He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 281 A total of 150 kinds of Pokémon have been subdued

"At that time, Xiaomao and I laughed so hard hahaha..."

Xiaozhi patted Xiaogang and Xiaoxia's shoulders fiercely, thinking about the past, he couldn't breathe from laughing.

"At that time, Xiaolan was only five years old. She came to this big river by herself to play with mud, but she fell and ate shit, and fell into the water directly. She couldn't swim, and her feet were entangled in the underwater plants..."

The three of them frowned deeply when they saw Xiaozhi's smiling face.

Are you a devil?

Are you still laughing when your partner is about to die?

Of course, at that time, Xiaolan was rescued by Dr. Oki who happened to pass by. Apart from being frightened, there was nothing serious about it. Since nothing happened, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao could laugh so loudly.

dead, I cry.

Not dead, can't I still laugh?

The very simple and crude logic reveals the sincere and great friendship of the Zhenxin Town trio.

"That's why Xiaolan later imitated the ancient beast—Jingwei, and wanted to fill up this big river so that it wouldn't harm other people."

Jingwei, the god of unlucky luck in the legend, is an ancient beast like the husky. According to the legend, when playing in the mud, he carelessly threw himself into the street and drowned in the sea.

From then on, it turned into a Jingwei bird and threw wooden branches and stones into the water in an attempt to reclaim the sea. It is often used as a metaphor for a person with great perseverance.

Of course, great perseverance is not Xiao Zhi's main purpose of comparison, it is simply that the two of them are jumping across the street on the water.

"Later, this big river with a width of 5 or 6 meters, now there is only this small stream left. Xiao Lan saw that there are still many vine monsters living around it. If it is completely filled, it may affect the ecological balance, so I have to leave it. The current one-meter-wide creek,..."

In order not to violate the oath she made, Xiaolan had to fork off the oath on the wooden sign.

Only now did the three of Xiaogang fully understand this period of history, secretly thinking that everyone's life was not easy.

"Oh, by the way, let's just say that Xiaomao told you this passage. I promised Xiaolan not to tell outsiders."

The three of Xiaogang: "..."


Dr. Damu's Institute, this institute is located in a remote corner of Zhenxin Town, near the back mountain.

The three of them came to the gate and looked up, only to see a long ladder road leading to a building that looked like a research institute, with simple decoration, and behind the research institute, there was a large circle of backyard area surrounded by fences. , a huge area.

It can be said that half of the back mountains of Zhenxin Town are within the range of the backyard of Dr. Damu's Institute.

Jungles, grasslands, shrubs, water, swamps... all kinds of terrain, except for deserts and extreme environments like snow and snow, it can be said to have everything.

This scale is much larger than the man-made park of Dr. Sakuragi in Kuye City.

Without him, the rural land is cheap, and there are a lot of it, but the housing prices in Dead Leaf City are not low, so there is no such a large area to use to create a wild ecological environment.

Therefore, the range of activities that the Pokémon fostered here is extremely wide, as if they are living in the real wild.

Xiaozhi pressed the doorbell to register his identity, the door opened, and the four of them entered smoothly, and came to the lobby of the institute.

Xiaozhi often climbed over the wall to play here when he was a child, so he was very familiar with it, as if he had come to his own home.

"Welcome back to Zhenxin Town, Xiaozhi."

A middle-aged man with gray and white short hair came out from the inner door, wearing a white coat commonly used by scholars, he was full of energy, his expression was serious and friendly, and his eyebrows were somewhat similar to that of Xiaomao.

One hand is still on the back of the waist, and it is a little sore. It seems that he was also a wonderful person who rode a horse when he was young.

It is now the facade of Zhenxin Town, Dr. Oki.

"Hello, Dr. Oki."

Xiaozhi replied very casually, but the other three did not dare to be so careless, and all bowed cautiously to say hello.

In today's Kanto region, if Champion Du is the strongest in military strength, then in terms of academic research, Dr. Oki is the most respected.

This kind of person can already be placed on the bedside to burn three sticks of incense.

"Haha, you guys don't have to be cautious, they are all Xiaozhi's friends, and they are our guests in Zhenxin Town."

Dr. Oki said with a smile that he was originally a kind old man who was rigorous only in academics and lived an eclectic life.

"Doctor, these three are all young talents. Xiaoxia is the strongest water attribute trainer in the future. Xiaogang is the most famous director of action movies in the future. Archer is the lifetime director of Yuanzhu Fengwang Award in the future. Master photographer!"

When it comes to friends, Xiaozhi naturally flattered him without any effort, and directly fast-forwarded to the finale of this book.

To put it simply, it is the three generals around Pokémon Master, one is responsible for taking pictures of him, the other is responsible for making biographical videos of him, and the third is responsible for delivering water to him.

In the future, you can find two more people who are responsible for cooperating with Pokémon performances.

Another backup dancer.

Maybe there will be another champion-level trainer.

Pokémon masters' personal guards, come together.

Hearing that Dr. Oki also nodded again and again, and said with a smile:

"Oh, a water attribute trainer, a cameraman, an action film director...the future is really promising..."

"No, that's my second choice. My first choice is to be a Pokémon breeder..."

Xiao Gang hastily interrupted, but perhaps because his complexion was too dark, no one paid attention to him. At this time, Dr. Oki's palm fell on Xiao Zhi's shoulder, with a bit of relief in his tone.

"You did a good job this time..."

This time, a total of four people went out to Zhenxin Town, and Xiao Hei disappeared the next day.

Xiaolan hasn't sent back any news yet, but it is estimated that she will be back soon.

However, Xiaomao and Xiaozhi have collected eight badges, and their strength has grown rapidly. Maybe they can really achieve good results in the Quartz League to be held in a month and a half.

In Zhenxin Town, there has been no trainer with outstanding qualifications for a long time.

"Sure enough, if you cast the net widely, you can always catch big fish..."

Dr. Oki said with a smile, then his expression sank again, and he complained:

"But you don't have many Pokémon to tame. Your 30 Kentaro are outrageous. Do you think I'm a cowherd?"

For example, Xiao Mao has now tamed hundreds of Pokémon. Although the types are repeated, the number is there.

Moreover, Xiaomao often exchanges, each Pokémon has undergone sufficient training, and it can be beaten when it is pulled out, but Xiaozhi has not exchanged with Dr. Oki several times.

That is to say, but the dozens of fossil Pokémon with ancient bloodlines, and the transitional fossil pterosaur that has half evolved from mega, are completely full in terms of quality.

"Come on, let me see your results..."

Dr. Oki took Xiaozhi's illustrated book and opened the statistics. The CPU of the illustrated book also started to spin up. The big fan made the former frown, and even opened the startup interface of an app stuck for 2 minutes.

"What the hell, it got stuck like this after a few months...?"

After a long time, the illustrated book made a sound.

"Beep. The retrieval of the statistical results of the illustrated book is completed. It took 6 minutes and 12 seconds, and it has exceeded 0% of the illustrated books in the country. The performance is really great!"

Dr. Oki: "?"

Seeing the expressions of Xiaozhi and his party taking it for granted, he was even more confused.

"Didi. Kanto Illustrated Book, a total of 98 kinds of Pokémon were found..."

Dr. Oki nodded. This is a good statistic. Pokémon from other regions are rarely seen in the Kanto region, so he didn't open the column of the full picture book, but only checked the statistics of the region.

98 kinds, it seems that I have seen a lot of Pokémon...

"Didi. A total of 150 kinds of Pokémon have been captured..."

Dr. Oki shook the illustration book violently.

Really bad?

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