He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3043 The Champion and the King, Karuni vs. Pachira!

Chapter 2840 The Champion and the King, Karuni vs. Pachira!

"Could it be that I thought wrongly and that Ai Lan is actually one of my own?"

Karuni's delicately made-up eyebrows raised slightly, she looked at Gardevoir beside her, and prepared to fly over to help.

The "Bricalon" above was too dangerous. Even though it was still some distance away, she could clearly feel a suffocating sense of oppression.

Very strong!

It definitely has the power of an ancient god!

If he fights alone, he might overturn. If he can win over Ai Lan, a powerful trainer, he will have a greater chance of winning.

"Evil roar!!"

At this time, a burst of violent shouting suddenly came from the ruins below, and even the sound seemed to have some dark brown energy light and shadow.

It’s a great way to roar loudly! ?

Gardevoir's expression suddenly changed, showing an expression of discomfort.

The blue light surrounding the two of them also flashed, unable to hold on, and Kaluni's figure fell.

However, after all, Gardevoir is not a pure superpower, but a superpower + fairy attribute, so evil-type moves have no outstanding effect on it.


Mega Gardevoir's pupils shrank, he raised his slender palms, regained his telekinesis, and dragged Kaluni to land peacefully on a ruined platform.

His body also floated down and landed steadily in front of Kaluni.

"Is this an ambush from Team Flare?"

Kaluni frowned and discovered that the source of this loud roar came from a black ruga.

Um? This black ruga looks a bit familiar

"Oh? Miss Karuni, where are you going in such a hurry?"

At this time, a soft voice with a hint of ridicule sounded, and the Fire King Pachira slowly walked to Heiluga's side.

"Pakira? Sure enough, you are from Team Flare!"

Karuni's expression instantly became serious. One of them was the Carlos Champion and the other was the Carlos King. They were still colleagues after all.

The latter's current behavior is a complete betrayal of the entire Carlos Alliance!

Boom boom! !

Surrounded by huge vine roots that were still writhing and violent, the high-pitched roar of Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon could be heard from time to time.

In response to this, Pachira just pushed up her orange sunglasses and did not deny her identity as Team Flare. She shrugged and said:

"Let's not fight. Why don't we just stand here and have a simple chat?"

Karuni carefully looked at the graceful woman in front of her, and she could see that Pacila didn't seem to want to fight with her.

In fact, the two of them don't communicate much on weekdays. In comparison, Karuni is still very friendly to the other three kings. They can chat casually like friends when they meet.

Only Pachira

This woman usually hides herself too deeply, which makes Kaluni feel jealous unconsciously.

And the trendy clothes, orange-red glasses, and orange-red tight trousers

Although the latter never said that she was connected to Team Flare, anyone with a discerning eye could see it at a glance.

"Pachila, you have also seen that Fradali has gone completely crazy now, and the entire Kalos region will suffer unpredictable disasters because of him! Do you really want to see this happen?!"

Karuni scolded sternly.

Based on past contacts, she did not think that Pachira and Fradali were completely crazy.

Sure enough, these words made Pachira pause.

The vines raging around like demons also made Pachira put away her initial teasing tone.

But thinking of Fradali who was on the Prism Tower at the moment, she finally took a deep breath to stop herself from thinking.

"I'm sorry, I have only one mission today, and that is to block Carlos's champion, Miss Karuni. As long as you don't pass by, I will never hurt you."

Pachila said in a deep voice, her face already turning into a stern look.


He even raised his hand and clicked on his key stone, and the whole body of Heiluga beside him suddenly burst into dazzling light.

As the light fell, the front of Heiluga's neck was covered with a pure white bone hard shell. The pair of curved horns on his head were bent upwards, full of momentum!

If Heiluga was originally a ferocious dog from hell, Mega Heiluga is more like a hell king, full of majesty!

Seeing that her words didn't make sense, Karuni's expression became serious.

It seems that Team Flare has set up ambushes along the way to prevent powerful trainers from approaching the Prism Tower.

"Huh, you don't think a Mega Black Luka can stop me, do you?"

Karuni also directed Mega Gardevoir to come to her.

She is still very confident in fighting. There is a gap between the champion and the king. Even Pachira's trump card cannot stop her for long.

"Well, I know I'm not your opponent, but Heiluga, use siege!!"

Pachira suddenly shouted towards the surroundings.

This move is actually not very useful in battle. To put it bluntly, it just calls for teammates to come out and fight.

But if it is in the wild, it is different for Heiluga.

Especially since Pachira had already ambushed seven or eight degenerated Dairubi nearby.

"Ouch!" "Ouch!"

The next moment, seven or eight black puppies emerged from the surrounding ruins. They all bared their teeth and surrounded Gardevoir and Kaluni with ferocious looks.

Moreover, Mega Black Luga's siege roar also has the effect of group encouragement buff, making these Dairubi's eyes glow with fierce light, and their power is more fierce and powerful than usual!

This scene is quite impressive.

The beautiful Karuni and Gardevoir, surrounded by a group of teeth-baring and drooling vicious dogs, were enough for Pansy to write a big report.

"So is this your confidence?"

However, Kaluni's expression did not change at all, and she even wanted to laugh.

For champions, it’s not the numbers that can knock them down.

Look at each other with your own mega Gardevoir and telepathically connect, no need for verbal communication.

The latter understands, raises his hands, and the whole body will flash with an unusually dazzling light. Aoe's magic shines, enough to blind the eyes of these vicious dogs!

"I didn't think about my mission to defeat you, I just stopped you here."

Pachira also has a very bachelor attitude, and she has already developed a strategy for dealing with the magic sparkle:

"Heiluga, use the cloudy mist!!"

Mega Heiluga immediately opened his mouth wide and spit out a large cloud of purple-black fog, surrounding Gardevoir in the center.

No matter how dazzling the magic is, its power is much weakened by the fog outside.

"Tsk, damn it!"

Kaluni scolded, had she already thought of Gardevoir's response strategy?

The surrounding group of Dairubis, who were protected from dog eyes, also began to bark crazily.

And their respective moves such as "Bite", "Shadow Ball", and "Spray Flame" were all directed at Gardevoir in the fog!


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