He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 280: The Place Where Little Lan Pounces on the Street

At night, Xiao Zhi who was at home naturally didn't know about the interesting things that happened in the circus.

The three of Xiaogang and Xiaoxia returned to Xiaozhi's home again. The magic wall puppet suddenly became a member of the family, which surprised them a lot.

If you want to catch him, you can't, but if you don't want to catch him, you will become a younger brother directly.

After enjoying a good dinner, they decided to go to bed there.

After all, the protagonist Xiaozhi was arrested before, and the three of them were too embarrassed to stay here. Now that everyone has returned, as good brothers, they will naturally not go to other hotels and inns to stay. Of course, they will sleep in the bed of good brothers.

In this way, Xiaoxia and Hanako shared the bed, Archer and Xiaogang slept in the guest room, and Xiaozhi slept on his own bed.

"Hey, Pikachu, you haven't experienced my big bed yet, it's so soft!"

He jumped onto the big bed and looked at his electric mouse proudly.

Not to mention, I haven't worn pajamas at home for a long time, and it's just comfortable.


Pikachu is also a veteran of sleeping, so he can naturally see that this bed is extraordinary, and it seems to have a strong attraction, which makes the mouse unable to extricate itself.

As soon as its little paw stepped on it, it lost consciousness on the spot, its body fell forward, its tongue tilted, and it fell into a deep sleep on the spot.

This process doesn't even take half a second.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He also wants to chat with Pikachu tonight, telling how before he became a trainer, he was sweating on this bed, dreaming all kinds of high-spirited dreams, high ambitions, etc...

His youth is spent on this bed!

The result is dizzy? !

"This Pikachu!"

Immediately, Xiaozhi also fell asleep within 3 seconds. Although the speed was much slower than that of the electric mouse, it surpassed 99% of human beings.

"Hoo hoo..."

"Hoo hoo..."

One person and one mouse hugged each other, snoring softly.

One must know that he trained all night yesterday, and then performed extreme performances during the day, was captured by the Rockets, and drove the Rockets' hot air balloon thousands of miles home. He was already exhausted.

Today is bedtime night!

Xiaozhi was talking in his sleep in a daze, raised his palm and clenched his fist, and proudly said:

"Pikachu, I will become the master of Pokémon, and you will be my founding general..."

Pikachu was doing a evasive movement, kicking the palm of his calf, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and murmured:

"Picka Picka...(I can't eat it...)"

Immediately, its claws turned into an embracing motion, and retracted to his chest, with a somewhat relieved face.

"Pika Picka...(I said I can't eat it, but I can still eat a little...)"

The movements of the two are very indecent, but the style of painting is very harmonious...



The next morning, at 8 o'clock.

An alarm clock in the shape of a poke ball beside the bed suddenly opened and closed, and a spring popped out of it.


A loud alarm sounded, and the sound was strong and long, which made Xiao Zhi and Pikachu, who had just slept full, look embarrassed, and there seemed to be a catastrophe in their dreams.

"Frozen Bird, stop barking..."

Xiaozhi complained subconsciously that the sound was indeed somewhat similar to that of the frozen bird.

It's just that the alarm clock is not voice-activated, so Xiaozhi had to kick Pikachu next to him.

"Pikachu, you go shut it up..."


Pikachu lay dead, not even moving a step.

It has been sealed on this big bed, unable to move...

Pikachu could endure the torment of the noise, but Xiaozhi couldn't bear it. Unable to bear it, he followed the position in memory, grabbed the poke ball with his backhand, and slammed it towards the wall.


There was a violent sound that was not particularly violent, and the Poké Ball alarm clock shattered into pieces, and Bobo, the mechanism inside, also fell to the ground miserably.

But it's not a big problem, the Bobo alarm clock is the worst alarm clock on sale, and there are many more at home.

Outside the room, seeing that no one person or mouse got up after a lot of tossing, Hanako shook her head and had to send her general.

"Little devil, please wake up those two lazy pigs."

"Let's go~"

The magic wall puppet opened the door, pulled back the quilt, and shook the two of them, but they didn't respond at all.

So the strength increased a little more, but he still couldn't get up.

Even if the clay figurine was a little bit angry, the magic wall puppet immediately condensed two bright white lights in the palms of its two palms, bowed left and right, and fought with each other, flapping back and forth towards the faces of the two of them.


A series of slaps!

After taking five shots each, the two stood up covering their red and swollen faces.

Disturbing people's clear dreams is like digging people's ancestral graves.

Xiaozhi and Pikachu who had just woken up were suddenly furious, lost their minds, and rushed towards the magic wall doll.


It's just that before the movement of pounced forward half a meter, the two of them suddenly felt a flash of white light before their eyes, and then they bumped their heads against a transparent wall and slid down from midair.

"Let's go~"

The magic wall puppet just smiled at the corners of its eyes, doing rubbing movements to wipe the glass.



After this collision, one person and one mouse woke up completely, yawned, walked into the bathroom sleepily, brushed their teeth and washed their faces, and prepared to eat.



Xiaozhi saw that his three little friends had sat down in front of the dining table, so he said hello.

The three of Xiaogang: "..."

It's outrageous to wake up with a swollen face and a big bag on your head.

"Okay, let's have breakfast~"

Xiaozhi's mother, Hanako, seemed to be born with a special talent for cooking. She set up a big table of breakfast and signaled that everyone could eat it.

"Let's go~~"

The magic wall puppet held a cup with its left hand and poured water with its right hand, and poured a cup of void coffee for Xiaogang.

Xiao Gang: "?"

"This uncle Hei doesn't understand, give it to me."

Xiaozhi hurriedly took the cup of void coffee, looked up and drank it with a cheerful expression.

The magic wall puppet nodded in satisfaction.

This is the bond between stunt actors, Xiao Zhizhi understands what the magic wall puppet is thinking at the moment.

The two looked at each other, and became confidants on the spot, and almost opened the way to burn incense to Guan Erye, and sworn brothers.

Everyone: "?"

Is this the emperor's coffee...?


"Mom, let's go to the Oki Research Institute first!"

"go Go."

"Let's go~"

After breakfast, Xiaozhi and his party left the house, while Hanako and the magic wall doll stayed at home.

There are no landmark buildings in Zhenxin Town, only the Damu Research Institute near the back mountain is the most famous, and many of Xiaozhi's Pokémon are stored there.

Now that I have returned to Zhenxin Town, it is natural to visit Dr. Damu.

Seeing that they could immediately see Dr. Oki, who is well-known in the Kanto area, the other three followed suit.

"No, that's Xiaolan's house..."

Along the way, Xiaozhi was still introducing the surrounding scenery.

At this time, everyone passed a small stream, and there were a few wild vine monsters jumping beside it. The most strange thing was that there were three wooden signs standing on the bank of the stream, with a line of words written crookedly on them.

"I will fill up this great river in my life! ——Xiao Lanliu."

"The place where Xiaolan hit the street is hereby commemorated. Oh, whoever pulls out this wooden sign is a dog, hee hee. ——Retain the most handsome person in Zhenxin Town."

"Upstairs sb. - Pokémon Master stays."

The three of Xiaogang: "?"

Seeing the puzzled looks of the three of them, Xiao Zhi seemed to have thought of something, looked up to the sky and laughed, and then explained:

"It's like this, once when I was a child, Xiaolan fell into the water here, and Xiaomao and I laughed for three months..."


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