He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3034 It’s time for Team Flare to appear!

Chapter 2831 It’s time for Team Flare to appear!

In the end, Serena stood on the championship stage.

Bang bang!

And they released all seven Pokémon in a row, received the championship trophy together, and received the celebration with the attention of the entire Miare venue.

Serena's valiant and heroic appearance on the battlefield, coupled with her soft and pretty appearance on the platform at the moment, I believe that after today, there will be many more "Tieronos" in the Carlos area.

Even the champions Karuni and Dr. Bratano walked out of the studio, laughing and applauding Serena on the high platform.

"Our research institute is very good at Feng Shui. We have two champions in a row!"

Dr. Bratano's smile was particularly bright today.

Although these two people don't seem to have much to do with him

However, it can be expected that his Bratano Research Institute will receive many new trainers visiting specifically!

Next to her, Karuni put her fingers on her chin, even thinking about it.

Maybe Serena is the heir to the championship she expected?

During the reign of each champion, he will find a suitable successor and train him.

Then when you want to retire, you can replace him at any time. You don't need to be like United Champion Adek, who wants to replace but can't find a successor, so he can only bite the bullet and continue to stay in the championship position.

Originally, Kaluni wanted to find Ai Lan, but the latter was undoubtedly more powerful.

It's just that this man seems to be burdened with a lot, is taciturn, and secretly has some strange connections with Team Flare?

So Karuni did not choose to contact Ai Lan.

But the Serena in front of her is different. Her mother is a famous armored rhinoceros rider in the Carlos area. She is a well-established trainer. Her appearance also fits the fashionable beauty of Carlos.

After a few more years of training, he might even be able to take over his position!

I'll ask Dr. Burratano to help me make a recommendation later.

On the other side of the spectator seats, the current Queen of Carlos, Elle, was wearing large-framed glasses and disguised alone, with a strange look of approval in her eyes.

If it were the start of the alliance conference, she was still confident that her demon fire red fox could easily defeat the opponent.

But it’s hard to say anything now.


Aier suddenly sighed, feeling an inexplicable feeling of pity in her heart.

In the field of Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, she was as unparalleled as she could not find an opponent.

Serena's performance made El's eyes shine.

It's just that the latter is a trainer participating in the alliance conference, not a performer, so he is destined not to be his competitor.


In the end, she could only shake her head sadly and focus on Serena's award ceremony.

Even Chaomeng, who was in the private box, stood up unconsciously, his eyes burning.

Next, is his strongest trainer conference!

"This little human girl"

Mewtwo's eyes were suddenly attracted to Serena on the podium. The latter even punched him with a backhand in the semifinals.


"Do you want to make up two tickets for the first and second place?"

Mewtwo murmured in his heart. In these alliance conferences, only Serena and Guzma could barely get into his eyes, but they were qualified to participate in the subsequent competitions.

Everyone at the Miare venue had different thoughts. As Serena held the winning trophy, gorgeous fireworks also rose in the sky.

At the same time, on several streets outside the venue, in the center of Miare

Prism Tower!

At this moment, on the gymnasium floor in Citron, many people sneaked in here at some unknown time.

They are all in orange-red tight suits, sunglasses, and hair.

They were carrying something in a hurry. The originally empty gym was filled with many instruments, and the ground was covered with various cables and black wires.

In the deepest part of the Miare Gym, there is a floor-to-ceiling window that can directly overlook the city. Two people are standing here.

Vladali, the leader of the Flare Team, was still standing in front in a straight suit, looking at the Miare venue a few streets away.

From time to time, there were loud cheers and salutes in the air. It seems that the alliance conference has already begun to award awards, right?

Next to him was the chief scientist of Team Flare. Kuseloski pushed up his glasses and sneered:

"Hehe~ This kid Citron's skills are still a bit immature, but I easily broke through the prism tower's defense~!"

Today is the day of the finals, so naturally there is no one in the Prism Tower.

Even Xitroit, who originally stayed at the gym, was dragged by Xitron's father, Limo, to watch the game.

The entire gym was simply locked with a code, but Kuseloski easily deciphered it.

"Hmph, the laughter over there is really harsh. It's time to teach them a lesson."

Fradali shouted coldly, his eyes blazing:

"It's time for us, Team Flare, to step onto the historical stage of Kalos!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The fat scientist next to him agreed, smiled, and then turned around to look at a huge nutrition cabin behind him.

It is said to be a nutrition cabin, but the material is also made of high-strength glass, like a transparent cylindrical cage.

At this moment, a humanoid Pokémon is being held inside.

He has a bald head with a white beard that looks like an old man, a body with light yellow stripes and tattoos, and a round hard shell covered with spikes on his back.

It's none other than Xiaozhi's lost royal family, Bricalon!

Boom, boom, boom! !

Trapped in the glass cabin, Bricaron's arm clenched his fist and hit the surface continuously, making a dull sound.

However, its hands were swollen along the way, and even after using its newly mastered arm-thumping technique, the cabin was not damaged at all.

"Nah, Nah!!"

Bricaron could only keep swearing through the glass. What on earth were these humans dressed as monsters going to do to him?

Is it possible to treat yourself as a precious auction item and display it everywhere?

"Huh, Zygarde, if you want to stay in this stupid hedgehog's body, just stay there!"

Kuseloschi didn't even pay attention to the tool man Bricalon. He didn't even think about the name of this kind of Yusanjia without a picture.

The focus is on the Z2 core individual in its body!

He snorted coldly and signaled to the subordinates next to him to turn on the power.


As a steady stream of energy came from the cable, the upper and lower instruments of the cabin where Bricalon was located gradually glowed red.

Zhixiu! Zhixiu!

Finally, a beam of red laser was projected from above and below, hitting Brikaron in the center!

This also caused Bricalon, whose body was originally yellow-green, to instantly become extremely red, filled with a rich red energy.

The originally silly pupils were replaced by a vicious and ruthless red light.


A steady stream of surging power burst out from his body, and this time Bricalon roared loudly, his two fists condensed with a dull white light, and he swung them in front of him.

Ping bang! !

This time, the arm pounding move finally destroyed the extremely thick cabin, and the fragments were scattered all over the floor!

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