predatory Spin Slash. The attack action is to trap the opponent firmly with silk thread, and then use the Yan Hui offensive to completely split the target!"

Serena nodded seriously and took it to heart.

As for Zhong Z, his demon fire red fox should still be able to hold on.

If the water is Z, it will be dangerous.

Even these Z moves cannot be blocked by guarding the barrier, which gives Serena a headache.

However, after going through most of the information in her mind, Serena felt more confident, so that she would not be in a hurry when the time comes.

After everyone discussed tactics with Serena, one or two hours later, Serena suddenly glanced at her watch and stood up anxiously:

"Sorry everyone, I also made an appointment with a famous technician for a Pokémon massage. It is said that he can make Pokémon's condition reach its peak! No, I'm going to be late!"

After saying that, he hurriedly ran in one direction, not forgetting to turn back and shout:

"Let's hold the tactical meeting after I come back~!"

Several people watched Serena leave blankly, while Xiaozhi subconsciously held his hands behind his head and leaned back on the chair.

Pokémon massage?

Why does it sound familiar? (End of chapter)

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