He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3059 A request from Loli!

After the first wave of large-scale ravages of violent plants, the entire city of Miare was severely damaged, with broken streets and buildings everywhere.

However, the general outline of the city was not destroyed, but the situation was tragic when viewed from the air.

"It seems that this was just the first wave of attacks by these giant plants... We must stop them before the next wave!"

Citron said sternly as he controlled an unknown detection machine in his hand.

Like his Prism Tower, the huge plant roots covering it have transformed into towering red trees, which is the so-called "punishment completed".

So speaking of it, the Prism Tower is the safest place now, as the huge plants there have been fixed and formed.

The huge plants in other places are still growing and twitching, and have not grown mature red leaves. It is estimated that only after the "punishment is completed", they will grow red leaves and stop the riot.

Beside him, Flame Chicken Mask and Mega Flame Chicken were guarding the outermost perimeter.

Xiaozhi bent down, looked at the two Zygarde core individuals in Yulijia's arms, and said solemnly:

"Kygarde, we must get rid of these plants now!"

As for his fat Hali being taken away by the other party for several months and being played with until he turned into a bald old man... he can let it go for the time being.

The top priority is to end this catastrophe as soon as possible!

The two little Zigerds were held between Yurika's chests with one hand. The hexagonal gem on their abdomens was covered, and only their upper bodies were exposed. They could be said to be exactly the same in appearance.

But their temperaments are completely different.

Xiaoruan's eyes are clear and peaceful, harmless to humans and animals.

And just after being released from the state of dementia, although the red light from Z2's body has dissipated and his aggressiveness has weakened a lot, he still has his one eye wrinkled and cynical.

It's no wonder that Z2's favorability towards humans is even lower now that his mind has been inexplicably controlled by the most annoying human being.


Facing Xiaozhi's request, it simply snorted and ignored it.

Although he hates humans, Z2 has never thought of opening the valve of earth's punishment and giving humans the most painful punishment.

But this time it was opened by humans, so we can’t blame it!

Z2 plans to wait and see what happens and not intervene anymore.

Although Z2 did not answer, Xiaoruan raised his head.

"To summon these plants, we only need to enter 50% of the form alone...but to close it, one person alone is not enough, we must enter 100% of the complete form."

Xiaoruan's telepathic voice sounded in the minds of Xiaozhi and others at the same time.

"Idiot! He actually gave the information to the hateful humans so easily!"

Z2 immediately reprimanded with the same telepathic response.

This time, although he still had the tone of a boy, his voice sounded low and angry.

Before Xiaozhi could say anything, Yulijia had already excitedly increased her strength and hugged the two Zygard cores tightly.

"Ahhh!! Xiaoruan and Xiaomian can actually talk!! You are so awesome~!!"

Xiao Mian? !

Z2's eyes instantly stood up, don't give it a random name!

Especially when he saw Z1 next to him with intoxicated eyes and completely immersed in Loli's warm embrace, he became even more furious.

The two brothers have survived in the land of Kalos for so long. What kind of things have they never seen before, and they actually like human contact?

Phew! !

Seeing the Mega Flame Chicken next to him fly up and block a thick plant again with its flame kick, Xiaozhi gradually became anxious.

In other words, the two Zigerds are capable of eliminating this disaster and cannot delay it any longer!

But this Z2 simply closed his eyes and behaved like an ostrich. He didn't want to pay attention to the disaster situation around him at all. Xiaozhi could only think of countermeasures quickly.

According to common sense, since the little soft one with red core likes Loli’s hug,

Then the Z2 with blue core will probably like the hug of a strong man!

But before Xiaozhi could roll up his sleeves and prepare to use his chest muscles to take good care of Z2, Yulijia took action one step ahead.

She stretched out her other hand and first gently picked the soft chin area. It was slippery and felt very soft.


Xiaoruan immediately followed Youlijia's fingers and raised her little head, squinting her eyes and trembling with comfort.

Youlijia chuckled, this was Xiaoruan's favorite part to be touched.

Then she extended her finger towards Z2. Since her body was clamped by Yurika's other arm, she could not dodge. Z2 could only stare with a fierce but panicked single eye, threatening Yurika not to come closer.

Until its chin, there was a touch...


This time, Z2 was shaking like Xiaoruan and raised his head, moaning uncontrollably.

In my ears, there is Yulijia’s soft coquettish voice:

"Xiao Mian, please help us~ These huge plants are so annoying, help us get rid of them all~"

Loli's massage and soft voice combined, Z2, who was originally meticulous, couldn't help but startled, and his expression gradually relaxed.

"Listen to her! Although humans have many bad habits, they are still far from the point where we need to use the power of the earth to punish them!"

In his mind, Xiaoruan's voice of support came.

This is the key. Even Z2, who hates humanity, has never thought of starting the punishment of the earth.

In the eyes of the extreme Fradali, human beings' evil deeds may have reached an irreversible point.

But in the eyes of the two ecological monitors, there is still a certain distance from that boundary.


Hearing this, Z2 fell into a brief silence.

While enjoying the provocation of Yulijia's fingers, he hesitated.

It rarely comes into contact with humans, but this time, with the help of Bricalon's body, it has traveled through almost half of the city in Kalos, and has a better understanding of current humans.

Generally speaking, the Kalos region is still a fashionable and wealthy place, and there are not actually that many gloomy existences.

Of course, darkness refers to behavior, not skin color. There are still quite a few black guys in Carlos.

Although this time it was forcibly controlled by people from Team Flare, it was also mentally controlled by other humans.

Z2 slowly looked at Xiaozhi. When it was lodged in Bricalon's body, it traveled with the former for a period of time.

It seems that humans are not all villains?


Under Yulijia's hot eyes, Z2 snorted coldly, and finally turned his head and nodded.

Seeing this, several people were relieved and looked happy.

"Then it's up to you, Xiaoruan, Xiaomian!"

Yulijia carefully placed the two core individuals on the ground, and everyone gathered around with expectant eyes ()

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