He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 282: Backyard of Oki Research Institute

"150 types!?"

Dr. Oki's eyes were so scared that he almost stared out. You must know that there are only 150 kinds of Pokémon in the entire Kanto region, and 150 kinds means that all of them have been caught! !

Among them, not to mention the precious fossil Pokémon, the fast dragon family with a promising future, the three legendary god birds, and the rarest phantom beast—Dream.

Caught all?

"It must be broken, it must be broken."

Dr. Oki threw the illustrated book back to Xiaozhi, and after calming down, he didn't believe it at all.

Maybe it is still a little bit possible for the champion to come, but Xiaozhi, a newcomer who has just traveled, will definitely not be able to do it.

It was the first time Xiaozhi had heard of the illustrated book when he took it. He secretly thought that Brother Chi had subdued 150 of them.

Some people may have doubts. There are obviously 151 in the Kanto area, so you can’t count them?

But in fact, there are indeed 150 illustrated books in the Kanto region. Mewtwo is a man-made Pokémon, and it has not yet been counted.

So Chi actually only subdued 150 of them, and he didn't subdue Dream.

This is a kind of Pokémon that is free in nature. It is the darling of the world and does not like to be subdued by humans.

At this time, Dr. Oki remembered something again, and beckoned to Xiaozhi to take out the iridescent feather and let him be healthy.

On the first day of the trip, Xiaozhi showed the feather shining with colorful lights on the phone, and Dr. Oki was envious for a long time.

Xiaozhi was not disappointed, and took out three feathers with his backhand, one iridescent feather, one yellow spiked feather, and one ice blue glazed feather.


Why are there 2 more?

Dr. Oki's eyes widened again. He could feel a breath of god on these three feathers from different sources. They were all extraordinary things, not some dyed sparrow feathers.

Xiaozhi's expression didn't fluctuate, he just said lightly:

"Oh, I also tamed a frozen bird on the way, should it be all right?"

The so-called pretending to be strong like the wind, pretending to be an expert without speaking, seeing Dr. Oki's face flushed and looking like he needs first aid, Xiaozhi secretly laughed in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm and breezy.


Dr. Oki hurriedly pulled Xiaozhi's shoulder, shook and said:

"Quick, take out your bird and let me touch it!"

Dr. Oki has extraordinary knowledge. He has seen lightning birds and flame birds that countless people have never seen in their lives. The only one that he has never seen is the frozen bird. At this moment, he can see the deity of the snow mountain. Naturally very excited.

"Oh, she..."

Xiaozhi recalled what Frozen Bird said to himself before leaving, and replied with some uncertainty:

"It seems that I was temporarily released...?"

When I become the most powerful Legendary Pokémon, I will come and travel with you.

This sentence sounded a little strangely familiar, like looking in a mirror.

Dr. Oki: "?"

Seeing this, he had no choice but to hold the three feathers in his hand, feel the divine power in them, and his heart to study was aroused, and he signaled Xiaozhi and the three to go to the backyard for a stroll.

Before leaving, Xiaozhi remembered something and asked curiously:

"By the way, is that guy Xiaomao back?"

Dr. Oki shook his hand impatiently, and answered casually.

"I don't know who Xiao Mao is."

Everyone: "?"



The backyard of the Oki Research Institute.

The four of them opened the back door and entered this area, and they saw a large expanse of grassland, the grass was lush with greenery, a few little Ladas were playing, and a few Nidolan Nidolang were torturing the dogs, with a natural and harmonious expression. atmosphere.

The photographer Archer is even more passionate about shooting, and he just picked up the SLR and took a shot.


The four of them hadn't gone far, only to hear the ground suddenly vibrate, a little shaking, and there was a wave of yellow sand in the distance, as if something was rushing towards them.

"It's Kentaro! Hey, Kentaro, how are you all doing?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were sharp, and he immediately recognized that this group of Kentaeros were the 30 Kentaeros he had captured in the hunting area of ​​​​Light Red City, and they were flying towards him.

The other three slipped away on the spot, and Xiaoxia took Pikachu away.

"Pikachu, your mortal body is not worth it in the world."


In the next second, Kentaro had completely knocked Xiaozhi to the ground, trampled on Xiaozhi's shoulders with iron hoofs, and the sound of bones bending and cracking was very sour.

Xiaozhi, who was covered in footprints all over his body, got up now, twisted his arms, with a bit of release in his expression.

"Comfortable... It has the 7-point taste of the technician Kuailong in Yuhong City..."

Everyone: "..."

Xiaozhi showed a satisfied smile, and released all his Pokémon with his backhand, and the red light condensed the figures of several Pokémon.

"Big fire, it's your own territory, play as you please!"


It was said that Geng Gui, who was the fastest, turned into a black shadow first, and fled towards the back mountain.

It has already felt that there must be a female Geng ghost here, and it wants to leave all the 6v genes in Zhenxin Town to spread its branches and leaves, and when the flowers bloom next year, there will be 6v ghosts everywhere!

Bi Diao, who was a little slower, also spread his wings and rushed towards the jungle. The pink Ba Dadie blushed and followed.

They are going to the woods.


The armored chrysalis can't fly, so it has to stay where it is, but at this moment its mentality is unexpectedly calm, like a sculpture, its air is as high as the sea and mountains, and its body is green and shining brightly.

The Fire Dinosaur spewed out a ball of fiery flames, with firm eyes, and walked towards a rocky spot on the back mountain. There was a faint red light flickering on the fiery red body.

It is about to evolve, and what it needs to do now is to continue to temper itself and accumulate its strength to the extreme.



A pair of good friends, Kami Turtle and Frog Grass, walked towards the jungle stream with their shoulders hooked, looking like a happy outing.

That is, bastards walk beside the water turtle.

After a while, Xiaozhi's Pokémon army scattered like birds and beasts, and scattered in the backyard of the Damu Research Institute.

Seeing that they followed suit, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also released their Pokémon and let them play freely.

"Then you go play too!"

At this time, Archer also threw a poke ball, and the red light flashed, but it was an upright dog-shaped Pokémon with a white body and brown ears hanging down. The end of its long tail was stained with green paint. In your hand, it's like holding a paintbrush.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he had the aura of a great artist.

"Didi. Tutu dog, copying Pokémon, is a true master of copying. Currently, it has been ordered by competitions in many regions to prohibit participation."

The picture book suggested.

Everyone: "?"

Archer just scratched his head and explained:

"Hehe, if my DSLR runs out of battery on weekdays, I can just rely on it to draw a few sketches, shouldn't it be a problem?"

As soon as the words fell, a strong and murderous atmosphere suddenly filled the surroundings, and the air became a little cold, making people feel a creepy coolness.

I don't know when, all the surrounding Pokémon also left the place because of fear. Just when Xiaozhi and his party were still in a daze, a few black shadows suddenly appeared in the surrounding grass, and the position of the head and eye sockets was even worse. With intense scarlet eyes shining, they surrounded everyone in a circle.

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