He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 283: The Highest State of Intimacy



The sound of teeth and claws rubbing against rocks came from the surroundings, and the tension suddenly became stronger. As the group of black shadows all stood up, Xiaozhi and his party saw their old acquaintances.

Fossil Helm, Scythe Helm, Ammonite, Spiny Ammonite...

There are more than 20 of them in total, surrounding everyone in an enveloping shape.

It was the fossil Pokémon captured in the deep pit of the Grand Canyon that day, that truly escaped the shackles of time, and survived from ancient times to the present millennium living fossil.

Goodbye today, but Xiaozhi found that these fossil Pokémon seemed to have grown a bit bigger, and their body muscles had become more substantial and extremely powerful.

Although still staring at a pair of blood-red eyes, they have the prehistoric blood power that will only be stimulated when they are hostile, not as before, just because they have not gotten up for a long time, and their eyes are bloodshot after being too tired.

"It seems that life here is very good..." Xiaozhi smiled.

This group of fossil Pokémon is in good condition, obviously much better than the one with kidney deficiency in the deep pit of the Grand Canyon before, which also made Xiaozhi feel relieved.

Before, he was afraid that Dr. Oki would use it for high-intensity blind research, which would be detrimental to this group of fossil Pokémon.

"Hey, you all remember me hahaha!! You, you, and the one next to you with a notched scythe, I subdued you, haha, how are you all doing well!"

Xiaozhi took a few steps forward and greeted him beamingly.

The three of Xiaogang: "?"

This prehistoric savage atmosphere chills the air, it looks very dangerous, the visitor is not kind, did you see that the ordinary Pokémon around are all running away?

Then you say hi here?

The Pokémon was not around, and the three of them who didn't know what was going on hurriedly took a few steps back to keep a distance from the smiling Xiaozhi.

It was the first time for Archer to see this group of prehistoric Pokémon. Although he was a little scared, he still picked up the single shot and took pictures frantically while backing away.

"Turtle... Frozen Bird has tamed... and these prehistoric Pokémon, Xiaozhi has hidden it so deeply..."

Archer turned his head and was shocked by Xiaozhi again.

And these fossil Pokémon should still be the most cherished, the kind with strong prehistoric blood, each one has a promising future...

"What's the matter, is there anything to be afraid of?"

Xiaozhi looked at his backing companion, then glanced at the red-eyed fossil Pokémon in front of him, and waved his hands indifferently.

"It's okay, half of them are subdued by me, and they won't hurt anyone."

He even flung a handful of grapefruit around.

Eating is always the best way to get closer to Pokémon.

Sure enough, as the pomelo fruit fell to the ground, many fossil Pokémon moved forward to pick up the food.



Just when this group of fossil Pokémon were about to take action, a long howl suddenly came from the distant sky. It seemed to be a roar from ancient times. Everyone took a few steps back.


The sound and breath made all the Fossil Pokémon panic. They didn't dare to pick up the pomelo fruit, and they all backed away and fled into the grassland. After a while, they disappeared completely.

What's wrong?

Before Xiaozhi could react, a huge black shadow fell from the sky and covered him. It was a shadow with wings, and the wings were still flapping.

Immediately, a strong and extremely murderous intent enveloped the surroundings. For a moment, the entire grassland seemed to have turned into a hell full of blood, leaving only a piece of red.


The three of Xiaogang were shocked, and their bodies couldn't help shivering under the barren and bloody atmosphere.

Even Xiaozhi in the middle was the same, the breath was extremely strong, his expression became a little uncomfortable, a few drops of sweat flowed down, and he couldn't move his body for a while.

What a terrible smell...

Xiaozhi actually saw a lot of scary auras along the way, but he was still shocked.


There was another roar, and the Pokémon in the sky flapped its wings, lowered its body, folded its wings in an arrow-like shape, and rushed towards Xiaozhi at such a high speed that the friction between its body and the air even made a sound. Bursts of sonic booms.


As soon as the strength came, Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, and he stopped hesitating immediately, biting a crack on his tongue as soon as he pressed his mouth hard, and the instant pain finally made him break free from the shackles of fear.

Then his figure quickly rolled to one side, dodging the attack at his limit.

The attack whizzed past, and the flying sand and green leaves splashed even skipped over his face, which was a little painful. One could imagine that if he was faced head-on, he might suffer today.


Xiaozhi rolled over and got up, turning his head to look at the Pokémon who was attacking him.

This is a gray-brown Pokémon, whose whole body is like a solid rock, like a bird or a beast, with a pair of wide wings growing on the back, and claws like rock blades growing on the wing joints.

The head, wings, hind legs, and back are all covered with strange rock spikes, with a fierce and domineering expression, a pair of blood-colored pupils glowing red, and a powerful aura of ancient beasts permeating his body.

Overlord of the sky, Fossil Pterosaur!

It was in the Grand Canyon that the prehistoric Pokémon he and Xiaomao tried their best to tame had a prehistoric blood concentration as high as 100%.

And according to Dr. Oki, its body structure is even half-step mega-evolutionary, which can be said to be a unique existence!


The fossilized pterosaur flapped its rocky wings and slowly landed on the lawn from the sky. Its body was much bigger than that of a vulture, and its eyes, like a giant eagle's fierce bird, stared closely at Xiaozhi.

"It seems that your mental state is very good..."

Xiaozhi wiped off the dust on his face, without showing any weakness, and looked directly at him.

It seems that after a period of cultivation, this fossilized pterosaur has recovered to a good state. Every move has the demeanor of the ancient sky overlord, which makes people chill.

"do you remember me?"

Hearing that the eyes of the fossilized pterosaur were deep, the red light in the eyes did not fade away, but became more intense.

In fact, it has an impression on Xiaozhi.

Team up with another human to beat your ailing self, and even subdue it with a deluxe ball.

The luxury ball has the function of increasing the intimacy between the trainer and Pokémon. To be honest, the fossil pterosaur wants to swallow Xiaozhi directly, but the existence of the luxury ball makes it feel a sense of intimacy with Xiaozhi .


The fossilized pterosaur stretched its neck and roared at Xiaozhi again, its eyes suddenly turned blood red, even a layer of red light energy permeated around the taupe rock body, turning into a beast coat covering the body surface .

A round of blood eyes and a beast's coat appeared on it at the same time!

In an instant, the sense of ancient wildness was strong, and the air became chilling again, and the air flowed across everyone's cheeks, which felt a little painful and hot.

This is something that only Pokémon with ultra-high prehistoric blood concentration can do, but it is easy in the hands of fossil pterosaurs.


It's a shame and a shame that I was subdued by a human being! !

The tension of the prehistoric blood left him with only one thought in his mind.

eat him! !

That's right, eat him, let the flesh and blood mix, turn into your own tissue cells, and coexist in one body...

This is the highest state of intimacy! !

Thinking of this, the saliva of the fossil pterosaur drools because of the ambergris...

Xiaozhi: "?"

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