He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3033 We will promote Guzma well!

Chapter 2830 We will promote Guzma well!

After Serena successfully won the championship, the celebration of the Miare Conference reached its peak. It can be said that people in the entire Carlos region today know the name Serena.

Especially in the finals, the opponents were from out of town.

This turned into a foreign war between regions. Serena protected Carlos's honor, which was not much in the first place!

In the audience, Xiaozhi stood up from his seat and looked towards the center of the arena from a distance.

“I really won”

The other friends rushed up to celebrate, leaving Xiaozhi to stay where he was, with a feeling of emotion in his heart.

Serena's performance was even better than when he was a new trainer!

On the playing field, Serena seemed to notice Xiaozhi's gaze, and then her eyes curled up and she waved to Xiaozhi from a distance.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi chuckled and quickly walked down the steps to keep up with his friends.

"She is indeed the goddess I like~ She is indeed amazing!"

"Well, I lost to Serena in the quarterfinals. I'm convinced."

"Fortunately, Serena-chan was not forced to participate in the exhibition match."

The three little ones in Chaoxiang Town were all chattering with different expressions.

"Haha, I made a great contribution this time!!"

Citron's eyes were shining, his face was red, and he was walking with dignity, as if he had won the championship.

The information he provided made a lot of contributions to the final battle!

"Serena is so amazing! She feels even more powerful than Ash~!"

Yulijia jumped up and down next to her.

At this time, the small satchel on her waist suddenly opened, and a green slimy head popped out.

"Oh, Xiaoruan, there are so many people here, please don't move!"

Yulijia quickly held it carefully.

It's just that the face of this core individual of Zygarde is a bit off. One of his eyes is wrinkled and he is looking around.

Always have a strange feeling?

"What can I say, Xiaozhi? I feel like it won't be a big problem for Serena to participate in the next conference now~!"

Xiaozhi and Korni walked at the back, the latter holding the back of his head and spreading his hands helplessly.

Based on her performance in the finals, she didn't think her mega Lucario could defeat Serena.

"Indeed, I wonder if I can get a replacement ticket?"

Xiaozhi chatted next to him.

He was actually thinking of having a formal battle with Serena.

Before, it was just a sparring match between his Ninja Frog and the Demonic Fire Red Fox. But with the high-intensity battle in the alliance conference, Serena's Demonic Fire Red Fox's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and it is stronger than before the competition.

By the time everyone reached the bottom of the aisle steps, the railings below were already crowded with people. Everyone wanted to see the current winner of the conference up close.

However, except for the staff, reporters and media, the audience cannot enter the venue directly for the time being. The next step is the award ceremony for each contestant.


After Serena finally answered the barrage of interviews from reporters and media, she had enough energy to trot to the corner of the arena where Xiaozhi and his group were, and greeted them with a smile.

"Well done, champ!"

"So handsome!"

"The pride of Chaoxiang Town!"

Xiaozhi and others naturally gave Serena a thumbs up and praised her.

Even Sachi, who had always been cheerful, wiped away tears, leaving Serena at a loss.

But soon, it was time to award awards, and Serena could only wave her hands below, apologetically trotting towards the award-giving position.

"By the way, I'm going too!"

Doropa reacted and quickly followed.

As a top eight player, he is also eligible to receive a small medal.

"I'm so envious of these two guys!"

Tierno put his chubby hands on the railing and looked at the two of them warmly.

Unlike other league conferences, maybe even the top 32 players can come on stage to present awards and get a certificate of honor.

The Miare Conference only gave awards to the top eight contestants, leaving 1 Ka on the outside, and could only look at it with great envy.

Well, as expected, he should just concentrate on dancing from now on~!

At this moment, all the auditoriums at the Miare venue were almost empty. Although it had been some time since the game ended, the audience did not leave.

Because there is only one final today, and it is only 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon after the game, so it is still early.

Of course, it’s more because of the upcoming strongest trainers conference

It is said that after the award ceremony of the alliance conference is over, it will be the opening ceremony of this most powerful conference!

Most people heard about it for the first time and wanted to stay and watch the excitement.

In the center of the venue, the various ruins of the arena that had been formed due to the battle had been replaced, and a flat ground had been raised again, with a ladder podium in the middle.

First, the top eight contestants appeared one after another, including Doroba, Louis, Erping, and Jimmy, who was dressed in punk clothes and had a spiky Pikachu on his shoulders.

Then there are the top four contestants Rinto, and Miss Junsha who is controlled by the Squid King.


At this time, Miss Junsha had changed back to her original dress, and went on stage to receive the award with a dry smile.

Although I don’t know what happened

But it’s not a loss to get a semi-finals medal for nothing!

Junsha's appearance made many viewers confused. Wasn't she a trainer with heavy makeup and long hair who looked like a bad hot girl before? Why did she suddenly turn into the serious Miss Junsha?

Do you still have this hobby? !

Then runner-up Guzma was absent!

The undefeated emperor from the Alola region had already left the game. As for the small runner-up trophy that ordinary people were so keen on, he gave up the prize.

"Damn it, I lost because there must be a mole in the Alola region who told all the information to that Carlos girl!!"

Outside the alliance venue, a lonely Guzma was hanging his head with a look of resentment on his face.

He didn't feel like he had lost.

"I will never approve of such a competition!!"

Finally, he turned around and glared at the Miare venue. Guzma no longer missed this place and immediately walked to Miare Airport, intending to return to his hometown of Alola.

Humph, it’s really not interesting to go out there.

Next, become the undefeated king in the Alola region!

Now, he may need a more grand battle to completely repair some of his distorted personality.


In the venue, looking at the runner-up position that no one took to the stage, Serena could only heave a sigh of relief.

She was not qualified to preach to this man.

Even in the finals, she was able to win because of some luck and Guzma's chaotic mentality that completely collapsed in the end.

But she won't refuse the position of holding the championship trophy!

"Haha, there is a small situation. Player Guzma cannot be contacted, so we will temporarily put aside the awarding of the runner-up and start the awarding of the champion~!"

"But don't worry, everyone, we know that Guzma player is from the Alola region, and we will send staff to deliver the runner-up trophy in person when the time comes!"

The organizer of the alliance laughed dryly and added later to express their official seriousness:

"And in order to express the close friendship between our Kalos region and Alola, we will use the largest local TV station in Alola to promote Guzma's outstanding performance in the Miare Conference~!!"

Immediately, the venue burst into warm applause, and the Carlos people were also quite friendly!

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