He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3029 Ai Lan: Why are there so many Flare Team members?

Chapter 2826 Ai Lan: Why are there so many Flare Team members?

At the same time, in a corner of the spectator seats, Manon was pulling Ai Lan’s sleeves enthusiastically:

"Wow Ai Lan, look, that bully panda is so powerful, it feels like it can knock out your Charizard with one punch~!"


Ai Lan did not answer, and her deep gaze fell on the bullies Panda and Drip Spider who were tensely confronting each other on the field.

This bully panda is indeed very strong. Combined with the characteristics of the Iron Fist, the thunder and lightning fist he displays may really be a threat to his fire-breathing dragon.

But only a little bit.

As the former league champion, Ai Lan is confident that he only needs three Pokémon to push away all the Pokémon on the field.

He is not very interested in the league conference. The chance of a king-level master appearing is too small, but he is more looking forward to the subsequent games!

At this time, Ai Lan suddenly noticed a woman with short orange hair on the platform aisle not far away, and couldn't help but frown.

"Isn't this person Akabi?"

When he was doing outsourcing work for Team Flare, he had contact with several senior cadres in the organization.

Although they dress up in novel and strange ways, they are basically researchers who provide technical support. Among them, the one with short orange bangs is a female scientist named Akobi.

Of course, now that Akebi is wearing normal clothes, he doesn't look so out of place in the audience at Nuo University.

"Why are the people from Team Flare suddenly interested in the Alliance Conference?"

Ai Lan is a little puzzled. These female scientists are usually either doing fashionable looks or developing new instruments. They should not pay attention to the alliance conference.

And when he looked around, he found that there were many members of Team Flare scattered in the spectator seats.

Although he put away his strangely styled orange tight-fitting suit and sunglasses, the hair dyed like flames on his head could not be hidden and was easily identifiable.

"What's going on? Why are there so many Team Flare members here?"

Thinking back to the intriguing look on the Fire King Pachira's face before, Ai Lan always felt that something was not right.

However, he did not choose to take Manon immediately and leave this place of right and wrong.

"It's not a big problem."

No matter what happened, he let Charizard spread its wings and take off, enough to take himself and Manon out of here safely.

He is not the kind of warm-hearted person. When encountering something like this, he still prefers to stay alone rather than get involved.

"Ai Lan, look, the winner is determined!!"

The childish girl next to her was not aware of the hidden dangers around her at all. She still pulled Ai Lan's sleeves with great interest and exclaimed again and again.

She was also holding a chubby green hedgehog in her arms. After evolution, Fat Hali's body size was almost catching up with Manon.

Of course, the personality is completely opposite to that of Xiaozhi.

When his trainer yelled and waved his hands, scattering a lot of popcorn, this fat Harry patiently picked up the popcorn back into the bucket.

On the field, the winner between the Bully Panda and the Drop Spider was completely decided.

"Thunder Fist!!"

"The water breaks!!"

In the end, Bully Panda's iron fist and thunder fist hit the spider's chassis belly hard.


The slender legs of the Drip Spider Ba condensed water and sharp blades, and slashed the Bully Panda's chest.

Both Pokémon slid out at the same time.

Bully Panda was still panting heavily, feeling a sharp pain in his chest.


On the other side, the Drop Spider Tyrant had its six legs spread out and was the first to lose its ability to fight.


Seeing this scene, Serena patted her chest and exhaled.

Finally, the opponent was reduced to the last one, and the Bully Panda and the Demonic Fire Red Fox were left on his side, giving him a small advantage.

"Tsk, what a waste!"

Guzma took back the Drop Spider and cursed fiercely through the elf ball.

Didn't he expect that he would be cornered by an unknown little girl? !

Reminiscent of the fact that there are still a large number of Skeleton Team members watching the live broadcast on the other side of the ocean.

Maybe there are some big mouths who have informed outsiders, and some Alola people who are having fun are also waiting for them to make a fool of themselves.

"Can't lose!!"

Guzma's eyes became more determined than ever before. He must win this game and maintain his majesty as the undefeated emperor in the Skeleton Team! !

"Destroy it completely!! Armored Warrior!!"

Guzma shouted angrily and deployed his trump card.

Seeing this Pokémon with a strong build, thick armor, and claws like long blades appear on the stage, Serena's expression suddenly became solemn.

And this Pokémon’s first move after debuting

"Here we come, Bully Panda, use Bullet Punch!"

Serena's heart tightened and she didn't dare to show any signs of neglect.

On the other side, Guzma commanded in a cold tone:

"A head-on blow!"

As soon as the words fell, both sides took action at the same time. The bully panda's fist was attached with silver streamer and rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

The armored warrior, whose whole body was covered with gray-green light, also flew out.

Boom! !

In the end, the armored warrior was even faster, and his clawed arm took the lead and hit the bully panda hard on the chest!

The head-on blow and the bullet punch are both preemptive moves, but the bullet punch only provides preemption +1, while the speed of the head-on blow has reached the level of divine speed +2.

Even the power of the moves is higher than the speed and ultimate moves!

The bully panda was hit hard on the chest, and his huge figure flew out instantly, and the metal flow condensed in his hand also dissipated.


Finally, it fell hard in front of Serena, its head tilted, and its two panda eyes were already spinning.

"The bully panda has lost the ability to fight!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately flew over and shouted loudly.

Now, both sides were down to their last Pokémon.

Both sides were match points, which also brought the atmosphere of the Miare venue to its peak. The cheers and cheers rose like a torrent and a tsunami, and the ground trembled faintly.

"It's a pity that the bully panda was defeated!"

"There is no way, you will always get hurt by a head-on attack. At least the Demon Fire Red Fox did not take the damage from this attack."

In the stands, Xiaozhi and his team were also having a heated discussion, their faces glowing red from intensely watching the battle.

"Hit this move head-on"

Xiaozhi blinked. This insect-type move was actually quite powerful. It dealt high damage preemptively at the beginning.

However, it seems that there are not many Pokémon that can practice. Among the many insect Pokémon that he has come into contact with along the way, he has not seen anyone who can learn this technique.

"Anyway, it's the last step, Serena, go all out!"

Seeing the tense confrontation between the two people on the field, Xiaozhi could only calm down and silently cheer for Serena to grit her teeth.

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