He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3032 The end! we are the champion!

The 282nd champion!

However, although this surprise attack was successful, Xiaozhi's expression in the stands did not completely relax.

"The situation is back to the starting point!"

The demon fire red fox has been blown away by the wind, and the power of the armored warrior has been crippled.

Now if the fight continues, in addition to competing for the strength of the two Pokémon, it has become more than a competition of will between the trainers on both sides.

And in this regard, Serena seems to have an advantage.

The surprise attack made her look like a rainbow. On the other hand, Guzma's face was completely horse-like, so dark that her facial features were almost invisible.

"Missile Needle!!"

"Magic Flame!!"

This time, the two Pokémon's moves collided again, and the magic flames directly ignited and destroyed the missile needles, and then continued to attack the armored warrior.


The latter could only lift his shoulder armor to resist, and the flames slapped on it, leaving scorched marks.

Although the effect is average, it still causes some pain to the armored warrior.

"Don't worry, I need to calm down! Use water burst!!"

Guzma tried hard to calm down. Considering the opponent's health, just one burst of water from his armored warrior, or a casual hit from climbing a waterfall, would be enough to determine the outcome.

The armored warrior rushed out, water blades forming on his arms.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, we also use water flow to break!!"

However, on the other side, the Demonic Fire Red Fox directly raised his wooden staff, and the flame at the front extinguished and condensed into an equally sharp water blade.

boom! Bang bang! !

The two water flows burst and collided continuously, emitting a continuous crisp sound.

In this case, imitating the trick will undoubtedly mess up your opponent's mentality!


Guzma's face, which had barely calmed down, suddenly became red and full of veins, and all the anger in his heart surged out like a volcano erupting.

On the other side, Serena's mentality became increasingly stable.

In addition, as a super-powered Pokémon, the various dog-walking moves used by the Demon Fire Red Fox are the most disgusting.

The balance of victory in this finals finally began to tilt to one side.

In the studio, Dr. Bratano was still looking confused, while Karuni beside her closed her eyes and said softly:

"The outcome is decided"

There is no more suspense in this game.

These decisive words made Buratano and the commentator look at each other in the studio.

On the field, the armored warriors had completely entered a violent state. They used water rupture, waterfall climbing, hell thrust, all fatal moves continuously, and every blow was enough to take away the last stamina of the demon fire red fox.

"Hurry up and kill it!! Armored warrior, what are you doing!! The water flow breaks!!"

Guzma from behind was also shouting angrily, with visible veins popping up on his forehead and neck.

Serena's response was methodical:

"Reflective wall, cut it again!"

"Strange light, confuse it!"

"Teleport and walk it!"

"Keep the distance, and make a sign to break the water on the spot to perform a mental attack!"

After one operation, Guzma was so angry that he was so angry that his brain was dizzy.

The armored warrior was sweating profusely on the field. No matter what moves he made, he could not touch the sleeves of the demon fire red fox, and he was still disgusted by various moves.


It was also so angry that it even aroused the burn state in the body, spraying a burst of unknown fire on the spot.

This also made Serena's eyes fixed, knowing that it was the last moment.

Subconsciously, she put the hat on her head backwards, then raised one finger vigorously.

For a moment, he felt like a god, and his aura became extremely fierce:

"It's time, let's use our full strength, Demon Fire Red Fox, and use the strongest big character explosion flames!!"

The demon fire red fox understood and shook off the water stains on his wooden staff. The blazing flames continued to spit out and condense at the front end.

Rub rub rub rub!

There was even a surging red light all over his body, causing the flames in his staff to skyrocket again.

The fierce fire characteristic is triggered!

Different from other people's Yusanjia's various fancy hidden traits, Serena's demon fire red fox trait is the most unpretentious fierce fire.

It had already reached the remaining candle in the wind, but it was finally successfully triggered at this last moment!

As the demon fire red fox suddenly pressed the wooden staff in front of him, the blazing flames immediately cut off the connection and flew out, turning into a huge flaming text halfway!

Even faintly, the edge outline of the character "大" is changing towards the character "Ju"

Of course, the transformation is not complete.

Until it flew in front of the armored warrior, there were probably only

1/2 of the giant characters burst into flames! !

When the flames hit, the armored warrior could only barely raise his arms to protect himself despite being burned.

Not only that, you must know that the characteristic of the armored warrior is danger avoidance. When its physical strength drops to half, it will automatically exit the field and replace it with a Pokémon.

Logically speaking, it should have triggered danger avoidance long ago.

But when the Armored Warrior appeared, it was already the last Pokémon.

Danger avoidance characteristics, failed to trigger.

This also makes the armored warrior who has been unable to return to the field feel uncomfortable all over. Every time he encounters a powerful move, he will subconsciously want to escape.

But this time, there was no escape.

In the end, the armored warrior could only widen his eyes and watch the flames continue to enlarge in front of him.

There is only one question left in my mind -

“Is this a ‘big’ character or a ‘huge’ character?”

The next moment, the fierce fire and large-character explosive flames hit the armored warrior's arm guard hard, breaking away from the defense in an instant, and then slammed into the armored warrior's chest.

Boom boom! !

A huge explosion of flames rose up from the body of the armored warrior, and the power of the flames soared into the sky. It was even somewhat similar to the previous Z move, the super water whirlpool!

And this scene also completely froze the ferocious and resentful expression on Guzma's face.

Because after a few seconds, as the surrounding smoke dissipated.


The front of the armored warrior was already scorched black. Having lost its strength, it could only fall forward helplessly and fall to the ground.

Guzma also fell down as the armored warrior, his pupils lost their brightness, and he stared blankly ahead.

He actually lost, and to an unknown little girl? !

"The armored warrior loses the ability to fight. Since all six Pokémon of Player Guzma have lost the ability to fight, this game is won by Player Serena!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately shouted with all his strength.

On the huge electronic screen above the arena, Guzma's portrait also became gray, except for the portraits of Serena and the six Pokémon below, which became highlighted.

Serena was stunned for a moment, and then she was ecstatic. Finally, she was able to step forward and hug the demon fire red fox and shouted loudly:

"Successful, Demon Fire Red Fox, we won the championship!!"

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