He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3027 The battle heats up, vs. King Centipede!

Chapter 2824 The battle heats up, vs. King Centipede!

"Now, there are only three Pokémon left on both sides."

In the spectator seats, Yulijia counted the signs on the electronic screen to summarize the first half of the final.

Similarly, both of them also sent out their own Centipede King and Demon Fire Red Fox, and then replaced them with almost no injuries.

“It’s an evenly matched situation.”

"No, Guzma player also has an extra poisonous caltrop field."

Tiereno and Doropa were also discussing in a low voice, both of them hoping that Serena would make it to the end.

In the case of Poison Ling, as long as Serena's next Pokémon appears with both feet on the ground, it will automatically enter the poisoned state, and it will not work even if the mysterious guardian comes.

"Poisonous caltrop?"

Xiaozhi blinked. If he encounters poisonous water chestnuts, he will immediately destroy the entire arena floor and clear away these disgusting poisonous plants from the ground even if he spends his energy.

As for Serena’s coping strategy

"Please, Mrs. Hua Jie!"

Serena used her Lady Huajie backhand, so that by allowing Pokémon that did not touch the ground to appear, she could ignore the status of Poisonous Rhinoceros.

"Haha, it's true."

Guzma sneered again and again. He had watched Serena's previous game, and it seemed that she only had seven Pokémon with her. Madam Hua Jie would definitely send them to fight against the Poisonous Diamond field.


What he sent was the Centipede King who had appeared before.

In terms of attributes, the opponent is tightly restrained by his Centipede King!

"King Centipede, turn into a circle, then use Roll!"

The battle started again, and Guzma was about to use his classic tactics.

"Don't let it get round, use Ultimate Drain!"

However, Serena had already been on guard. Mrs. Hua Jie moved equally quickly. Two green light vines extended from the tips of the calyx on both sides and penetrated into the Centipede King's abdomen in the blink of an eye.

The vines were tightly tightened and stuck, preventing King Centipede from completely curling up into a ball.

Guzma's expression turned grim and he immediately shouted:

"In that case, just use scrolling!"

The Centipede King did not continue to deliberately pursue becoming rounder. His body curled up to 80%, and then he rolled out and rushed straight towards the target along the vines of the ultimate absorption.

However, when she rushed three meters away from Mrs. Hua Jie, Serena suddenly rolled her eyes and commanded:

"It's now, the falling flowers are in full bloom!"

Mrs. Hua Jie raised her hands and sang, and countless green leaves and pink petals instantly floated around her, rising into the sky along with a spiral hurricane.


The powerful falling flowers instantly lifted King Centipede into the air, and countless flying leaves and petals flew across the latter's body.

It was just the first roll, with average power, and Luoying Colorful was destroyed easily.

However, even with the mysterious power bonus of the Graxitia Flower and the amplification effect of the Miracle Seed prop, the damage dealt by Fallen Flowers is average. The Centipede King is extremely resistant to the grass attribute.

"Just swoop down and use poison attack!"

Guzma immediately launched an attack, and King Centipede was swept up into the air by the colorful falling flowers, and then swooped down again, with a poisonous light attached to the sharp corner of his head, and he stabbed straight at Mrs. Hua Jie.

"Power of the Moon!!"

But Mrs. Hua Jie's movements were not slow either. This time, with one move of her hands, a pink air bomb was condensed and formed.

Boom boom!

Before the poison attack could land, the Moon Explosion detonated powerfully on King Centipede, interrupting the latter's poison attack move.

However, this centipede king actually twisted its body in mid-air with the momentum of the explosion. This time it was no longer the sharp horn on the top of its head, but the poisonous long thorns on its tail, which was the poisonous tail trick! !

Xicha! !

The poisonous tail stabbed Mrs. Hua Jie hard on the waist, almost breaking the latter's graceful and slender waist.

Outstanding effect!

Not only that, Mrs. Hua Jie also fell sharply due to this poisonous tail blow and hit the ground hard.


Mrs. Hua Jie bounced up from the ground, letting out a cry, and her whole body was covered with a layer of dangerous purple light.

It touches the ground and enters a poisoned state.

"Hahaha~! This is my power!!"

Guzma couldn't help laughing, and smashed his opponent's flying Pokémon on the ground. It felt so good to watch the latter whine in pain!

"The power of the moon!"

Serena, on the other hand, looked focused and launched a sudden attack.

The poisonous state did not affect Mrs. Hua Jie's movements. The latter moved her arm and another pink air bomb suddenly blasted out.

Unprepared, the moon burst roared and exploded in front of King Centipede again!

Boom! !

King Centipede flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

When the Ghost Sword referee went up to check, he found that King Centipede had lost consciousness and his eyes were spinning.

Although it has good resistance to both fairy and grass attributes, the power of Madam Hua Jie's moves is extremely powerful.

After suffering several monthly explosions in a row, even the effects are generally unbearable!

"King Centipede, you have lost your ability to fight!"

Hearing the referee's voice, Guzma's laughing face suddenly fell and he stared at Serena on the other side of the field.

"Damn it, this Carlos chick stole it!"

Unexpectedly, when he saw his Pokémon being attacked so brutally, he would attack immediately.

Even the acceleration characteristic that the Centipede King is most proud of has not been fully utilized.

It’s really not careless at all.

"Mrs. Hua Jie, support me a little longer!"

While the other side was changing Pokémon, Serena took a breather and cheered up Mrs. Hua Jie, who was in poor condition.

But after falling into a highly poisonous state, she still suffered the poisonous tail of the scorpion. At this moment, Mrs. Hua Jie was at the end of her fight.


On the other side, Guzma has changed into a new Pokémon, and it is another foreign Pokémon that Serena has never seen before.

It has a rather weird appearance. It looks like a two-meter-tall spider with six extremely slender spider legs. Its ferocious head is like an astronaut, covered by a translucent blister.

"Get it done in one go, water jet!"

Before Serena could take out the illustrated book and check it out, Guzma had already launched an attack.

The big blister spider's body was surrounded by water, and its body suddenly shot out, hitting Mrs. Hua Jie's body at an extremely fast speed.


Immediately, Mrs. Hua Jie was knocked upside down and fell to the ground.

"Mrs. Hua Jie has lost her ability to fight!"

The Ghost Sword referee quickly flew over and announced.

He didn't forget to wipe his sweat while stepping on the ghost sword. This final should be the most anxious battle in the past few years. No player on either side was weaker than the other.

"Damn it, the water is squirting!"

Serena scolded, this kind of preemptive move is simply difficult to defend against.

But this time after taking back Mrs. Hua Jie, she had time to check out the details of the blister spider opposite.

"Dripbot, with water and insect attributes, is a Pokémon from the Alola region. It has the habit of storing important things in bubbles. Sometimes it will also shoot out the bubbles on its head to wrap the head of its prey. Drown the target"

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