He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3057 Three demon fire red foxes? !

Chapter 2854 Three demon fire red foxes? !

In the city of Miare, huge plants are still rioting, sweeping away everything on the land.

Zygarde is just a switch. Even after regaining consciousness, this kind of punishment from the earth will still continue.


Some even intensified, with a second wave of violent plant roots pulling out from the ground on the city streets, attacking all nearby creatures with giant-like strength.

"Thunder Drum, use electricity to rise!!"

On the street on the other side of the Miare venue, Serena was commanding the Long-necked Thunder God to unleash AoE's violent current.


In an instant, lightning beams rose from several locations on the ground at the same time, blocking the impact of several huge plants around them.

Serena looked happy and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaozhi’s big baby is really useful!

"Hurry up and go to the east side of the venue, there is a safe area over there!"


Serena and the Demon Fire Red Fox quickly reminded them, asking the citizens who were hiding in the ruins to survive the disaster to express their gratitude, and trotted towards the location of Doroba and Korni's elite trainers.

Since she had just experienced the finals of the Miare Tournament, Serena's Pokémon now had basically no fighting power, and even the Demon Fire Red Fox only had the strength to help.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi lent her the Thunder Drum, which has a power comparable to that of a mythical beast, so Serena can still help the weak in this environment.


The thunder drum roared loudly, and several lightning bolts rose up all around again, smashing the huge plants into pieces.

At this moment, a layer of golden energy filter has already filled the surroundings, and countless electric arcs are flowing in the air.

This is the electrical field of the Thunder Drum, which can double the power of the power-up moves it performs, making it very suitable for scenes like this where violent plants are attacking from all sides.

"Well done, Thunder Drum~!"

Serena gave a thumbs up in praise.


Meng Leigu's slender neck was straightened out, and half of his tall head was covered by the dense thunderclouds around his chin, making it difficult to see his specific expression.

It is different from the three holy beasts of justice that patrol the world, punishing evil and promoting good everywhere.

As an "ancient kind of thunder god", Meng Leigu does not have the heart of justice. When he sees human beings encountering crises, he would just stand by and watch.

However, after spending so long with Xiaozhi and his group, his primitive and lonely heart gradually melted away.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal to help your companions occasionally."

Meng Lei Gu comforted himself.

Subconsciously, it has regarded Xiaozhi and even Serena and Citron as companions.


The electricity rose and exploded again, blasting all the surrounding plants into rubble.

"Okay! Let's go over there and have a look."

Seeing Meng Leigu's superior strength, Serena became bolder and took the former to search for people in distress in the surrounding area.

Although there was a gap between the conference champion and the regional champion by several levels, speaking of it, she was now considered the champion of Kalos, and she unconsciously felt the urge to do something for this area.

Meng Leigu nodded and walked in front to clear the way. With every step he took, violent lightning would rise from the ground around him, with a wild momentum!

Everything went smoothly up front, and many people in distress were rescued along the way.

Until they came to a crumbling high-rise building, the outer wall of the three-story building had been broken. There were three uncles holding the wall tightly and screaming, and they were in a dilemma.

Even on the day of the Miare Conference finals, these three social uncles were still required to work overtime and work hard.

It wasn't until the floor shook and shattered that I noticed the movement outside, but by then it was already too late.

The place to go downstairs was blocked by falling rocks, and it was too high to jump out from the broken wall. There were no Pokémon to assist in the descent.

So the three people were trapped and died on it.

"Don't worry, I'll come to rescue you right away!"

Serena shouted comfort downstairs and subconsciously turned to look at the demon fire red fox beside her.

"Fox Library"

The Demon Fire Red Fox looked troubled and shook his head.

Normally, it could easily bring down all three people upstairs just by using its special skill of telekinesis, but now it only has the strength to walk and cannot release its telekinesis power at all.


Meng Lei Gu roared and walked forward on his own initiative.

He leaned his head against the high crack, steadied his body, and tried to stretch his neck to almost the right height!


"Although it looks a bit fierce!"

The appearance of the fierce thunder drum is quite strange and fierce, but the three social beasts also know that now is not the time to be afraid, so they all tentatively landed on the head of the fierce thunder drum.

call out!

Then he slid down the slender neck of Meng Leigu like he was on a slide.

Seeing this, Serena let out a sigh of relief and smiled as she looked at the Paradox Pokémon in front of her who was helping to rescue her.

The current Thunder Drum has a righteous heart just like the legendary three holy beasts!

Whoops! !

However, a sudden change occurred. A huge plant rhizome suddenly grew out of the back of this dangerous building. It bypassed the thunder drum and pierced straight towards Serena's position!


The demon fire red fox's face immediately darkened, and he used his last strength to press the wooden stick, and a beam of flame was sprayed from the front end.


It's just that the power of its jet flames is weak at this moment. It is directly scattered by the huge plants and cannot be resisted at all.

The plant that was several times thicker than the entire person came out of the air, the black shadow fell, and Serena's pretty face turned pale in an instant.


Meng Leigu's expression also changed, and he became anxious. The third social animal was jumping down from the building. At this time, it was difficult for him to turn around and rescue him.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, with big characters bursting into flames!"

"Demon Fire Red Fox, with big characters bursting into flames!"

At the critical moment, a high-pitched command voice suddenly came from behind.

This was not a deliberate attempt to hit the target twice, but Serena actually heard the sound on both sides.

The next moment, hot wind was blowing from behind the streets on both sides, and two powerful beams of large-character explosive flames roared out at the same time, both of which were very powerful.

Boom! !

Two large-character blasts of flame hit the huge plant at the same time, finally igniting it completely and defeating it, causing a burst of flames to explode in the air.

The three social animal employees next to them were frightened. They quickly accelerated their pace and slid down from Meng Leigu's neck, landing smoothly on the ground.

Their feet were weak and they almost fell when they landed.

"Thanks, little girl!"

"Let's flee first."

"I will never work again in my life!"

The three of them thanked each other and ran away in a hurry, not daring to stay in this hellish place for another second.

At this time, Serena no longer had time to pay attention to these three people, but looked back.

But she saw two demon fire red foxes on the left and right, both waving wooden sticks, which made Serena a little confused.


Her demon fire red fox was also stunned. Three identical demon fire red foxes were in a triangular position, looking at each other.

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