He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3061 Fierce fight at the top of the tower, Karuni vs. Mewtwo!

Chapter 2858 Fierce fight at the top of the tower, Karuni vs. Mewtwo!

On the other end, after being separated from Xiaozhi, Kaluni rushed to the Prism Tower immediately.

call out!

Relying on Gardevoir's mental strength, the two of them flew towards the top of the tower like supermen.

It wasn't until she reached the top platform of the tower that Karuni saw Fradali standing up "suspended" at the first sight.

No, it wasn't suspended, but it was forcibly lifted up.

"This is?"

Karuni landed on the platform on the other side of the tower. Looking around, she saw a "human" wearing a gray cloak standing in front of Fradali, with a hood on his head, so he couldn't see clearly. Specific faces.

However, an unusually slender arm stretched out from the cloak, and there were only three fingers on the open palm, with the fingertips shaped like fleshy balls.

"Huh? Not human?"

Kaluni frowned, is it some special Pokémon?

It's just that this human-shaped Pokémon seems to be attacking Fradali?

The opponent's raised palm gathered telepathy in the air, as if an invisible big hand grabbed Fradali's neck and lifted it to more than half a meter from the ground.

And the intensity of this thought power is still increasing, and Fradali's neck is visibly dented.


Fradali's entire face turned blue and red, he could hardly breathe and could only make chaotic struggling sounds.

His red face, combined with his fiery red hair and beard, made him look more like a flaming lion.

This scene made Karuni a little surprised. Was this a Pokémon seeking revenge?

And judging from the opponent's movements and aura, he was planning to kill Fradali completely!

"Wait a minute. Although I don't know what happened, there is no need for you to kill Fradali!"

Kaluni quickly stopped her with a light drink.

Regardless of the fact that she and Fradali were old acquaintances, even if the other party had made a big mistake, there would naturally be laws to punish him.

As a regional champion, Kaluni could not accept someone killing people on the spot in front of her, and even slowly increased her strength and used torture techniques to kill people.


Chaomeng under the cloak naturally noticed the person coming from behind, but he seemed to be completely unable to hear him, and continued to use his telekinesis in silence.

His anger reached its peak. The most powerful meeting he had worked hard to prepare for months was now ruined by the red-haired lion in front of him.

Now he wants to torture Fradali and let him die in pain so that he can understand the stupidity he has done!

Under Chaomeng's unparalleled power, Vladali had no ability to fight back at all. He suddenly transformed from a majestic flaming lion into a weak fire chicken.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of stopping, Kaluni could only take action forcefully:

"Gardevoir, use the immobilization method!"

Gardevoir nodded, raised an arm, and the strange confinement power froze Mewtwo in the air.

But after a long time, it seemed to have no effect.

Fradali's eyes turned white when he was picked up, and he almost fainted.

"Immune to Gardevoir's moves?"

Karuni was startled, and suddenly recalled what Ash had mentioned before, that there might be a powerful Pokémon with super powers at the top of the tower.

"Superpower attribute? In that case, Shadow Ball!!"

Seeing that Fradali was dying, she immediately increased her efforts.

Gardevoir understood and raised his hand to make a move. The shadow ball with outstanding effect had condensed into shape and was thrown out quickly.

However, the two of them had the same mind. Even without Kaluni's special reminder, Gardevoir knew that this move was not to attack the opponent, but just to interrupt the opponent's actions.

"Maybe it's a Pokémon that was bullied by Team Flare and came here to take revenge?"

Karuni thought to herself.

And the shadow ball that flew out landed on the ground beside Chaomeng without any bias.

The latter did not turn around or defend himself, and let the moves fall.


The explosion caused by the ground finally made Chaomeng take action.

Although he was still holding Fradali in the air with one hand, he slowly turned around and looked at Karuni.

"This Pokémon?!"

Karuni finally saw Mewtwo's face clearly under the cloak, which looked a bit like a feline head, with a hint of purple in the white skin.

Especially the vivid facial expressions, which can be said to be exactly the same as human beings!

At this moment, Chaomeng's face naturally showed an annoyed look after being disturbed.

The other hand was raised, and in an instant, several translucent shock waves of telepathy were condensed in the air, blasting towards Gardevoir.

Kaluni was shocked because her opponent's moves were performed too fast.

"Block it, keep your mind strong!!"

This was not shouted out, as the response speed would be too slow, but what was in Karuni's mind.

Gardevoir in front of him also immediately gathered his mental power and turned into a mental shock wave to greet him.

Boom boom! !

Two invisible telekinesis collisions collided, but the opponent's power was overwhelming. In an instant, Gardevoir's mental power was shattered, and then the powerful telekinesis hit Gardevoir's chest, knocking him upside down. go out.

"What a powerful mind!"

Kaluni was shocked. She finally knew why Xiaozhi had a solemn expression before to remind herself.

Fortunately, the shadow ball played by Gardevoir previously only attacked the floor, so Mewtwo's attack was spared.


Gardevoir's body was light and he flew upside down for several meters before doing a backflip and landed on the ground.

"He's a ruthless character, so evolve!"

Kaluni looked solemn. Seeing that the other hand was still holding Fradali's throat tightly, and his movements became more and more rough, she could only grit her teeth and continue fighting.

He grabbed the keystone pendant on his collar with his palm, and a dazzling light suddenly appeared on Gardevoir.


As the pink light exploded, Gardevoir completed its mega evolution. The hem of the skirt was fluffy and spread out like a lady's skirt, and the momentum instantly rose to a new level!

"I don't want to fight you. Although Fradali is at fault, there will naturally be corresponding laws to punish him, instead of killing him directly now!"

Kaluni made one last solemn statement, her eyes becoming serious.

Even she, the regional champion, has no enforcement powers.

After seeing the flashy Mega Gardevoir, Chaomeng smiled instead of angry, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.


With a flick of his hand, Fradali was thrown against a nearby wall as if he were throwing away trash.

Kaluni's expression became more solemn, and Mega Gardevoir instantly tightened her body, extremely alert.

The other party's actions did not mean that he had listened to her and was ready to let Fradali go.

That passionate look

This is to get rid of myself who is getting in the way first, and then crush Fradali to death!

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