He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2821 Suddenly appears, the ace demon red fox!

"Haha, after the water flow breaks, is it a duel with steel attributes? Giant Pincer Mantis, use Split Tiles!"

Guzma sneered, this is his specialty.

Being bounced back by the iron wall, the Giant Pincer Mantis transferred the metal streamer on its head to its pair of pincers this time. Its pupils shrank, and it instantly captured the only flaw in the defense of the giant turtle-footed armor's iron wall.


The fighting-type tile splitting move was quickly struck, breaking the iron wall defense in an instant, and hitting the side of the giant turtle-footed armor hard.


The latter grunted in pain and tried to counterattack by raising four barnacle arms.

"There is no chance. Giant Pincer Mantis, end the battle and use secret attack to attack the vital points!!"

Guzma let out a low shout. His moves were basically these ruthless and tricky moves.

The giant pincer mantis rushed out again, and the pincers on one side had turned into sharp black blades, bypassing the defensive barnacle claws on both sides of the turtle's giant armor, and also bypassing the hard rock body in the middle.

Crack! !

It was very precise, hitting the barnacle arm on the head of the giant turtle-footed armor!

Hit the mark!


The huge body of the giant turtle-footed armor collapsed instantly, and the eyes in the palms of each barnacle claw turned into a dizzy state.

"The turtle-footed giant armor has lost its ability to fight!"

As the Ghost Sword referee spoke loudly, Guzma made a good start in this semi-final.

A lot of sighs suddenly came from the surrounding venue:

"Hey, it was the foreigner who came out on top."

"I'm just saying Serena's turtle-footed giant armor won't work."

"Don't worry, the turtle-footed giant armor fell down, which proves that this game is actually good!"

Serena didn't care about this and just silently took back the giant turtle-footed armor.

On the opposite side, Guzma started the trash talk session as usual:

"Hey little girl, I suggest you sign up for the exhibition match. Aren't all your women like this? Don't blame me for bullying you."

Halfway through Guzma's words, he noticed that the Ghost Sword referee had cast a dangerous look and quickly stopped.

Just click as long as you can disrupt the opponent's mentality.

But when he looked at the face of the girl across from him again, he found that her expression had not changed, and she was not too panicked.


Guzma frowned. Over the course of this competition, not only has this girl's fighting strength improved, but has her mental quality also been improving?

"Destroy her with all your strength, show no mercy, Giant Pincer Mantis!"

Guzma immediately waved his hand and shouted angrily.

On Serena's side, although she was weak for the first round, she was not discouraged at all, and she already had another Poké Ball in her hand.


The red light fell, and an elegant and noble humanoid fox appeared, holding a charcoal-black wooden staff like a forest witch, and the front end ignited a flame with a "boom".

The demon fire red fox!


Guzma's expression changed. Isn't the Demon Fire Red Fox the ace of the opponent? Why was it sent in the second round?

Among the 18 attributes, his giant claw mantis is only restrained by the fire attribute, and it is even four times more dangerous.

"As expected, I'd better take it back temporarily."

"Demon Fire Red Fox, use black gaze!"

Before Guzma could raise his hand, Serena glared sharply and shouted:


The demon fire red fox roared, waving the wooden staff in front of him, and suddenly a black one-eyed shadow fell on the giant pincer mantis.

The Giant Pincer Mantis cannot leave the scene!

"Damn it, will the kid today still play tricks like this?"

Guzma was furious and could only attack fiercely:

"Then just kill it directly and attack its vital points!!"

Seeing this, Serena just raised the corner of her mouth and responded calmly:

"Use Flame Vortex!"

The demon fire red fox waved the wooden staff, and the flames rushed out in a spiral shape from the front end.

The four times restrained flames also made the Giant Pincer Mantis feel like it was facing a powerful enemy, and its fast movements became panicked.


However, its power is still strong, and it slashes out from behind to attack vital points, instantly splitting all the flames and air waves.

"Now, big characters burst into flames!!"

But at this time, Serena's voice was like a curse, and the skin of the giant pincer mantis' steel body seemed to stand up with chills.

Boom! !

But under the cover of the flame vortex, a powerful burst of large-character flames had already struck.

There is no doubt that as long as he is hit by this big burst of flames, he will die on the spot even if he is full of blood.

The giant pincer mantis immediately fluttered its wings with all its strength. Although it avoided the center area of ​​the explosion of big characters at its limit, it was still brushed aside by the "one" on the left side of the character "big", and it suddenly grinned in pain.

However, before it could take a moment to breathe, the wooden staff waved by the demonic fire red fox in the distance seemed to have no cooling CD at all, and the next round of moves had already arrived.

"It's over, use magic flames!"

This time, there were countless erratic flames, surrounding them from all directions. The magical flames were not as easy to dodge as the big-character explosive flames.

The Giant Pincer Mantis, which had just been brushed aside, lost the ability to dodge for a while.

Boom! !

The magical flames attacked, completely covering the figure of the Giant Pincer Mantis, and triggered a burst of flame explosion in mid-air!

Four times more restraint, the effect is remarkable!


With this blow, the Giant Pincer Mantis fell from the air and lost its ability to fight on the spot.

"The tactic was successful! Serena regained the game!"

In the audience, Xiaozhi and his party couldn't help but celebrate.

This was the tactic they had discussed before. If they wanted to defeat their opponent's dangerous Giant Pincer Mantis, it would be better to let the Demon Fire Red Fox appear directly.

In order to prevent escape, black gaze is a move that must be practiced.

It's not a big problem. The demon fire red fox has used the imitation trick to imitate the black gaze before, and after temporary special training and strengthening, it can be regarded as completely mastered.

Of course, to be able to defeat the opponent so smoothly, the demon fire red fox's own ability and quality are also exceptionally outstanding. The release of various fire attribute moves is so smooth that the opponent has no time to defend himself.

"Come back, Demon Fire Red Fox!"

With one successful blow, Serena temporarily took back the demon fire red fox.

"Is this a tactic?"

Guzma frowned, understanding in his heart, and let the trump card appear early, killing one of his opponents with almost no damage, and then returned to the Poké Ball to rest. When the next time he appears, the demon fire red fox's physical strength will be the same as the full one.

This tactic is very suitable for sneak attacks.

"Have you thought about how to target me before the game? Hmph!"

Guzma was completely fired up, with a dark face, and he had already taken out the second elf ball in his hand.

"Destroy everything for me, King Centipede!!"

This time he sent King Centipede from the Unova region, a Pokémon that had never appeared before.

He is not a new trainer who has been traveling for a year, and there are not only six Bug-type Pokémon in Guzma's body now! (End of chapter)

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