He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3030 The final chapter of the finals, the demon fire red fox vs. the armored warrior!

Chapter 2827 The final chapter of the final, the demon fire red fox vs. the armored warrior!

"In the end, I can only turn to you, Yaohuo Red Fox!"

In the end, Serena sent her own ace general.

She was relieved that she didn't have to make an opening to take advantage of the opponent's moves and hit them head-on.

"Hmph, it's finally here, Carlos's Fire Fox"

Guzma grinned and whispered. In fact, in their Alola region, the local foxes were still ice-type.

The battle began, and the pupils of both men shrank at the same time, officially starting the final battle.

"Armored Warrior, Missile Needle!!"

"Demon fire red fox, magic flame!!"

At the beginning, the armored warrior raised his arms and fired spiked shells from his fingertips, attacking the target intensively like a carpet.

The demon fire red fox waved his wooden staff, and the condensed flames immediately intercepted all the incoming shells, detonating them in mid-air, causing continuous small explosions.

"Now, will-o'-the-wisp!!"

Serena shouted quickly before the smoke in the midfield cleared up.

The opponent is a physical-attack Pokémon. If she can give it a burn state, she will basically win this game.

However, Guzma also had the same idea. Before the fog dissipated, the armored warrior had already charged straight forward. The sharp claws on one side were close together to form a sharp blade, and a layer of water flow coat was lingering on the surface.

It's its most popular move, water bursting!


The water flow split and slashed all the way, easily extinguishing all the will-o'-the-wisps coming around, and then continued the attack.

"Reflective wall!"

The demon fire red fox could only hold the wooden staff horizontally in front of him, and quickly formed a transparent wall.


The sharp blade of water flow passed through the reflecting wall, and its power was suddenly reduced by half. Then it struck the chest of the demon fire red fox, knocking it back several meters.

But the effect is still outstanding!

"Use the split tiles to destroy this disgusting wall first!!"

Guzma's focus was on the reflecting wall. The armored warrior's other movable arm, with its sharp claws brought together in the shape of a knife, was attached to the fighting white light and struck vertically on the reflecting wall from top to bottom.

Bang bang!

In an instant, like solid glass, the reflective wall was split into pieces and scattered on the ground, and the effect of weakening physical attacks completely disappeared.

"Tsk, so he is also considering my tactics?"

Serena couldn't help but frown. At first, she thought Guzma was the kind of arrogant and arrogant contestant who wouldn't investigate the enemy's intelligence at all.

The other party's arrogant character may give you an opportunity.

But now it seems that Guzma clearly understands his team's fighting style.

In addition, he only has 7 Pokémon in total, and all of them have been displayed. In fact, it is easy for opponents to discover their weaknesses.

Serena gritted her teeth. The opponent's ace armored warrior had appeared many times, and she also knew the latter!

"Don't lose to it, Demon Fire Red Fox, use hypnosis!"

The demon fire red fox understood, stretched out the wooden staff, and circles of hypnotic waves suddenly spread out.

"Ignore it, armored warrior, just use Waterfall Climb!"

Guzma suddenly shouted loudly.

I saw that the armored warrior's coat was covered with water, and blisters were still bubbling outwards. Then he stepped on the ground and rushed in the direction of the demon fire red fox.

The waves of hypnosis that were coming towards him could not penetrate the water flow coat at all, and were easily neutralized.

"There's a new move hidden?!"

Serena's expression changed. She had never seen this armored warrior use the trick of climbing a waterfall before!

The situation was critical, and she could only shout in a hurry:


The demon fire red fox could only form a green light barrier in front of him, and forcefully deflected the menacing climbing waterfall.

However, holding on can only solve an urgent need, and it can even be said to give the armored warrior a new opportunity to attack.

"Now, use Hell Thrust!"

Guzma suddenly launched a second attack.

However, he saw that the armored warrior who had been bounced into the air suddenly dispersed the water around him, and one of his clawed arms had turned into a sharp thorn covered with sharp black light, poking downwards mercilessly.

Xicha! !

Just as the defense of the barrier ended, the Hell Thrust hit the Demon Fire Red Fox's throat without any hindrance, causing the latter to fly several meters away from the pain.

Outstanding effect!


After getting up, the demon fire red fox rubbed his throat with a look of embarrassment, and even his low voice became hoarse for a while.

"A hell thrust that specifically attacks the opponent's throat?"

Serena was already sweating on her forehead. She had seen this move before, and it was a tactic that Guzma liked to use very much.

Fortunately, my Demon Fire Red Fox was not a Pokémon that used sound to fight, otherwise it would have been basically useless after this blow.

It's just that whether the opponent's moves are evil or water-based, they will cause heavy damage to his Demon Fire Red Fox!

"Oops!! Something seems a little wrong with the situation now?!"

"The advantages of armored warriors are too great!!"

"And don't forget, Guzma still has a useless Z-move!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi and all his friends looked worried.

The key is that the armored warrior can still use the Z move, and judging from this situation, he definitely won't be able to use the insect Z move.

If it's Water Z, can the current Demon Fire Red Fox stop it?

Sure enough, whatever comes to mind comes to mind!

On the field, Guzma suddenly made a move on the platform behind him.

As if activating a mega evolution, he pressed one hand on some kind of bracelet device on his wrist, which suddenly lit up.

"Humph, although it's a little embarrassing, but I can't care so much now!"

Guzma was already planning to defeat his opponent with all his strength. He immediately raised his arms and made a starting gesture in front of his chest.

Followed by two hands shaking up and down on both sides, like a tropical hula dance

This is a water Z movement. If a little girl does it, it would actually be very cute.

But at this moment, it was the ferocious Guzma who was making this move, which seemed a bit funny.

Of course, everyone's focus is not on Guzma's actions now.


But as the dance ended, a stream of energy was injected into the armored warrior in front of him, and then the latter's whole body glowed with a golden-white energy field visible to the naked eye!

"Destroy it completely for me! Armored Warrior!!"

Following Guzma's loud shout, the armored warrior was covered in thick water and rushed out as if performing a waterfall climbing move.

Of course, the momentum is much more powerful than climbing the waterfall. There is also a huge whirlpool of water trailing behind it along the way, making it majestic and majestic!

Facing the huge whirlpool sweeping in, Serena and the Demon Fire Red Fox both felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, with solemn and solemn expressions on their faces!

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