He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3037 Hupa: I've seen it a long time ago!

Chapter 2834 Hupa: I've seen it a long time ago!

At this moment, the Miare venue was completely in chaos, but not all people were hurriedly taking refuge.

"Gardevoir! Use mental strength!"

"Bite the land shark fiercely and use the dragon claw!!"

Standing on the high platform of the spectators' seats, champion Karuni had already released her ace, Gardevoir. The latter's eyes opened, and her superb and powerful telekinesis instantly froze all the rocks that had fallen dozens of meters nearby in mid-air.

Dr. Bratano also sent out his biting land shark, which he had tamed for the purpose of studying mega evolution, and used its powerful dragon claws to break open some dead ends blocked by gravel, allowing nearby spectators to escape.

"What the hell is going on, Buratano?!"

Kaluni looked at the huge vines that kept popping up around her. Even the regional champion was confused.

"Uh, is this the first time I've seen this kind of scene?"

Dr. Buratano beside him scratched his head, his face equally blank.

But there was one thing he could confirm.

On a special day like the Miare Conference finals, this kind of disaster vine appears

This is man-made!

There was even a bad thought in his mind:

"Could it be Fradali?!"

I have seen before that Fradali behaves strangely, and his personality is more extreme and impatient than before. Maybe he is the only one in Carlos who has the ability to cause such a dangerous situation, right?

But what is the purpose? !

"My old friend, you must not do anything stupid."

Buratano could only pray secretly in his heart.

On the other side of the venue, there are seats dedicated to the top brass of the various Carlos Alliances, as well as invited VIPs.

"Lord Demon God, please come out and help me!"

Prince Saliman kept rubbing the bottle of Punishment in his hand and said anxiously.

Although I don't know what happened, in this case, Hupa's golden ring that can be teleported at will is undoubtedly like a magical weapon and can be easily rescued.


Soon, a red-black mist emerged from Aladdin's pot, gradually condensing into a 1.8-meter-tall humanoid demon body.

"Hey kid, you have to follow the rules. If you want to make a wish, you have to collect seven troughs. What the hell are these?!"

The demon god Hupa was startled by the scene around him.

Because the alliance meeting was so boring, he almost fell asleep and didn't expect it to suddenly become so fun!

As a demon, it prefers chaos!

As for Saliman's request

"I reject!"

If he just saves people, then he is not considered a demon.

"You two brothers and sisters, don't move. We can watch the show quietly while the others live and die."

Demon God Hupa sat down without any hesitation. Everyone was gone now, so there was no need to worry about not being able to get a seat.


Then he snapped his fingers, and the two gold rings in his hands flew out, and happened to be hung on the waists of Saliman and Princess Sarah.

A golden energy barrier suddenly appeared around the two of them, which could easily bounce off the falling gravel.


The brother and sister looked at each other, then twisted their mouths and simply sat down.

Well, they, who are outsiders, should just watch the show honestly.

If anything happens then, Hupa can teleport them away at any time.

"Huh? Aren't those Xiaozhi and Serena? Why are they still there?"

Sara also noticed the two people in the center of the arena, which seemed particularly obvious now that the arena was empty.

"Maybe you're in love~?"

Saliman said casually, his focus still on the huge vines swinging randomly around him.

Demon God Hupa was lying on the back of his chair, laughing wildly:

"Hip~!! This demon has long seen that these two people are having an affair!!"

But as he released his mind, he felt several unusual energy auras.

There seems to be more than one energy presence in this city that is comparable to the level of an ancient god?

But now it is a reformed demon god

Watch a play, watch a play!

"Has Mr. Fradali started?"

On the other side of the spectator seats, a woman with long pink hair looked at the exaggerated plants that were constantly squirming around her. Countless gravel fell, even injuring many spectators.

She pushed up her glasses and sighed, but she wasn't as excited as she originally expected.

There was also a Black Luga beside him, its fierce eyes lighting up with amber-yellow light from time to time.

This is a special effect of magical power. Although it is not as powerful as Karuni's Gardevoir's mental fortitude, it is not a big problem to protect herself from the gravel on her head.

"So, is this the action of your Team Flare? Pacilla!"

At this time, there was a low shout from beside him.

Pachira turned her head and found Ai Lan staring at her angrily.

"As for Team Flare, you are actually one of them~"

However, Pachira shrugged her shoulders and even said in a deep tone:

"And this operation can be carried out as scheduled. In fact, you have also contributed a lot to this operation, Mr. Ai Lan~"

For example, in the previous forced capture of the core entity of Zygarde in the Terminator Cave, Ai Lan's Charizard was the main output in the front, so Team Flare could be in the back and use instruments to capture it so smoothly.

"You are the only one who has no position and blames Team Flare ~ Ai Lan."

Pachila's words were heartbreaking, and Ai Lan's expression suddenly changed, and her clenched fists were trembling.

He once followed Fradali's advice and even accepted the latter's training plan and performed a series of "strengthening exercises."

At that time, he could feel that he was getting stronger and better every day, and he never thought about the consequences of these so-called "exercises".

After waking up, Ai Lan finally drew a clear line with Fradali.

But at this moment, looking at the plants that are violently destroying everywhere, it seems that it is too late to draw a clear line?

"Ai Lan, you?"

Especially from the seat next to him, Manon also heard the conversation between the two and was looking at him with worry and confusion.

She was a little confused. Does Ai Lan have anything to do with these crazy giant plants?

While he was stunned, a huge boulder fell from the ceiling and landed squarely on Manon's position.

"Charizard, Flame Fist!!"

Ai Lan could only temporarily put away his emotions and command his fire-breathing dragon to blow up the rock with one punch.

In short, let’s take Manon out of here first!

Thinking of this, Ai Lan did not choose to continue to pester Pachira. She picked up the small Manon with her backhand, turned over and jumped on the back of the fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and instantly flew to a height of nearly a hundred meters above the venue. There was no need to worry about the attacks of these crazy plants for the time being.

On the spot, Pachira just stared blankly at Ai Lan, who was flying away into the sky, and the rare worried and nervous look on the latter's face.

It's not that I'm worried about myself, but that I'm worried about the safety of the girl in my arms.

"Is this love?"

Paqila said softly, and the appearance of the man who looked like a flaming lion appeared in his mind unconsciously.

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