He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3028 Serena: I’m already thinking about the next one

Chapter 2825 Serena: I’m already thinking about the next one

After putting away the illustrated book, Serena's brows did not relax.

It's another Pokémon from the Alola region, which means that the level of the Drippy in front of you will be higher than the other Pokémon in Guzma!

Moreover, it turned out to be another Water+Insect Pokémon, with the same attributes as the opponent's ace Armored Warrior.

"Please, Bully Panda!!"

At this moment, only the last two Pokémon were left on both sides, and Serena also sent Bully Panda in an attempt to tilt the situation to her side.

"Bully ugh!"

After appearing on the stage, the Bully Panda originally wanted to roar with excitement, but just in the middle of the roar, he suddenly felt pain all over his body and whined from his mouth.

The poisonous caltrop effect is still there, and Bully Panda has entered a poisoned state.

"Quick victory, use lightning fist!!"

With the restrictions of the poisoned state, Serena did not dare to delay and launched an attack immediately.

The Bully Panda was completely enraged at the beginning, roaring and charging forward, with dangerous arcs of electricity bursting out from one of his fists.

With the blessing of the Iron Fist's characteristics, this lightning fist is extremely powerful!

"Drip Spider Tyrant, use the bubble light!"

Guzma responded confidently.

The power of bubble light is not very high. It is usually a transitional move in the early stage of Pokémon and is rarely seen on the stage of the alliance conference.

Puff puff!

The Drip Spider Ba kept spraying dense bubbles from its mouth, but the Bully Panda completely ignored them and charged all the way.

Until in the foam light, a much larger bubble suddenly appeared.

The bully panda had no time to dodge, and his head was covered by the big bubble on the spot.

Gulu gulu!

Although there was no harm done, it made the Bully Panda feel as if he was in water for a moment, unable to breathe, and bubbles could only bubble out of the water around his mouth.

"This is?!"

Serena was shocked. This was the first time she had seen this kind of fighting method.

Only the opponent's head was trapped in the water, and since the blisters were insubstantial, the Bully Panda quickly dispersed the arc of the lightning fist, and his two bear paws kept stirring the blisters, trying to tear them open.

It had no effect. The bear's paw just scratched the blisters without destroying them.

"If it's water, Bully Panda, use Freeze Punch!"

Serena's response was also not slow and she shouted immediately.

The bully panda reacted. This time, his fist was covered with frost and he hit his head. Of course, he stopped in front of his nose.


Under the action of the freezing fist, the blister quickly froze into a big ice ball this time.

With the entity in his possession, the Bully Panda peeled off all the ice cubes, and the ice shards fell to the ground.

"Now, the water breaks!"

However, the Drop Spider Tyrant had already rushed forward, and the slender spider forelimbs turned into sharp blades and struck the Bully Panda's chest mercilessly, knocking it back several meters.


The poisoning injuries followed one after another, causing the bully panda to whine again.


Serena cheered up, no wonder it was Guzma's penultimate Pokémon. This Drippy was very powerful.

And this poisonous water chestnut

"It must be destroyed now!"

Serena made up her mind.

My last ace, the demon fire red fox, is in a battle of battery life and attrition. It would not be good if there is still a poisonous state on it.

Just how to destroy the poisonous water chestnut? Until Serena saw the Drop Spider Tyrant opposite, her eyes suddenly lit up.


She had an idea and immediately launched an attack without hesitation.

"One more time, Drip Spider, use bubble light~!"

Guzma repeated his old trick, and a new bubble on the head of the Drop Spider Tyrant had condensed and formed, mixed in the dense foam light and flew out again.

"Now, Bully Panda uses bullet punch to knock them all down!!"

Serena immediately shouted, this time the bully panda was also on guard and stayed in place. The two bear paws were attached to the metallic cold light, and then the bullet fist struck out like lightning, airtight, shattering all the incoming foam light. .

Even the huge bubble hidden among the countless bubbles was forcibly destroyed by the bullet fist.


In an instant, the entire ground was wet, with water falling everywhere.

"Now, use the strongest freezing fist!"

Serena immediately shouted.

The bully panda understood, and the two bear paws condensed with frost. With the characteristics of the iron fist, the power of the freezing fist was taken to a new level!

Finally, it hit the ground brazenly.


The entire stadium ground shook.

What followed was Bai Huahua's frost energy, which quickly spread out after contacting the water flowing on the ground.


In an instant, the ground of Nuoda's arena was covered with a thin layer of ice.

"Was the original purpose poisonous caltrop?"

Guzma is quite annoyed. I am PKing with you in the Imperial City, but you are thinking about creating conditions for the Demon Fire Red Fox in the next game!

It’s so disrespectful!

"Drip Spider Tyrant, use ultimate suction to drain it!!"

Guzma suddenly shouted.

He doesn't dare to continue using water-type moves now. It's still just a thin layer of ice shell, and the poisonous water chestnut can still take effect if it is slightly destroyed.

If you create more water flow, the thick layer of frozen ice will completely destroy the effect of poisonous water chestnuts!

Seeing her opponent change his moves, Serena frowned slightly.

It would be perfect if Drip Spider Ba directly used a wave of surfing or turbid current!

Da da!

The vines of ultimate absorption stretched out and wrapped around the Bully Panda's wrist.

Serena's eyes suddenly sharpened, and her tone became much tougher:

"Then just pull it over!!"

The Bully Panda bent his arm and immediately dragged the huge Drip Spider Ba's body towards him.

She had already seen the power of this spider tyrant in the previous confrontation.


It should be a durable Pokémon.

And my own bully panda has the characteristics of an iron fist and is full of power!

call out!

By the time the Drop Spider Ba was dragged in front of him, one of the Bully Panda's arms was already covered with a violent electric arc, and he punched out without mercy!

Iron Fist·Lightning Fist! !


The lightning fist hit the Drip Spider Ba's face, and a burst of electricity suddenly burst out, the effect was outstanding!

At this moment, Serena was completely hit on the head and shouted quickly:

"I'm not done using the Freeze Punch yet!!"

Bully Panda's other fist was covered with biting cold, and it aimed at the blisters on Drip Spider Ba's head!

Since the ice on the ground is not thick enough, let's force some water out!

Boom boom! !

This time, Iron Fist and Freeze Fist hit the top of Drop Spider Ba's head, smashing it to the ground.


The blisters on the latter's head also burst suddenly, turning into countless broken ice and spreading on the ground, blending into the previous thin ice layer.

This time, the thick ice layer that can neutralize poisonous water chestnuts is completed!

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