He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3038 Why is my Iai Slash not so good? !

Chapter 2835 Why is my Iai Slash not so good? !

Speaking of the entire Miare venue, or the entire city of Miare, he is the angriest person at the moment.

"Damn it, who is it!?"

In the private viewing box, Chaomeng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with veins popping out on his forehead and eyes filled with monstrous anger.

Next is his strongest trainer conference. Mewtwo will also appear in the public eye for the first time, telling mankind who is the strongest Pokémon and the strongest trainer!

As a result, he was suddenly intercepted in midfield, turning the grand arena into a doomsday ruins.

Chaomeng felt as if someone had poured cold water on him.

"No one can stop my counterattack!!"

His eyes widened, and the vast and terrifying mental power spread out, covering most of the city in an instant.

However, after Mewtwo's telekinesis detection, it was discovered that these violent giant plants did not seem to be the moves of a certain Pokémon?

It's more like something inherent to the land in the Kalos region. There are these huge roots beneath the ground.

And the source of awakening these huge plants that can destroy cities seems to be this land?

"It doesn't necessarily mean that someone is behind it!"

Mewtwo's expression did not relax.

No matter who did it, he would let the other person bear his greatest anger!


This inexplicable and astonishing pressure made all humans and even Pokémon in the Miare venue feel frightened and inexplicably frightened.

"This kind of breath?"

Xiaozhi, who was still in the middle of the arena, was shocked to be swept by a terrifying aura and turned around suddenly.

However, they saw that the surrounding ring-shaped auditorium was covered by large and small gravels. Except for the Saliman brother and sister who were wrapped in golden rings, and the humanoid demon in the center, they were still sitting there, which looked quite conspicuous.


The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched. It seemed that the demon god had chosen to eat the melon.

However, in another location in the auditorium, he found an independent box that was not covered by any gravel.

There seemed to be an energy barrier on the surface. The debris flying above or from the left and right were directly crushed into nothingness after contacting the barrier.

"Is there anyone inside?"

Xiaozhi subconsciously explored the power of his waveguide, and found that after contacting the small house, it was completely lost, without any feedback.


Before he could think about it, the Koga ninja frog in front of him suddenly called out.

At this moment, in the sky above the venue, more and more plant roots were extending towards the center of the venue, which made the Koga Ninja eager to try.

"Is that so? If that's the case, then let's use our full strength!!"

Xiaozhi understood, pressed his hat, and then laughed loudly, hitting the ground with his clenched fists.

Wow! !

The next moment, one person and one frog were covered in exaggerated water vortices, and two water tornadoes soared into the sky.

Of course, only the water flow around Koga Ninja actually exists, while the water flow around Xiaozhi is just a simple illusory special effect, giving people a gaudy illusion.

call out!

The vortex of water flow, one virtual and one real, quickly merged into one, and Koga Ninja's figure also deformed in the water vortex, especially the head that had some of Ash's characteristics.

"Keep drinking!"

As the Koga Ninja shouted loudly, all the water around him condensed towards his back, forming a huge water shuriken.

Ash's version of Koga Ninja is officially here!

call out! call out! !

It seemed that not even the giant plant roots around could withstand the sudden transformation of the Koga Ninja Frog. At the same time, three or four giant roots suddenly attacked!

Each root is 3 or 4 meters thick, and the attack power of a single root is not inferior to the full-power crazy plant trick performed by an elite trainer.

"Iai Slash!!"

However, Xiaozhi, who was tied to the connection, had already made a slashing motion from behind.

The Koga Ninja in front of him condensed white light kunai in his hands and took the initiative to greet him.


The seemingly thick and flexible giant vine was actually easily chopped into pieces by Iai with this pair of swords, turning into pieces of wood and falling down.

Because one person and one frog are connected at this moment, Xiaozhi can also feel the feedback of the five senses of the Koga Ninja Frog.


He wondered, why did it feel like cutting tofu?

The thick vines had no hardness at all when Iai cut them down?

Next to it, there was a huge plant rhizome that slipped through the net and attacked Serena.


Just in time, Pikachu, who was eager to try, immediately jumped up from Serena's shoulders, spinning his body in the air, and the blunt and heavy iron tail move was already taking shape.

Nowadays, there are too many pictures of the Koga Ninja Frog, and it’s time for him to show off his old tricks!


Then Pikachu faced the vines and slashed out with its tail.


There was a thick sound at the moment of contact, but it still couldn't cut down with the first blow?

As Pikachu's second stage exerted its force, Iron Tail cut the huge plant root in half from the front.


But after landing, Pikachu looked back at his tail in confusion.

What's going on? The Koga ninja frog next to me can cut four plant roots as easily as cutting tofu.

He only used the spicy chicken move of Iai Slash!

And why is it so difficult to chop off one of my own iron tails?

Is my tail not sharp enough, or is the Iron Tail not a cutting move and can't cut it?

Whoops! Whoops!

Next to him, the Koga Ninja has fully entered the state. Even this time, he took the initiative to jump onto the seven or eight huge plant roots. He waved the Iai Slash and Kunai with both hands and easily chopped all the vines and roots that they had strangled together. , like entering a deserted land!


Pikachu's eyes were angry, and he immediately rushed towards another plant root. After jumping high, this time his tail did not light up with metallic silver light, but with a bright and sharp white light!

Iai Slash, who doesn’t know this move?

When Xiaozhi was still traveling in the Kanto region, he picked up the skill machine of Iai Slash from a trash can, and asked Pikachu to learn the backhand.

Although the power is particularly impressive, I have never used it a second time.

"Is it possible that the version has changed and the Iai Slash is now more powerful than the Iron Tail?"

Pikachu in mid-air immediately pressed his tail in front of him and slashed hard at one of the plant roots.

Iai kills! !

boom! !

The plant roots violently flipped upwards like waves, and it actually launched Pikachu away.

There was no defense break, and the Iai Slash didn't even penetrate!


Pikachu landed on the ground again, his little head filled with confusion.

Why is my Iai Slash not so amazing? !

"Well, maybe it's not Iaizan's version that has changed, but yours."

Ash kept watching from behind, and in the end he could only comfort him and put the stunned Pikachu back into Serena's arms.

Dude, just watch the performance of Koga Ninja today.

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