He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3042 Ai Lan’s mega evolution! ?

The 283rd ega evolves! ?

At the same time, several powerful trainers rushed towards the Prism Tower in an attempt to put an end to Vladali's conspiracy.

The first one to bear the brunt was Ai Lan, driving a fire-breathing dragon and flying all the way, ready to atone for his previous actions of helping others.

Previously, he thought of just being alone and protecting Manon.

But now looking at the devastated city, and Zygard himself on the tower, he cannot escape the blame, and there is no way he can escape this responsibility.

"Speed ​​up, Charizard!"

Ai Lan gave a low shout and within a few minutes had arrived on a street to the north of the Prism Tower.

Just as he was about to take off into the sky, a cold voice suddenly came from a ruined building beside him:

"Dragon King Scorpion, use sludge bomb!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ferocious dragon king scorpion suddenly opened up the surrounding rubble, swung its two claws, and threw a black-purple poisonous shell towards the fire-breathing dragon.

This person had obviously been lying in wait here for a long time, and even Ai Lan was startled.

The fire-breathing dragon under him quickly lowered one of its wings and turned its body sideways, only to miss the sludge bomb.

Ai Lan's eyes darkened and she found that there was a woman wearing orange tights beside Dragon King Scorpion.

He has extremely short purple hair, wears a heavy detection goggles, and only shows his small mouth painted with voluptuous purple lipstick.


Ai Lan frowned. The latter was a senior member of Team Flare.

"Hey Ai Lan~ I won't let you disturb the boss~"

Claire obviously knew what Ai Lan was going to do, she put a hand on the Dragon King Scorpion's hard shell and sneered.

The powerful Ai Lan is very clear about his personality. After knowing the whole story, they will definitely stand on the opposite side of the Flare Team. The Flare Team has long regarded Ai Lan as a key surveillance target!

Seeing this, Ai Lan snorted coldly and did not take Claire and the Dragon King Scorpion seriously.

"You don't think this Dragon King Scorpion can stop me, do you?"

He also knew about Team Flare and knew that these female scientists were better at developing instruments rather than Pokémon battles.

In terms of strength alone, it is probably about the level of the top four in the previous Miare Conference?

"Oh, you are very confident~"

Another burst of ridicule sounded, making Ai Lan's expression suddenly startled.

The voice did not come from Claire in front of her, but from behind her


Before he could turn around, there was a rapid sound in his ears, and a dark purple figure rushed towards him like lightning.


Although Ai Lan couldn't react, the fire-breathing dragon under him had already formed a fist, ready to fire a fire punch at any time.

It seems that more than one member of Team Flare is using mega evolution directly on himself!

"Dragon King Scorpion, use Harsh!!"

At this time, Claire in front suddenly shouted.

The Dragon King and the Scorpion violently collided the two pincers together, immediately making an unusually high-frequency harsh sound, which shocked the fire-breathing dragon's face and made the fire-breathing fist slow down a step.

The sudden purple lightning barely avoided the punch, jumped up, and rushed from behind the fire-breathing dragon.

Didn't hit the target.

Finally, it landed firmly on the ground. Ai Lan took a closer look and saw that it was a cool leopard with a strong body.

"Ah, I missed it~ I didn't expect that even if it was a sneak attack, it would be difficult to hit your Charizard~"

There was a burst of teasing from behind, this time it was a member of Team Flare wearing orange boots and short green hair.

"Is there still Barbara?"

Ai Lan looked around and saw that both of them were high-ranking officials of Team Flare.

"In that case, let's make a quick decision and let Charizard mega evolve, okay?"

He just raised his palm, ready to tap on his wrist, when he was surprised to find that the familiar touch had changed.

When he looked down, he saw that his keystone bracelet was already empty.

"Oh Ai Lan, are you looking for this~?"

Barbara chuckled and rubbed the chin of Ku Bao next to her, who held his head up comfortably like a kitten.

However, there is a strange little round bead in Kubao's mouth.

The sneak attack just now was not actually a hit but a thief's trick, directly stealing the keystone on Ai Lan's wrist!


Ai Lan's face suddenly darkened. Team Flare really knew him well, and they immediately targeted his keystone as soon as they came up? !

"What do you mean, can you still easily fight one against two now?"

Claire and Dragon King Scorpion approached from the front, sneering and threatening.

Without mega evolution, Ai Lan and his Charizard are no longer such a big threat.

"There is also this key stone, but it is Lord Fradali's thing and now we, Team Flare, are just recycling it~"

Bara and Kubao approached from behind, teasing and taunting.

Both the keystone and the mega stone protective gear under Charizard's neck were actually given by Fradali.

When he came into contact with mega evolution for the first time, he felt that Charizard's strength had undergone a qualitative change in an instant, which made Ai Lan trust Fradali so much.

At this moment, the Dragon King Scorpion and Cool Leopard were approaching at the same time. Ai Lan took a deep breath and simply stopped worrying about the empty keystone bracelet on her wrist.

"So according to Team Flare's profile, if I, Ai Lan, don't use mega evolution, am I just an ordinary trainer?"

He raised his eyebrows and laughed out loud:

"Then I will help Team Flare update the database of Charizard and Flame Vortex today!!"

Ai Lan took the initiative to launch an attack. The fire-breathing dragon beneath him immediately sprayed out a beam of flames, splitting into two flame tornadoes in mid-air, and attacked the Dragon King Scorpion and Cool Leopard at the same time.

Seeing this, Claire and Barbara quickly put their minds away, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Cutting off the opponent's mega evolution only removed the teeth of a blazing roaring tiger, but the latter itself was still a fierce tiger!

"Dragon King Scorpion, Cross Poison Blade!!"

"Cool Leopard, Wave of Evil!!"

Boom boom! !

On the northern street adjacent to the Prism Tower, bursts of explosions suddenly sounded, and a fierce battle began!

On the other side, the champion Karuni, who flew from the direct west of the Prism Tower, also noticed the battle in the distance to the north.

Even though Ai Lan's Charizard has not used mega evolution, its momentum cannot be underestimated. She can feel the hot wind from a distance.

"Why is that player Ai Lan fighting with the people from Team Flare?"

Karuni and her mega Gardevoir were suspended side by side in mid-air, and using their mental strength skills, they quickly approached the Prism Tower.

She originally thought that Ai Lan was from Team Flare, so when considering the successor to the championship, Kaluni directly excluded Ai Lan.

Although Team Flare has not shown any dangerous behavior in the past few years, Kaluni simply felt that this organization was not simple, so she never regarded it as a friendly unit.

Now, it can be considered that the original shape has been revealed.


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