He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3035 Brikaron wants to destroy the world? !

Chapter 2832 Bricalon wants to destroy the world? !

call out! !

A beam of red light smashed into the floor-to-ceiling windows of Miare Gym, then turned sharply upward and reached the top of the rooftop of the Prism Tower.

The nearly 400-meter-high tower is enough to overlook the entire city of Miare from its highest point.


The red light dissipated, and Bricalon had already appeared at the top of the tower, with a body glowing with red energy, and a hexagonal energy pattern on his belly that was constantly flashing.

It seemed like it was calling for something.

The next moment, in all directions, green streams of light continued to rise from every corner of Miare City, converging towards the highest point of the city.


Not only the city of Miare, but also the adjacent wild roads outside the city, dense green light is constantly flowing in, overwhelming!

These are individual Zygarde cells scattered in every corner of the Kalos region. They have no thoughts and are only responsible for providing energy.

As all these green streams of light fell on Bricalon, the latter's figure began to expand and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In an instant, he turned into a giant Bricalon more than five meters tall!

His whole body was filled with deep red energy, his blood-red eyes proved that he had completely lost his mind, and the hexagonal pattern on his belly stopped flashing and turned from blue to deep red!

For a time, Bricalon was catching up with the first-level god in terms of size and majestic momentum!

"Haha~ My experiment was successful! Sure enough, even if the Z2 individual does not need to be forcibly separated from the stupid hedgehog, it can still arouse the former's anger and be used by our Team Flare~!"

Kuseloschi's chubby figure was crammed into a bulky flying saucer-shaped aircraft and reached the top of the prism tower.

After seeing Brikalon's new appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

Next to him, Fradali's aircraft was much lighter, with three slender steel cable tentacles connected to its back. The front end rotated like a small fan, and it also took him to the top of the prism tower.


Vladali landed firmly on the rooftop, and the instrument in his hand allowed him to easily control the red monster next to him.

Then he stared at the Miare venue in the distance, and his eyes suddenly sharpened:

"Then let's begin, Zygarde, and judge this world!!"

As he pressed the instrument on his hand, the red-light giant Bricalon beside him also moved.


Another burst of exciting roars resounded throughout the sky.

Immediately, Zygarde's exclusive ability began to explode!


The prism tower below suddenly began to vibrate.

Several extremely thick dark brown plant rhizomes grew out of thin air in the prism tower. There were red energy cracks on the surface of the rhizome, and they broke through the window wall at the edge.

Like morning glory, it quickly winds up and extends along the body of the prism tower.

In the blink of an eye, the Prism Tower was covered with strange black roots.

It looks like a human's seven orifices and two holes, all filled with twisted and wriggling tentacles. It is extremely tragic and weird!

The Prism Tower was not the only one that suffered. These huge black-brown roots started from the Prism Tower and began to extend in all directions of Miare City.


The ground shook violently, and roots were rolled up and stirred wherever it went. The cars parked on the street were easily overturned like little sheep.

Prism Tower is the center of Miare City. The terrifying news at this moment is spreading to all locations in the entire city at an extremely fast speed!

This sudden change in momentum also caused frightened screams to be heard from all over the city of Miare, and the city was instantly in chaos!

"What's wrong?!"

On a high-rise building between the Miare venue and the Prism Tower, Citron's father Limo turned his head subconsciously after hearing the shaking and screaming behind him.

All street buildings were destroyed by this huge root rising from the ground out of thin air.

These dark brown rhizomes even seem to be alive, with their tips still swinging in the air. It is a doomsday scene where demons are dancing!

"What the hell?!"

Limo's eyes widened instantly. He did not go to watch the game, but looked at it from a distance on a nearby high-rise building.

He also brought Citron Yi over to keep him company. Anyway, at this time, no one would challenge Miare Gym.

As a result, I was holding a telescope and looking very excited.

Why did the world behind us suddenly change so drastically? !

"Mr. Limo, look at the Prism Tower!"

As a robot, Hitronit was much calmer and could see the source of these crazy plant riots at a glance.

The prism tower has the most plant roots covered, and all the passage walls have been severely invaded!

Even the plant rhizomes on the prism tower seem to have matured and sprouted clusters of red leaves?

"In the end what happened?!"

Limo's expression was already in chaos, although at night, he was the superhero of Miare City - Flame Chicken Mask

But at best, it’s just to educate the little hooligans and villains.

In such a doomsday scenario, a superhero like him wouldn't be of any use, would he? !

"Wait a minute, why is it so red up there?"

Limo suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a huge red monster on the top of the Prism Tower?

Looking through the telescope, I found that

A Bricalon that glows red?

What the hell, is this Brikaron going to destroy the world? !

There are two small black dots next to it, which look like two figures? !

Limo glanced at the Miare venue behind him. These huge vines, which were like crazy plant tricks, were spreading outward like bulldozers and would soon reach the Miare venue.

But there are many experts there, and Yulijia is also protected by Citron.

"Let's go, Hitroit, let's go to the Prism Tower and check out the situation!"

Limo fixed his gaze and made a decision.

As the Flame Chicken Mask, he has no obligation to do so in this situation.

But the first priority now is to find a secluded place and change into his hero uniform!


Citronit is also on standby seriously, ready to charge and sacrifice at any time!

The exaggerated vines soon spread to the Miare venue.


First there were bursts of tremors on the ground, but the people surrounded by the high walls of the venue who were cheering and celebrating thought it was caused by their thunderous cheers and applause, so they didn't pay attention.


Until the first huge vine climbed up the high wall at the edge of the venue and poked its head out.

Then came a steady stream of huge plant roots, climbing up the high walls at the edge of the venue from all directions, as if they were going to cover down all the creatures in the venue and strangle them all.

In an instant, the expressions of the entire audience changed drastically. Only then did they realize that something unexpected had happened outside? !

Even the roots of the plants that were the first to climb up the high wall seemed to be locked.


The sharp spikes at the front extended rapidly, attacking Serena on the podium!

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