He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3031 Is there a mole in Alola? !

Chapter 2828 Is there a mole in Alola? !

Whoosh! !

On the arena, the armored warrior carried the vast current and rushed straight towards the demon fire red fox.

The strong pressure of the Z move made it difficult for the demon fire red fox to dodge for a while, as if it was forcibly locked. This kind of teleportation move cannot be used at all.

In the end, the water flow successfully hit the target, and a huge water tornado tens of meters high instantly rolled up at one end of the arena and soared into the sky!

Super water whirlpool! !

The violent water attack swept everything up, and countless debris near the ground was sucked into it, forming an exaggerated tidal wave.

Even from the viewing seats dozens of meters away, everyone felt the strong wind and the feeling of sharp water mist hitting their faces.

It seems that the Z-move this time is even more powerful than the one in the semi-finals.

"As expected, it's water Z!"

"The Alola region is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, hiding such a powerful ability?!"

"The demon fire red fox is going to die!"

The expressions of many people in the audience's seats changed suddenly, and they looked a little sad.

The players at their home court couldn't stop this move at all!

Among the crowd, only Xiaozhi and Citron's expressions did not fall into absolute panic, but they stared closely at the back of the girl at one end of the field.

And a faint spherical green light rising in the exaggerated whirlpool water

"Uh, you should be able to hold on, right?!"

"Yeah! That doctor said that guarding the moves will work!"

Xiaozhi and Citron whispered quickly, seeming to know some inside information.

Serena, who was at one end of the field, had a tense face, silently thinking in her heart that the Demon Fire Red Fox must hold on.

At this moment, in the super whirlpool of water flow, the demon fire red fox's response strategy is also very simple.

It uses Hold!

In the majestic whirlpool, the green light barrier was like a small boat that could be rolled up and overturned at any time, but it still stood firm in that position.

This is precious information from Citron!

Yesterday, when the group was discussing strategies to deal with Z moves, many of them were mentioned.

For example, using teleportation to dodge directly, or using imitation tricks and forcefully hitting them back to offset them are not the best options.

The group of people discussed to no avail. After they went back to their rooms, Citron had a sudden idea and went directly to find the contact information of the doctor who studied the damage of many Z-move panel data.

They stared at the weakness of the Z move, but they couldn't figure it out, so they might as well just ask a local who knew it best!

It just so happened that Citron had assisted in the construction of some basic technological equipment in the Alola region.

After contacting the postdoctoral fellow who was an expert in Z-movement, the latter readily gave the answer when he heard Citron's name:

"Just use Hold."

According to common sense, defending cannot block the impact of the Z move, so this response strategy was placed at the bottom by Xiaozhi and his team from the beginning.

"This is not the case. According to my latest test research, I found that if two Pokémon of equal strength use Z-move on one side and guard on the other, they can block it."

"Of course, Pokémon will still suffer damage, but from my personal experience, it's probably 1/4 of the original damage."

This doctor even calculated the specific damage ratio, which shocked Citron.

And listening to the other party's tone, it seems that he himself is directly used as a punching bag and has suffered many Z moves!

As a result, he obtained valuable information, and when Citron got up the next day, he excitedly told it to Xiaozhi and Serena.

"I see!"

It turned out to be the simplest strategy and the most effective. Serena suddenly felt confident.

"This doctor from Alola seems very interesting!"

Xiaozhi was more interested in Dr. Z-Move mentioned by Citron.

When you have the opportunity to go to the Alola region in the future, let's pay a visit to this doctor!

"Fox Library"

When his eyes returned to the arena, the demon fire red fox held up the barrier, struggling to hold on in the exaggerated super whirlpool of water flow.

"Hahaha!! The winner has been decided~!"

On the opposite side, Guzma was laughing triumphantly with his arms akimbo, and even his eyes were no longer focused in front of him, as if the Demon Fire Red Fox had been swept into the current together with the surrounding gravel fragments.

When the Z move ends, everything will fall down again, and the winner will naturally be officially determined.


And Serena completely ignored the behavior of opening champagne in advance on the opposite side, and just stared closely at the faint green light in the huge water flow.

The green light was very faint and hidden. Only the platform close to you could barely see some traces.

When your opponent relaxes their vigilance, it's your best time to attack!


When the water flow suddenly exploded, the Z move was completely completed, and many things that were swept up into the sky fell down wetly.

The green light that guarded the barrier was suddenly exposed to public view and became dazzling.

The venue was suddenly in an uproar.


Guzma's expression suddenly changed. He actually survived the Z move? !

Can the Z move be blocked with a guard move?

Since he never fights in uncertain battles, he always overwhelms the opponent. When there is a gap in strength, the Z-movement can naturally easily destroy the holding barrier and completely defeat the target.

Therefore, in Guzma's understanding, guarding cannot block the Z move.

At this moment, the demon fire red fox looked like he had suffered huge injuries, but the green light barrier around him still did not explode.


Serena was relieved. Although she only suffered 1/4 of the damage, she still caused a high amount of damage to the demon fire red fox.

"Now, will-o'-the-wisp!!"

She also seized the opportunity and launched a counterattack immediately.

The demon fire red fox understood that the two had already informed each other about this tactic before the start, so the moment the Z move was dispersed, it suddenly moved the wooden staff forward.


Several erratic flames flew out quickly and landed on the chest of the armored warrior.

Boom! !

This also caused a burst of nameless flames to burst out all over the latter's body, and his strength and energy dissipated a lot in an instant.

The armored warrior entered the burn state, and his physical attack was halved!

"Damn it!! Is this what you wanted to do?!"

Guzma's maniacal laughter suddenly disappeared, and he became jealous and angry.

And what surprised him the most was that the Carlos girl in front of him seemed to know their Alola Z-move quite well.

Are you sure that your Demonic Fire Red Fox can take over, why would you throw out the will-o'-the-wisp torch so quickly? !

Even more understanding than him, an Alola native? !

"Damn it, there's a mole in the Alola region, did he leak the information?!"

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