He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2820 The finals begin, and the turtle-footed giant armor refuses to be defined!

The next day, the final schedule of the Miare Conference officially arrived.

The game time was approaching, and Xiaozhi and his team were at the entrance of the venue, preparing to send Serena into the player waiting room.

"Oh Serena, you look in good condition today~!"

Seeing that Serena was radiant and confident today, Xiaozhi was relieved.

"Hmm~ Yesterday's massage was very effective!"

Serena smiled, and the white teeth exposed at the corners of her mouth were whiter than usual.

It was a massage service officially provided by the league to players. During the finals, only she and Guzma could use it, so there was no need to queue.

The technician is still a fast dragon that is rare in the Kalos area. It is chubby, but the strength of the dragon's claw fingertips is strong and powerful, and it directly gives her team and even the trainer himself a deep massage!

"Kuailiong is the Pokémon from Xiaozhi's hometown. Forget it, I'll ask next time."

Serena did not continue on this topic. After waving to her friends, she walked towards the lounge with her head held high.

On the other side, Guzma is still wearing the street-style black clothes, with messy white hair, and a pair of eye-shaped sunglasses on his forehead.

There is also a large gold chain on the collar that is standard for people in society, but there is a gold pendant shaped like a skull at the bottom, which is the logo of their skeleton team.


When passing by Xiaozhi and his group, Guzma snorted coldly.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked over in a swaggering manner, not paying attention to this group of people at all.


This made the Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder a little annoyed, and he wanted to give this energetic young man an electrotherapy on the spot!

Xiaozhi stared at Guzma's back thoughtfully:

"I wonder if this person knows the Royal Masked Man? The latter should be famous in the Alola region, right?"

Xiaozhi is not very interested in Guzma. Instead, Xiaozhi is quite curious about the current situation of the Royal Masked Man, a powerful opponent he has not seen again for a long time.

"Huh, if you pull Serena like this, remember to show him some color!!"

Korni was naturally not used to Guzma's arrogance, and immediately shouted loudly from behind, not caring about Guzma's frowning movement and turning around.

Even Korni clenched her fists. As the leader of a fighting gym, her hand-to-hand combat skills are also very high!

The rest of the people hurriedly smiled and pulled Korni to the audience. Before the other players started fighting, they took action first.

This game, leave it all to Serena!

When a few people took their seats in the auditorium, because it was the finals, the Miare venue was already full at this moment, and the crowding level was even more exaggerated than in previous events. Many people could only sit in the aisles or at the very back. platform.

This year's Miare Conference is different, because after the end, it will be seamlessly connected to a conference of the strongest trainers. Even the champion Kaluni has made it clear that she will participate, which is very popular!

"Let us welcome today's special guests, Ms. Champion Karuni, and Dr. Buratano!"

This luxurious pair is still in the studio, and they will explain and evaluate the battle between the two sides during the process.

"I believe Contestant Serena will win!"

"I vote for Serena too~!"

As a necessary guessing link before the commentary, both Karuni and Dr. Bratano voted for Serena.

Even in the entire Miare venue, the vast majority of the audience was on Serena's side.

He has good looks, strength, and a good personality. He is in sharp contrast to the bully and gangster from out of town opposite him.

"Come on Serena~!!"

"Defeat the evil Alola people!!"

"Kudos Carlos~!"

With the players on both sides taking the stage, this place has become Serena's home court, and there are deafening cheers all around.

They all applauded him, and Guzma suddenly felt a little annoyed.

"Damn it, these locals...!"

He could only glare fiercely at the girl in front of him, preparing to vent his anger on the latter's Pokémon.

"Then, the finals of the Miare Conference begin now!"

As the Ghost Sword referee raised his flag into the sky, the noise in the venue reached its climax, and the players on both sides also took out their first Poké Ball.


Even Xiaozhi in the audience felt his heart tense for no reason, and couldn't help but become nervous when he looked at Serena's back in the distance.

The next moment, both of them sent out their Pokémon at the same time.

boom! boom!

The first one Guzma sent out was still the giant pincer mantis covered in crimson steel armor, majestically holding up the ghost-faced pair of pincers.

As a high-speed fighter, the Giant Pincer Mantis can help Guzma crush and kill the weak at the fastest speed.

On the other side, Serena sent out the turtle-footed giant armor.

It's definitely not about sacrificing cannon fodder or anything like that!

Mainly because in the last game, the Chaojia Kuangxi in the wheel battle exhausted too much physical strength, and was finally attacked by the opponent's Wind Speed ​​Dog, whose strength had improved by leaps and bounds. Now his body has not fully recovered.

Serena only had 7 Pokémon in her body, so she could only make the Super Armor Rhythm sit on the bench in the finals.

"Turtle-footed giant armor, you must reverse your cannon fodder image at the end! Use water flow to break it!"

Serena shouted to cheer for the turtle-footed giant armor, taking the lead in kicking off the finals.

"Turtle drink!!"

The turtle-footed giant armor let out a loud roar, and the barnacle claws on one side condensed water blades, and he immediately rushed towards his opponent.

Every time he was used as cannon fodder, Turtle Foot Giant Armor also felt a lot of anger in his heart. Today he must avenge his shame!

It, the turtle-footed giant armor, refuses to be defined by anyone!

As soon as it comes up, it’s the opponent’s ace’s best move: Water Rupture!

Speaking of which, although the giant pincer mantis has excellent resistance, the water + rock attributes of the giant turtle-footed armor can have sufficient effects on the former.

"Hmph, do you dare to play with water bursting in front of me?"

Guzma just smiled disdainfully and suddenly shouted:

"Yan Hui!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant pincer mantis spread its wings on its back and sprang out quickly. It deflected the water-breaking slash at an extremely fast speed, and then a steel pincer hit the chest of the giant turtle-footed armor.

Coupled with the characteristics of the giant pincer mantis as a technical expert, this attack was so powerful that it knocked the giant turtle-footed armor back.

"Then there's Ironhead!!"

The wings of the giant mantis trembled at high speed, and it sprang out again. This time, its head was wrapped in silver light and it crashed straight into it.

"Use the iron wall to block it!"

The turtle-footed giant armor quickly protected its barnacle-shaped arms in front of its body, and its entire body also glowed with metal, and its defense was greatly enhanced.

Bang bang! !

The iron head hit the iron wall, and there was a sonorous and powerful metal explosion in the center of the arena! (End of chapter)

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