He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3041 The great villain of Carlos!

Chapter 2838 The great villain of Carlos!

Of course, there are some things Fradali did not say.

The person who turned on the natural switch at this moment was actually not Zygarde but Vladali.

The machine developed by their Flare Team can amplify the target's emotions to the greatest extent to achieve the purpose of manipulation.

And this Z2 individual extremely distrusts humans.

Although I haven't thought about punishing humans directly, as long as I have the thought of hating humans, it is enough.

After the operation of Fradali's emotion amplification device, the latter will naturally turn on the switch of earth punishment!

And the scenes of fires and collapsed buildings everywhere in front of him made Fradali couldn't help laughing.

He seemed to be partially affected by the machine on his wrist.

"Give up struggling, everyone, this is a punishment from the gods of nature, no existence can resist it!"

Fradali suddenly opened his arms and shouted enthusiastically:

"But don't worry, I will still leave half of the human race. You are the chosen ones, and you will witness with me the new world that will be reborn after destruction!!"

The goal of Team Flare has never been to completely destroy the entire world and eliminate all humans.

Instead, we use the power of God Z to clear out a large portion of the population at once to make resource allocation more effective!

By this time, Fradali had revealed all his intentions.

He didn't think anyone could sabotage his actions.

Now we just need to wait quietly for the natural punishment to work.

When the sun rises again tomorrow, Carlos will be a new world!

In the Kalos region, Fradali's original image of a great philanthropist also disappeared in an instant, and he directly topped the list of villains.

"Crazy Fradali, do you think you are a god?!"

"Our environment in Kalos is so good, why not destroy the Galar region next door? It's full of industrial pollution!"

"It's the Flame Lion's!"

"I have money, can I buy a ticket to survive?!"

In the city of Miare, and even in the entire Kalos region, countless people behaved in different ways.

But there was no doubt that everyone was completely shocked by Fradali's astonishing move, and everyone fell into great panic.

"So, is it really you, my old friend?"

On the high platform of the Miare venue, looking at the dilapidated venue around him, Dr. Bratano stared closely at Fradali, who looked almost crazy in the projection, and suddenly felt sad.

What happened to make him, an old friend who loves selfless dedication, become what he is now?

"Sure enough, the root of everything is Fradali!"

Beside her, Kaluni's eyes had completely changed, and her fierce aura was rising.

She didn't believe that this was a punishment from Zygarde. This was obviously a good thing done by Team Flare.

Even if he and the doctor keep talking about each other, this guy must be dealt with now!


The mega Gardevoir next to him raised his hand and gathered the power of three moons, blasting all the surrounding vines into pieces.

Then a hand was placed on Kaluni's shoulder.


With a flash of body, the teleportation move was activated, and the two of them had arrived outside the Miare venue.

The two have the ability to communicate with each other spiritually, without the need to speak.

call out!

Immediately, both of them were covered in telepathic blue light, slowly levitated, and flew towards the prism tower!

In the middle of the venue, after listening to Vladali's crazy speech, Serena's expression kept changing, and she was somewhat touched.

Is it really because humans have done something wrong that Zygarde wants to punish humans?

"Stop imagining things, Serena!"

Beside him, Xiaozhi put his palm on Serena's shoulder, and the latter looked up in confusion.

"It's most likely Team Flare's fault, and Zygarde was just used."

Xiaozhi said without thinking.

As someone who has seen several regional villains causing trouble, Xiaozhi is already used to it.

Be it Team Lava, Water Fleet, or Galaxy Team, every villain in Team Plasma will always raise some flag when they want to cause trouble, and sometimes they can really fool people.

Especially Team Plasma, under the banner of liberating Pokémon, seems to have no problem at first glance.

In fact, it's just Kuiqi's idea that everyone should have Pokémon, and only he can use the power of Pokémon.

After the battle with Hezhong, Xiaozhi no longer wanted to listen to the nonsense of these villains.

"The most important thing is that he dared to braise my fat Harry and turned it into a bald old man!!"

Xiaozhi looked angry and angry. Hali, who was originally chubby and cute, has now turned into a bald old man with red light all over his body. He can't spare Team Flare!

"Uh, Xiaozhi, the bald old man is the cause of Fat Hali himself."

Serena couldn't help but explain.

But the top priority now is to restore the will of the fat Hali who is obviously being manipulated.

Speaking of which, Zygarde now takes on the form of Brikaron and unleashes his "punishing power"

From now on, won’t Bricalon become Carlos’s great villain?


Xiaozhi released his Sonic Dragon with a backhand, climbed up, and prepared to fly directly to the Prism Tower.

Good guy, if the villain this time dares to expose his position directly, don’t blame me for flying over and hitting him hard!

"Serena, there are four heavenly kings here. It should be relatively safe for the time being. Just stay here for the time being!"

This time, Xiaozhi had no intention of taking Serena with him.

The main reason is that the Pokémon in the latter are basically in an exhausted state, and I don't know if there is any ambush at the Prism Tower.

To be on the safe side, it's better to go alone.

"I see."

Serena nodded and did not force herself to follow. She was secretly annoyed as to why Team Flare chose today.

Otherwise, she can also ride the mega Tanabata Blue Bird and act together!

So Ash sat on Sonic Dragon's back, and Pikachu on Serena's shoulder jumped up.

"Thunder Drum, I'm leaving it to you!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi still left this powerful Thunder God in place. On the one hand, it could protect Serena, and on the other hand, it could also help the surrounding Four Heavenly Kings.

Then he looked at the Koga Ninja next to him

"By the way, three evil dragons, I'm begging you!"

Xiaozhi sent out three more evil dragons.

Koga Ninja understood and immediately jumped on the back of the three evil dragons.


The three evil dragons had some objections to this, and they actually allowed this noble quasi-god to serve as a mount for a frog? !

But the surrounding environment at this moment is dangerous, and I really can't defeat the Koga Ninja now.

Forget it, bear with it!

"Sonic boom~!"


The next moment, the Sonic Dragon and the three evil dragons took off side by side, both flying towards the direction of the Prism Tower!

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