He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3040 Zygeld’s disciplinary power! ?

Chapter 2837 Zygeld’s disciplinary power! ?

Now at the top of the Prism Tower, Fradali could see that the entire city had been covered in violent plant roots, and explosion smoke was rising everywhere.

The prosperous city of Miare has turned into a disaster area.

However, Fradali looked at this scene with an increasingly hot face, and opened his hands as if he was singing praises.

Then facing the camera, Fradali calmed down the fanatical expression on his face and said:

"So everyone, let me introduce you to the legendary Pokémon of Kalos, the source of the so-called "doomsday disaster" in your mouth, and the monitor of the earth's ecology, Zygarde!"

Kuseloschi next to him understood and had already pointed the camera at the huge existence behind Vladali.

The monster, whose whole body was covered in deep red light and whose size exceeded five meters, stood on the rooftop of the Prism Tower!

This scene also appeared simultaneously in the streets and alleys of Miare City.

Since the stereoscopic projection device is originally a product of the Flare Team and is extremely popular, these instruments are also controlled by the Flare Team at this moment, and they all raise 3D virtual projections at the same time.

So everyone saw a Brikaron on the screen!

"Wait a minute, isn't that the three grass-attribute royal families of Carlos?"

"It's called Bu. Although I have temporarily forgotten the name, I must have read it correctly, right?"

"I remember it wasn't green, why is it so red as if it's cooked?"

"Is this guy the culprit?!"

Immediately, discussions arose in various locations in Miare City, and everyone looked at the projection near them in bewilderment.

In the picture, comparing the proportions of the surrounding buildings and characters, this Brikaron is even 5 meters tall! ?

What kind of monster is this? !

Is it possible that the legendary ancient god Zygold in the Kalos region actually looks the same as Bricalon? !

With Ai Lan holding him in front of him, and riding the fire-breathing dragon away from the Miare venue, Manon suddenly saw the projection of Zygarde rising on his mobile phone, and immediately exclaimed:

"Wow! It's Hali-kun's evolved form!!"

Ai Lan raised her eyebrows, probably guessing that it was due to parasitism or something like that.

The Zygarde that had gathered 50% of its power in the Terminus Cave was the one he helped the Flare Team capture, and it looked completely different.


However, looking at Zigerd, who was wearing a fierce red light and falling into a violent rage in the picture, Ai Lan cursed and felt great regret in his heart.

Having made up his mind, he quickly commanded the fire-breathing dragon to land on a square in Miare City. The terrain here was flat and there was no need to worry about being crushed by rooftop buildings.

"Manon, you and Halijun will stay here temporarily."

Ai Lan hugged Manon down, and without any explanation, threw two elf balls at the same time.

boom! boom!

The red light fell, and a Bankelas and Metagross appeared beside Manon at the same time.

One on the left and one on the right, two quasi-gods stood like protectors. If there were violent plants attacking, they could more or less block them.

"I have important things to do now, Bankilas, Metagross, I'm leaving it to you here!"

After saying that, Ai Lan fell back onto the back of the fire-breathing dragon and spread his wings.

"Hey Ai Lan!"

"Ban drink!"

Just as Manon was about to wave to follow, Bankelas had already raised his hand to stop her.

On weekdays, Ai Lan's training style is quite serious, and his Pokémon are like soldiers, executing orders rigorously and meticulously.

Seeing the two quasi-gods suddenly here, many people fleeing around also ran over, trying to get the protection of Bankilas and Metagross.

There is no way, now the whole city is full of huge plants, even in the adjacent suburbs, there is no place to escape.

It's better to find an open place to take refuge.

The kind-hearted Manon could only stop and said quickly:

"Banjiras, Metagross, you are responsible for protecting everyone!"

When she looked up again, the figures of Ai Lan and Charizard were only a black dot in the sky.

And this direction is flying towards the center of the city.

Are you going to Prism Tower? !

On the other side, the person who was most confused when seeing the three-dimensional projection of "Zygard" was Xiaozhi.

"Huh? Isn't that my fat Harry?!"

In the center of the venue, Xiaozhi looked at the huge projection above and blurted out immediately.

Although it had evolved and looked as if it had been burned, he was certain that it was his Fat Hali.

Wasn't he kidnapped by Ancient God Zygarde at that time? Why did he suddenly appear in the hands of Team Flare now?

"Wait a minute don't tell me Zygarde was captured, so my fat Hali also suffered?!"

Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, this possibility is really high!

"I see, has it evolved?"

At the melon-eating seat, Demon God Hupa crossed his legs. Looking at Xiaozhi's expression, he finally understood.

No wonder he didn't help Xiaozhi find his fat Harry when he used the golden ring to search.

It turns out that it has evolved!

His search target was all the second-stage Fatty Harrys, no wonder he couldn't find them!

"But it seems to be getting more and more interesting, Jie Jie~!"

Demon God Hupa watched with great interest. The "Zigerd" on the screen was now barely reaching the level of a first-level god, right?

Hurry up and start a fight!

It even reached into the golden ring next to it, grabbed out a bucket of popcorn, and started stuffing it into its mouth.

In the stereoscopic projection, Fradali continued to talk:

"Kygarde, the natural monitor, is responsible for monitoring the entire natural ecosystem of Kalos to see if there are any abnormalities."

"And today there are too many humans, and greed, lust, destruction of nature and now the system is broken!"

"You are the main culprits of the collapse of this natural system!"

His eyes sharpened and he suddenly shouted:

"When the collapse of the system is detected, Zygarde will appear and exert the absolute power contained in his body to eliminate all these evils and use force to suppress those who destroy the ecosystem!!"

This is the origin of these violent plants in the city of Miare.

Zygarde is actually equivalent to a switch. When it becomes disillusioned with the world, it will actively turn on this switch.

Next, the following situation will occur. The earth seems to be alive. Countless and powerful vines are pulled out from the ground, giving a devastating blow to the existence above! !

The sound of stereoscopic projections rose in every corner of Miare City, and everyone finally understood the source of this unreasonable disaster.

It's Zygarde!

This being who only exists in history books and legends will really exert divine power one day? !

For a time, the feeling of powerlessness towards the great ancient god and the disgust towards Bricalon's appearance simultaneously arose in the hearts of many Kalos people.

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