He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3058 The successor of King Fire?

Chapter 2855 The successor of King Fire?

These two demon fire red foxes naturally have trainers.

The demon fire red fox on the left has soft and beautiful fur, and has a gorgeous and glamorous temperament. Behind it is a red-haired woman walking slowly.

The demon fire red fox on the right has darker fur, narrowed eyes, and a cold and arrogant look. A voluptuous pink-haired woman also comes out from behind.

Serena quickly looked at the two trainers. The one on the right was very familiar to her. It was the famous announcer who frequently appeared during the Miare Conference and the Fire King of Carlos, Pachira!

"Miss Paciella, and"

Serena looked at the woman next to her again, who was much younger than Pachira.

Wearing simple passerby clothes, with long red twintails, a dome hat and large-framed glasses, he was obviously deliberately concealing his identity.

But even without makeup and covered by glasses, it can still be seen that she has a beautiful face.

Even this face is somewhat familiar to Serena

"Are you Miss Elle?!"

Serena blurted out and exclaimed, it was Queen Carlos who had ravaged Shana to the point of almost having a psychological shadow!

"Hehe~ I didn't expect that the scene when we first met would be like this~"

Aier smiled and took the initiative to say hello:

"This is the first time we meet. I'm Aier. Actually, I've wanted to get to know Serena for a long time~"

As the Queen of Carlos, although she is not a combat-type trainer, but a performer who only focuses on gorgeous performances, Elle's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary trainers.

After the catastrophe, she also joined the elite trainer team that actively rescued.

On the other side, the Fire King Pachira

"Haha~ You two, I have admired your name for a long time."

Pachila pushed up her glasses and chuckled.

Queen Carlos and the champion of the Miare Conference are both famous figures recently.

Not many people know that she is a member of Team Flare, and both of them regard Pachira as the king of the alliance in their own camp.

"It's really a fate. I didn't expect that our partners are both demon fire red foxes~"

Aier looked at the two demonic red foxes and smiled happily.

She was rescuing nearby just now. When she heard the noise, she commanded her demon fire red fox to help rescue. Unexpectedly, the Fire King was also nearby and performed moves together.

Although she really wanted to have an in-depth communication with Serena now, the situation around her was not good, so she could only suppress the idea of ​​talking for the time being.

"The Demon Fire Red Fox, use your mental strength to sense if there are any other living beings around you!"


Her Demon Fire Red Fox nodded and began to release her telekinesis, spreading around.

Serena was quite pleasantly surprised. They were able to form a temporary three-person team to assist in the rescue.

"Uh, Miss Pachira, is there anything wrong?"

But seeing Pachira's worried expression, Serena asked with concern.


Pachira did not answer, but turned around and commanded her demon fire red fox to also help with the rescue.

There has been no new stereoscopic projection coming from the top of the Prism Tower, and Team Flare's communication signal has also been cut off.

"Fradali, did you fail?"

She thought silently in her mind, looking disappointed.

Was it stopped by Karuni? But maybe it was a good ending?

Although she supported Vladali, she did not agree with the latter's actions. Even as the king of the alliance, she could not do anything in this major incident of Team Flare. She could only choose to watch silently.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, you should go and help too!"

Pachira gave a low shout and signaled the demon fire red fox in front of him with a cold expression to help rescue him.

However, now that things are settled, she can also help the other side.

But her position as the king of the alliance will also come to an end when this disaster comes to an end.

Although he originally took over the position of Fire King in order to help Fradali gather information about the top brass of the Carlos Alliance, after being the King for so many years, he has developed feelings for this position.

"Perhaps I should find a new person to succeed the Fire King?"

Pachira's eyes couldn't help but fall on Serena in front of her.

The latter, as the champion of the Miare Conference, although his current strength is still some way behind the King of Heaven, he is extremely talented and can reach his current level after traveling for a year.

There is no problem in succeeding to the throne of Heavenly King, right?

Being able to help Carlos choose a suitable new king is the last thing she can do to make up for it.

It happened that a safe area was cleared nearby by two demon fire red foxes, combined with the attack of fierce thunder drums, so Pachira walked up and asked Serena seriously:

"Contestant Serena, I wonder what your next plans are? Will you continue to stay in the Kalos region?"

There are generally two ways to hand over the position of the old and new King. One is that the winner of the competition directly challenges the target King. If he wins, he can take over the position of the old King and become the new King.

However, the process is more cumbersome, and the time for the King Challenge also requires additional arrangements.

The second is that the old king takes the initiative to pass his position to the new king. With the guarantee of the previous king, the process will be much simpler.

Next, the new king only needs to ensure that he does not lose when he accepts challenges from outsiders, so that he can keep his seat.

"Ah, why do you ask so suddenly?"

Serena was a little confused. Is this asking about her career plan?

Indeed, Carlos' journey is almost over, but she has not yet decided on the rest of the trip.

Maybe continue traveling with Xiaozhi?

So Pachila pushed up her glasses and said straight to the point:

"So, do you have any idea about the position of King Carlos?"

The words were so shocking that not only Serena looked stunned, but even Aier next to her looked at her in confusion.

Um? Is Pachira here to poach people?

In fact, Elle originally wanted to ask Serena if she was interested in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament. She needed to find herself an opponent who could match her!

Unexpectedly, Pachira took the lead!

"Ah, King of Heaven? It has nothing to do with me, right?"

Serena was a little dumbfounded. There was still a big gap between her current level and the king of the alliance, right?

"Haha~ As long as Serena thinks about it, the position of the King is not that far away~ Think about it carefully."

Pachira chuckled lightly, stopped asking, and did not continue to ask.

It's enough to inform Serena now, so that Serena can have a goal in advance.

After that, if she retains Serena's recommendation, she can completely give up her position as King of Heaven.

Serena has a well-established identity, so she doesn’t have to worry that the Kalos Alliance will think that Serena is connected to Team Flare because of her recommendation.


Although the three of them were still rescuing, they each had their own thoughts. Serena's expression also darkened, and she had many thoughts.

The Fire King who takes over from Carlos?

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